“ | 我认识一个小孩,说骸骨护符可以让子弹从他的皮肤反弹。他朝自己的肚子开枪,结果隔天就死了。 | ” |
—比莉·勒克 |
骸骨护符(Bone Charms)是鲸鱼骨和其他动物骨头制作的神秘物体,每一个都对使用者的身体条件和技能有着独特的影响力。科尔沃在顿沃可以找到很多这种小物件,它们会给科尔沃提供各种战术帮助。
- 高级督军办公室后院卡住的那个骨符。拾起骨符前可以先存档,然后不停重刷直到得到想要的特效骨符。如果想单周目完成幽灵/低混乱/兵不血刃,因为强壮的手臂对于后续进度会提供很大的帮助。
- 水淹区从道德身上得到的骨符,无论是偷来的还是打败他以后搜身得来的。如果想不被发现的摸口袋很难,但是如果用时停2级和瞬移会相对轻松一些。
- 离开道德基地以后进入的那个隧道,在一大群老鼠旁边的一个石头顶端的骨符。
- 道德从纺织品商区杰罗姆那里购买的骨符。
- 杂技演员——攀爬速度轻微提升
- Acrobat - Slightly faster climbing.
- 白化病——增加遇到白老鼠的几率
- Albinos - Increased chance of white rats.
- 血牛之心——提升魔法上限20%
- Blood Ox Heart - 20% increase to maximum mana.
- 腐尸杀手——杀掉老鼠获取一些肾上腺素
- Carrion Killer - Killing rats grants some adrenaline.
- 发条失灵——敌人的手榴弹所需引爆时间小幅增加
- Clockwork Malfunction - Enemy grenades take slightly more time to explode.
- 流星——跳杀恢复魔法20%
- Falling Star - Drop assassinating recharges mana by 20%.
- 敏捷战士——拔出武器不会影响移动速度
- Fleet Fighter - Drawn weapons do not slow movement speed.
- 健康的食欲I——吃完食物可以获取小幅额外回血
- Healthy Appetite I - Food heals slightly more.
- 健康的食欲II——吃完东西可以获取适当得额外回血
- Healthy Appetite II - Food heals moderately more.
- 鼠疫亲和力——恸哭者造成伤害后会得到小额回魔
- Plague Affinity - Damage by weepers grants a small amount of mana.
- 鼠疫抗体——恸哭者造成的伤害会降低
- Plague Resistant - Weepers inflict slightly less damage.
- 老鼠气息——只有距离老鼠相当近得时候才会被攻击
- Rat Scent - Rats attack only when approached in close proximity.
- 强化弩箭——钉入敌人体内的弓箭断裂几率降低
- Reinforced Bolts - Bolts stuck in enemies break less often.
- 精力充沛I——红药多回血5%
- Robust I - Potions grant 5% more health.
- 精力充沛II——红药多回血10%
- Robust II - Potions grant 10% more health.
- 拾荒者——50%的概率可以拾获额外的弹药
- Scavenger - 50% chance to receive extra ammo from pickups.
- 强魄I——蓝药多回魔5%
- Spirited I - Potions grant 5% more mana.
- 强魄II——蓝药多回魔10%
- Spirited II - Potions grant 10% more mana.
- 灵池——自动回魔速度小幅提升
- Spiritual Pool - Slightly faster mana regeneration.
- 神水——饮用自来水龙头水回魔20%(狗圈酒馆的啤酒龙头和波伊尔公馆的饮用水龙头也算在内)
- Spirit Water - Drinking from faucets recharges mana by 20%.(The beer taps in The Hound Pits Pub and the drink tap at the Boyle Mansion count as faucets.)
- 强壮的手臂——掐晕敌人速度增加
- Strong Arms - Faster choking speed.
- 狂暴不止——肾上腺素降下来的时间小幅增长
- Sustained Rage - Adrenaline takes slightly longer to cool down.
- 敏捷阴影——潜行的移动速度增加
- Swift Shadow - Increased movement speed in stealth mode.
- 投掷手——扔东西的距离小幅增加
- Throwing Hand - Thrown objects travel slightly farther.
- 硬汉——血槽增加15%
- Tough Skin - 15% increase to maximum health.
- 扭转的命运I——极低的概率,一瓶蓝药恢复满魔
- Twist of Fortune I - Very rarely, using a potion grants full mana.
- 扭转的命运II——有时候,一瓶蓝药恢复满魔
- Twist of Fortune II - Sometimes, using a potion grants full mana.
- 送葬者——扛尸体的移动速度加快
- Undertaker - Increased movement speed while carrying a corpse.
- 不安的目标I——敌人小概率情况射歪
- Unnerving Target I - Enemies have a slight chance to miss with guns.
- 不安的目标II——敌人有一定几率射歪
- Unnerving Target II - Enemies have a moderate chance to miss with guns.
- 复仇——受到伤害时会获得一小部分肾上腺素
- Vengeance - Being damaged grants a small amount of adrenaline.
- 生命之水——喝水回血7.5%(狗圈酒馆的啤酒龙头和波伊尔庄园的饮用水龙头也算在内)
- Water of Life - Drinking from fountains grants 7.5% health.(The beer taps in The Hound Pits Pub and the drink tap at the Boyle Mansion count as faucets.)
- 好客的宿主——附身老鼠时间延长至至少30秒(通常只有20秒)
- Welcoming Host - Possession lasts 30 seconds on white rats (normally 20).
- 旋风I——挥刀速度小幅增加
- Whirlwind I - Swing speed for swords is slightly faster.
- 飓风II——挥刀速度适当增加
- Whirlwind II - Swing speed for swords is moderately faster.
- 杂技杀手:乌鸦——跳杀可以获得一点回血
- Acrobatic Killer: Raven - Drop assassination gives you a bit of health.
- 杂技杀手:河流亲和力——游泳速度小幅提升
- Acrobatic Killer: River Affinity - Swim speed increases slightly.
- 杂技杀手:快速闪避——敌人的弓箭经常失手
- Acrobatic Killer: Quick Dodge - Enemies miss more often with arrows and bolts.
- 神秘刺客:下水道盛宴——吃白老鼠回魔5%
- Arcane Assassin: Gutter Feast - Eating white rats restores 5% mana.
- 神秘刺客:虚空通道——能力持久度增幅20%,瞬移距离增加20%,爆破飓风能力增强20%
- Arcane Assassin: Void Channel - 20% increased duration for powers, increased range for Blink and Windblast.
- 神秘刺客:白鼠之友——白老鼠不会攻击你
- Arcane Assassin: White Rat Friend - White rats won't attack you.
- 后街屠夫:防爆抗性——因爆炸受到的伤害轻微降低
- Backstreet Butcher: Blast Resistant - Damage from explosions reduced slightly.
- 后街屠夫:剑术家——刀对刀正面战斗中占优
- Backstreet Butcher: Fencer - Advantage in sword vs. sword combat.
- 后街屠夫:烈酒——威士忌酒瓶的爆炸范围增加
- Backstreet Butcher: Fire Water - Increased explosion range for whiskey bottles.
- 影鼠:呼吸顺畅——水下存活时间小幅增长
- Shadow Rat: Good Lungs - Breath capacity in water increased slightly.
- 影鼠:轻柔触碰——打碎玻璃的声音适当降低
- Shadow Rat: Delicate Touch - Breaking glass sound is moderately reduced.
- 影鼠:偷窥狂——从钥匙孔偷窥的时候视野得以放大
- Shadow Rat: Voyeur - Magnification of sight when peeping through keyholes.
DLC《顿沃之刃》中,有一些骨符不会出现,之前分为两个等级的骨符效果现在直接是高等级的效果。之前那个DLC的有些骨符被换了新名字或者有额外效果,也有一些全新的骨符出现(Daud蜀黍玩骨符多年嘛→_→ 当然懂得搞一些好货)
- 血牛之心——提升魔法上限20%
- Blood Ox Heart - 20% increase to maximum mana.
- 猛禽——Daud跳杀后可以获得一点回血
- Bird of Prey - Drop assassination gives Daud a bit of health.
- 腐尸杀手——杀掉老鼠获取一些肾上腺素
- Carrion Killer - Killing rats grants some adrenaline.
- 陨落之星——跳杀恢复魔法20%
- Falling Star - Drop assassinating recharges mana by 20%.
- 敏捷战士——拔出武器时移动速度不会慢下来
- Fleet Fighter - Drawn weapons do not slow movement speed.
- 健康的食欲——吃完东西可以获取适当得额外回血
- Healthy Appetite - Food heals moderately more.
- 精力充沛的组员——召唤刺客来造成更大伤害
- Hearty Crew - Summoned assassins deal more damage.
- 身轻如影——从高空下落造成的伤害会降低
- Light as a Shadow - Take less damage from falls.
- 压制性的优势——正面交锋的时候更容易获胜
- Overpowering - Very easily win contested interactions.
- 强化弩箭——钉入敌人体内的弓箭断裂几率降低
- Reinforced Bolts - Bolts stuck in enemies break less often.
- 精力充沛——红药多回血10%
- Robust - Potions grant 10% more health.
- 拾荒者——50%的概率可以拾获额外的弹药
- Scavenger - 50% chance to receive extra ammo from pickups.
- 强魄——蓝药多回魔10%
- Spirited - Potions grant 10% more mana.
- 灵池——自动回魔速度小幅提升
- Spiritual Pool - Slightly faster mana regeneration.
- 神水——饮用自来水龙头水回魔20%
- Spirit Water - Drinking from faucets recharges mana by 20%.
- 强壮的手臂——掐晕敌人速度增加
- Strong Arms - Faster choking speed.
- 狂暴不止——肾上腺素降下来的时间小幅增长
- Sustained Rage - Adrenaline takes slightly longer to cool down.
- 敏捷阴影——潜行的移动速度增加
- Swift Shadow - Increased movement speed in stealth mode.
- 敏捷潜行——如果Daud的武器是收起来的,他的移动速度会增加
- Swift Stalker - If Daud's weapons are sheathed, his speed is boosted.
- 硬汉——血槽增加15%
- Tough Skin - 15% increase to maximum health.
- 送葬者——扛实体的移动速度加快
- Undertaker - Increased movement speed while carrying a corpse.
- 生命之水——喝水回血7.5%
- Water of Life - Drinking from fountains grants 7.5% health.
- 飓风——挥刀速度适当增加
- Whirlwind - Swing speed for swords is moderately faster.
- 潜航者——水中潜水的时候会回血
- Submariner - Regain health while submerged in water.
- 虚空汹涌——有时候,当使用能力时不会掉魔
- Void Surge - Sometimes, when using a power, no mana will be spent.
- 适应力强的宿主——动物附身持续时间稍微增加。
- Accommodating Host - Animal Possession lasts slightly longer.
- 灵敏意志——附身持续时间稍微增加。
- Agile Will - Possession lasts slightly longer.
- 顽强的盟友——召唤的分身持续时间增加。
- Enduring Allies - Summoned Doppelgängers last longer.
- 耐力强的盟友——召唤的分身生命值增加。
- Resilient Allies - Summoned Doppelgängers have more health.
- 恢复性微光——用黑暗视觉的时候回血。
- Restorative Glimmer - Health regenerates while using Dark Vision.
- 阴影之拥——暗影行走持续时间稍微增加。
- Shadow Embrace - Shadow Walk lasts slightly longer.
- 虚空之境狂热——敌人被催眠后有时会失去意识。
- Void Rapture - Sometimes enemies are rendered unconscious by Mesmerize.
- 杂技演员——攀爬速度稍微变快。
- Acrobat - Climbing speed is slightly faster.
- 神速恢复——堕落后恢复速度稍微加快。
- Agile Recovery - Recover from falls slightly quicker.
- 地面滑翔机——滑行速度稍微变快。
- Ground Glider - Slide speed is slightly faster.
- 敏捷阴影——潜行模式移动速度稍微变快。
- Swift Shadow - Movement is slightly faster in Stealth Mode.
- 敏捷潜行者——武器收起来是移动速度稍微变快。
- Swift Stalker - Movement is slightly faster with weapons sheathed.
- 殡葬业者——搬尸体时移动速度稍微变快。
- Undertaker - Move slightly faster while carrying a body.
- 水生动植物——游泳速度稍微变快。
- Aquatic Nature - Swim speed is slightly faster.
- 巨大海兽的心灵——在水底时恢复魔力。
- Leviathan's Mind - Regenerate Mana while underwater.
- 铁肺——在水底肺活量增加。
- Strong Lungs - Greater lung capacity underwater.
- 健康的食欲——食物恢复的生命值增加。
- Healthy Appetite - Food restores more Health.
- 液体营养品——喝泉水可恢复生命力。
- Liquid Sustenance - Drinking from a fountain restores Health.
- 强劲的——灵药恢复的生命力稍微增加。
- Robust - Elixirs restore slightly more Health.
- 灵水——喝泉水可恢复魔力。
- Spirit Water - Drinking from a fountain restores Mana.
- 生气勃勃的——灵药恢复的魔力稍微增加。
- Spirited - Elixirs restore slightly more Mana.
- 神灵池——魔力恢复速度稍微变快。
- Spiritual Pool - Mana regeneration is slightly faster.
- 神灵好运——有时候饮用魔力灵药会恢复所有魔力。
- Spiritual Fortune - Sometimes drinking a Mana elixir restores all Mana.
- 虚空之境恩惠——有时超能力完全不会耗用魔力。
- Void Favor - Sometimes supernatural powers consume no Mana.
- 刺客的好运——箭袋里的十字弓有可能多一支。
- Assassin's Fortune - Bolt packs have a slight chance of containing +1 crossbow bolt.
- 剑刃芭蕾——钢丝风暴有可能将受害人彻底毁尸灭迹。
- Blade Ballet - Springrazors have a slight change of eliminating a body.
- 燃烧——你的手榴弹杀伤力稍微增加。
- Combustion - Your grenades inflict slightly more damage.
- 决斗的运气——子弹包里的手枪子弹有可能多一枚。
- Duelist's Luck - Bullet packs have a slight chance of containing +1 pistol bullet.
- 火种——烧夷箭半径稍微增加。
- Firestarter - Incendiary Bolt radius is slightly larger.
- 电击——击晕地雷影响范围变大。
- Electrical Burst - Increases the area of effect for Stun Mines.
- 热鸡尾酒——爆炸瓶罐杀伤力范围稍微扩大。
- Hot Cocktail - Exploding bottles inflict damage over a wider area.
- 幸运针——有少许几率能收回昏睡飞镖。
- Lucky Needle - Slight chance to recover Sleep Darts.
- 响亮的尖叫声——嚎箭声音变大,半径变长。
- Resounding Shriek - Howling Bolts are louder and have a greater radius.
- 防爆破——你受到的爆炸伤害减少。
- Blast Resistant - You take less damage from explosions.
- 微妙的时机——敌人手榴弹爆炸所需时间稍微变久。
- Tricky Timing - Enemy grenades take slightly longer to explode.
- 不幸的手艺——敌人的手榴弹有时候会故障。
- Unfortunate Craftsmanship - Enemy grenades sometimes malfunction.
- 令人不安的目标——有时候敌人投掷手榴弹时随便会落在自己脚边。
- Unnerving Target - Enemies sometimes drop grenades and thrown debris at their feet.
- 颤抖的手——敌人发射投掷物失准机会增加。
- Unsteady Hand - Enemies miss with fired projectiles more often.
- 猛禽——堕落击杀恢复部分生命力。
- Bird of Prey - Drop Assassination restores some Health.
- 流星——堕落击杀恢复部分魔力。
- Falling Star - Drop Assassination restores some Mana.
- 决斗的技巧——你的子弹杀伤力稍微增加。
- Duelist's Skill - Your bullets inflict slightly more damage.
- 严格的目标——你的十字弓杀伤力稍微增加。
- Exacting Aim - Your crossbow bolts inflict slightly more damage.
- 剑客——成为格剑比赛赢家的难度降低。
- Fencer - Win locked-sword Contests more easily.
- 强壮的手臂——你将敌人掐到失去意识的速度稍微变快。
- Strong Arms - You choke enemies unconscious slightly faster.
- 风暴——剑攻击速度稍微变快。
- Whirlwind - Sword attack speed is slightly faster.
- 深墓穴——有机会摧毁重生中的死灵犬。
- Deep Grave - Slight chance that gravehounds are destroyed upon spawning.
- 搬迁疾病——女巫施魔法瞬移重新出现后会失去平衡绊倒。
- Relocation Sickness - Witches sometimes stumble off-balance after magical relocation.
- 白子——鼠群白老鼠增加。
- Albinos - Rat swarms include more white rats.
- 苦血——血蝇攻击距离稍微缩短,离蝇巢较近。
- Bitter Blood - Bloodflies attack at slightly shorter distances, closer to nests.
- 血祭——消灭血蝇或老鼠时恢复生命值。
- Blood Sacrifice - Killing bloodflies or rats restores Health.
- 水沟盛宴——食用白老鼠取得魔力。
- Gutter Feast - White rats can be eaten for Mana.
- 神灵献祭——消灭血蝇或老鼠时恢复魔力。
- Spiritual Sacrifice - Killing bloodflies or rats restores Mana.
P.S.:决斗的运气(Duelist's Luck)和虚空之境恩惠(Void Favor)需要皇家刺客包(Imperial Assassin's Pack)解锁。
- 杂技演员——攀爬速度稍微变快。
- Acrobat - Climbing speed is slightly faster.
- 神速恢复——堕落后恢复速度稍微加快。
- Agile Recovery - Recover from falls slightly quicker.
- 地面滑翔机——滑行速度稍微变快。
- Ground Glider - Slide speed is slightly faster.
- 敏捷阴影——潜行模式移动速度稍微变快。
- Swift Shadow - Movement is slightly faster in Stealth Mode.
- 敏捷潜行者——武器收起来是移动速度稍微变快。
- Swift Stalker - Movement is slightly faster with weapons sheathed.
- 殡葬业者——搬尸体时移动速度稍微变快。
- Undertaker - Move slightly faster while carrying a body.
- 健康的食欲——食物恢复的生命值增加。
- Healthy Appetite - Food restores more Health.
- 强劲的——灵药恢复的生命力稍微增加。
- Robust - Elixirs restore slightly more Health.
- 剑刃芭蕾——钢丝风暴有可能将受害人彻底毁尸灭迹。
- Blade Ballet - Springrazors have a slight change of eliminating a body.
- 燃烧——你的手榴弹杀伤力稍微增加。
- Combustion - Your grenades inflict slightly more damage.
- 火种——烧夷箭半径稍微增加。
- Firestarter - Incendiary Bolt radius is slightly larger.
- 热鸡尾酒——爆炸瓶罐杀伤力范围稍微扩大。
- Hot Cocktail - Exploding bottles inflict damage over a wider area.
- 防爆破——你受到的爆炸伤害减少。
- Blast Resistant - You take less damage from explosions.
- 微妙的时机——敌人手榴弹爆炸所需时间稍微变久。
- Tricky Timing - Enemy grenades take slightly longer to explode.
- 不幸的手艺——敌人的手榴弹有时候会故障。
- Unfortunate Craftsmanship - Enemy grenades sometimes malfunction.
- 令人不安的目标——有时候敌人投掷手榴弹时随便会落在自己脚边。
- Unnerving Target - Enemies sometimes drop grenades and thrown debris at their feet.
- 颤抖的手——敌人发射投掷物失准机会增加。
- Unsteady Hand - Enemies miss with fired projectiles more often.
- 猛禽——堕落击杀恢复部分生命力。
- Bird of Prey - Drop Assassination restores some Health.
- 严格的目标——你的十字弓杀伤力稍微增加。
- Exacting Aim - Your crossbow bolts inflict slightly more damage.
- 剑客——成为格剑比赛赢家的难度降低。
- Fencer - Win locked-sword Contests more easily.
- 强壮的手臂——你将敌人掐到失去意识的速度稍微变快。
- Strong Arms - You choke enemies unconscious slightly faster.
《布莱格摩尔女巫》中出现的缺陷骸骨护符(Corrupted Charms )是一种带有很强福利的骨符,但是同时也自带负面效果【就是buff的同时另外自带其他debuff】。
骨符 | 效果 | 缺点 |
复仇(Vengeance) | 肾上腺素累积速度更快
(Build up adrenaline much faster) |
(Adrenaline takes much less time to cool down) |
(Power Slash) |
(Daud deals greater damage with his sword) |
(He swings his sword slower) |
(Splintering Bolts) |
(Bolts shot by wristbow do more damage) |
(Bolts almost always break when shot at enemies) |
(Shivering Silhouette) |
(Enemies have a high chance to miss ranged attacks) |
(Daud is more visible to enemies) |
(Tank) |
(Damage taken is reduced) |
(Overall movement speed is reduced) |
(Leverage) |
Pull power distance and speed are increased |
(Mana cost for pull power is increased) |
(Statuesque) |
(Daud will not be spotted by enemies while standing still, unless in combat) |
不再自动回魔 (Mana does not regenerate) |
(Witch's Skin) |
(When taking damage, Daud's mana is drained before his health) |
(Mana does not regenerate) |
(Zephyr) |
(Overall movement speed is increased) |
(Damage taken is increased) |
骨符 | 效果 | 缺点 |
(Armored Bones) |
(You take significantly less damage.) |
(Your movement speed is reduced.) |
明月(Bright Moon) | 分身的杀伤力增加。
(Your Doppelgänger inflicts more damage.) |
(Your Doppelgänger lasts half as long.) |
(Clumsy Assassin) |
(Brief invisibility after choking or assassinating an enemy.) |
(You are louder when making noise, and more visible when leaning.) |
(High Pressure) |
(Explosions from grenades, oil tanks and bottles inflict more damage.) 【PS:游戏官方中文此处翻译手癌,写作“爆炸杀伤力减小”】 |
(Grenades, oil tanks and bottles have a smaller blast radius.) |
(Lightweight) |
(You take less damage from falling.) |
(Health regeneration rate is halved.) |
(Power Slash) |
(You deal greater damage with your sword.) |
(Your sword attacks are slower.) |
(Risky Parry) |
(During melee combat, your sword parry always knocks an enemy down.) |
(You take damage when parrying.) |
(Splintering Bolts) |
(Your bolts inflict more damage.) |
(Bolts always break on impact.) |
(Stolen Breath) |
(Pulling enemies towards you with Far Reach is now stealthy and quiet.) |
(Far Reach consumes more Mana for all uses.) |
(Shivering Silhouette) |
(Enemies miss more often with ranged attacks.) |
(You are more visible to enemies.) |
(Witch's Skin) |
(When taking damage, your Mana is drained before your Health.) |
(Your Mana doesn't regenerate.) |
(Zephyr) | 走路和跑步时速度增加。
(Your speed is increased when walking or running.) |
(You take more damage.) |
P.S.:冒险格挡(Risky Parry)只能从帕欧罗(Paolo)身上摸出来。
漆黑骸骨护符(Black Bonecharms)是《耻辱2》引入的。这些骨符比普通骨符更强大,但又不像残缺骸骨护符那样有缺点。
- 血蝇炼金术——敌人展开的远距离攻击会化为血蝇。
- Bloodfly Alchemy - An enemy's initial ranged attack is transformed into bloodflies.
- 困兽之斗——生命值降低时,攻击杀伤力大幅提高。
- Cornered Animal - Your attack damage is significantly increased when your Health is low.
- 善变野兽——白猎狼犬会加入你的战斗阵营。(终章女皇受死中会出现很多白猎犬。)
- Fickle Beasts - White wolfhounds fight on your side.
- 幽暗夺魂——暗影行走暗杀会恢复部分生命值。
- Dark Extraction - Shadow Walk assassination restores some Health.
- 耐力——生命值上限提高。
- Hardiness - Maximum Health is increased.
- 豪迈的气魄——魔力上限提升。
- Expansive Spirit - Maximum Mana is increased.
- 夕照——暗杀瞬间使用远攀与瞬移,不会耗用任何魔力。
- Fading Light - Far Reach and Blink consume no Mana if used within a second of Assassination.
- 熟悉的气味——猎狼犬嗅不出你的气味。
- Familiar Scent - Wolfhounds cannot smell you.
- 敏捷战士——你拔出武器时移动速度不会慢下来。
- Fleet Fighter - Your movement is not slowed when your weapons are unsheathed.
- 隐形绳——移动时,远攀可让你隐形。
- Invisible Thread - Far Reach renders you invisible during movement.
- 坚强的韧性——受击倒的影响降低。
- Iron Roots - Knockdowns are much less likely to affect you.
- 水蛭伤口——用剑实战杀伤力或暗杀敌人时可恢复生命力。
- Leech Cuts - You gain Health when inflicting sword damage or assassinating enemies.
- 幸运卡弹——敌人手枪无法发射的几率提高。
- Lucky Jam - Enemy Pistols have a better chance of misfiring.
- 巨大海兽的吐息——上气不接下气时会先扣魔力再扣生命值。
- Leviathan's Breath - Running out of breath reduces Mana before Health.
- 生命共同体——自行治疗时会一并治疗召唤前来的分身。
- Life Bond - When you heal yourself, your summoned Doppelgängers are also healed.
- 心灵跑者——被你附身的人类宿主可冲刺。
- Mind Runner - Your possessed human host can sprint.
- 暗影歇息——暗影行走时重获生命值。
- Shadow Repose - Regain Health during Shadow Walk.
- 分离创伤——你离开宿主时,敌人会不省人事。
- Separation Trauma - Enemies are rendered unconscious when you leave your host.
- 稳当落地——从高处坠落撞击时会产生爆震波,影响附近的敌人和物体。
- Solid Landing - Falling from a significant height creates a shockwave on impact, affecting nearby enemies and objects.
- 水蛭双胞胎——分身启动时自己活得生命力。
- Twin Leech - Regain Health while your Doppelgänger is active.
- 虚空之境盔甲——受伤时,有一大部分伤害是该从魔力值中扣除。
- Void Armor - When you take damage, a significant portion is instead subtracted from Mana.
P.S.:血蝇炼金术(Bloodfly Alchemy)和善变野兽(Fickle Beasts)只能从布里安娜·艾许沃斯(Breanna Ashworth)的身上摸到。坚强的韧性(Iron Roots)和困兽之斗(Cornered Animal)只能从帕欧罗身上摸出来。
Corroded Bonecharms were introduced in Dishonored: The Corroded Man. These charms grant far more powers than regular ones but are unstable, eventually corroding themselves out through repeated uses. Zhukov crafts them but requires many due to to their instability. They are small enough to fit inside someone's palm, octagonal and crafted out of copper wire and bone.[4] When used, they burn with a red and orange glow,[5] and eventually char themselves to the point of disintegration.[6]
Among their possible effects, corroded bonecharms can extend the uses of powers, amplify them and even nullify for its carrier the effects of an Overseer's Music Box.
- 主要文章: 骸骨护符制作
- 潜行状态移动速度稍微变慢。
- Movement is slightly slower in Stealth Mode.
- 收起武器的时候移动速度稍微变慢。
- Movement is slightly slower with weapons sheathed.
- 滑行速度稍微变慢。
- Slide speed is slightly slower.
- 在水底肺活量降低。
- Reduced lung capacity underwater.
- 在水底时消耗魔力。
- Mana is lost while underwater.
- 游泳速度稍微变慢。
- Swim speed is slightly slower.
- 有时候催眠对敌人无效。
- Sometimes enemies are unaffected by Mesmerize.
- 使用黑暗视觉的时候掉血。
- Health is lost during dark vision
- 吃东西掉血。
- Eating food reduces your Health.
- 灵药恢复的生命力稍微减少。
- Elixirs restore slightly less Mana.
- 魔力恢复速度稍微变慢。
- Mana regeneration is slightly slower.
- 有时超能力会耗用更多的魔力。
- Sometimes supernatural powers consume more Mana.
- 子弹包里的手枪子弹有可能少一枚。
- Bullet packs have a slight chance of containing 1 less pistol bullet.
- 发射的武器有一定几率失准。
- Your projectiles have a chance of missing.
- 手榴弹有一定几率故障。
- Your grenades sometimes malfunction.
- 爆炸瓶罐杀伤力范围稍微缩小。
- Exploding bottles inflict damage over a smaller area.
- 击晕地雷影响范围变小。
- Decreases the area of effect for stun mines.
- 敌人的手榴弹伤害稍微增加。
- Enemy grenades inflict slightly more damage.
- 有时候自己手榴弹反而会掉在自己脚边。
- You sometimes drop grenades at your feet.
- 烧夷箭半径稍微减少。
- Incendiary bolt radius is slightly smaller.
- 自己手榴弹爆炸所需时间缩短。
- Your grenades explode much sooner.
- 受到的爆炸伤害减少。
- You take more damage from explosions.
- 敌人子弹伤害稍微增加。
- Enemy bullets inflict slightly more damage.
- 敌人十字弓箭伤害稍微增加。
- Enemy crossbow bolts inflict slightly more damage.
- 女巫瞬移更频繁。
- Witches magically relocate more often.
- 掐晕敌人的动作速度变慢。
- You choke enemies unconscious slightly slower.
- 挥剑攻击速度变慢。
- Sword attack speed is slightly slower.
- 跳杀会掉血。
- Drop Assassination consumes some Health.
- 血蝇可以在距离巢穴更远的地方攻击人。
- Bloodflies attack at a great distance, farther from their nests.
- 杀血蝇和老鼠会掉血。
- Killing bloodflies or rats consumes Health.
- 杀血蝇和老鼠会掉魔。
- Killing bloodflies or rats consumes Mana.
- 吞噬鼠群里不会出现白老鼠。
- Rat swarms never include white rats.
升级项目 | 价格 | 要求 | 效果 |
骸骨护符上限1 | 300金币 | 无 | 科尔沃可以额外携带一枚骨符(总计4枚)。 |
骸骨护符上限2 | 450金币 | 骸骨护符上限1 | 科尔沃可以额外携带两枚骨符(总计6枚)。 |
升级项目 | 价格 | 要求 | 效果 |
骸骨护符上限1 | 250金币 | 无 | Daud可以携带的骨符上限+1(总计4枚)。 |
骸骨护符上限2 | 250金币 | 骸骨护符上限1 | Daud可以携带的骨符上限+1(总计5枚)。 |
骸骨护符上限3 | 250金币 | 骸骨护符上限2 | Daud可以携带的骨符上限+1(总计6枚)。 |
升级项目 | 价格 | 要求 | 效果 |
骸骨护符上限4 | 400金币 | 骸骨护符上限3 | Daud可以携带的骨符上限+2(总计8枚)。 |
升级项目 | 价格 | 要求 | 效果 |
骸骨护符槽位+2 | 300金币 | 无 | 解锁两个额外的骸骨护符槽位。 |
骸骨护符槽位+3 | 450金币 | 骸骨护符槽位+2 | 解锁三个额外的骸骨护符槽位。 |
任务 | 地图 | 位置 |
高级督军坎贝尔 | 酒酿区 | 在守卫抛尸体的桥头,金属门的另外一侧。需要游泳到塔的后面爬上铁链。
或者,靠着箱子瞬移到桥上,在建筑和门上放可黏贴品,瞬移去屋顶、越过,跳下/瞬移到门后。 |
格里夫被关的房子二层。 | ||
顿沃威士忌酿酒厂 | 酒窖天花板。需要科尔沃跳/瞬移到酒桶上再去够。 | |
后院 | 在仓库A,从上面进入。骨符在科尔沃打开钳子拿出来以前,所带特效都是随机的(这个可以拾获前保存,不满意再重新读取拾获前记录重刷,直至满意为止,无需整章重新加载) | |
河边的一间房子里。科尔沃需要从朝河的窗户进入。 | ||
欢愉之屋 | 酒酿区 | 在一间高处的公寓,里面有一个恸哭者(高混时)和一个刺客。有若干种方法进入楼内,但是都需要跳起、瞬移。 |
在脑奶奶的新家,可以从个瓶子街进入。废弃的建筑还有通往金钱猫VIP入口的门 | ||
船长之椅酒店一层吸烟室。通往酒店的钥匙可以在帮松颚完成第一个支线任务以后获得。 | ||
金钱猫 | 普鲁登斯夫人办公室正上方的房间里。从妈妈桑那里拿了万能钥匙以后可以进入。骨符在壁炉上面。 | |
顿沃威士忌酿酒厂 | 进入酿酒厂的大门旁一个房间里。钥匙在楼里那个需要用轮盘控制打开门的房间里。如果科尔沃之前污染了万能药蒸馏器,骨符房间里会有几个恸哭者,科尔沃和松颚说完话以后会刨出来。 | |
皇家医师 | 架空通道南 | 有一名恸哭者的房间里。这间房间是在有个可操控金属桥的安全室里。科尔沃如果在这张图里收集符文就可以看到这枚骨符。房间还连着靠近出口的侧门。 |
中街变电站 | 科尔沃经过光之壁后,从上面进入左边建筑。骨符在底部一个死尸旁。 | |
北端尽头 | 科尔沃一进入这片区域以后的左边建筑。可以从瞬移到二层进入大楼。但是想要够到骨符,科尔沃必须退出建筑到楼上去,爬/瞬移去一个更高层的阳台,因为楼梯都被堵住了。 | |
波伊尔夫人最后的晚宴 | 狗圈酒馆 | 科尔沃返回狗圈酒馆后,哈夫洛克问是去睡觉还是去和艾米丽说晚安。选了后者厚,去和卡莉丝塔说话,在她床下拿到废弃公寓的钥匙。骨符在公寓里一张床下。 |
住宅区 | 在有个感染的恸哭者的公寓里,旁边是一枚符文,附近还有个界外魔神龛。注意这个地方有三个恸哭者巡逻。 | |
离波伊尔庄园很近的一个楼里。有一扇门正面对的窗户冲着守卫室。科尔沃也可以从一层进入。 | ||
重返高塔 | 外围 | 水闸里的一个通道里。需要瞬移(2级)进入,压在一个死尸下面。 |
顿沃塔 | 二层贾思敏·考德温的密室里。机关是壁炉旁未点燃的蜡烛。 | |
水淹区 | 原石岸水滨 | 街道尽头的一间房子里(通往炼油厂)。科尔沃取回他的装备以后,有个刺客会偶尔在房顶。 |
格里夫斯炼油厂 | 外面的楼就是科尔沃装备被抛的地方。科尔沃激活楼梯以后,去顶端,会有一个坍塌的走道。 | |
中央原石岸 | 主路尽头地上,有两条狼狗看守 | |
Daud的口袋里。要么是用偷的要么是杀了以后摸尸体。机械心脏检测不到这枚骨符,也不会“唱歌”。 | ||
入口隧道 | 科尔沃一进入这地方就能看到,右转。被一群老鼠团团包围。 | |
旧港口区 | 在一些木头板前面,有一件被路灯着凉的房子。进入房子后,骨符在二层一具死尸后面。 | |
下水道里,通往脑奶奶老巢路上的一个房间里。保险箱旁边是一封信和一本书,有密码的暗示,保险箱里就有一枚骨符。 | ||
经过下水道幸存者居住点以后,在一个被河贝霸占的地方。注意如果是高混的时候,下水道里就会满是恸哭者。 |
任务 | 地图 | 位置 |
工业领头人 | 屠宰厂街 | 进入屠宰厂大门前的一个房子里。一层和一群死尸混在一起。 |
通往屠宰厂的下水道。入口靠近屠宰厂院子的弧光雷,弧光雷侧面有下水道大门扳手。 | ||
罗斯韦德屠宰厂 | 清洗间里的浴池 | |
屠宰区旁边一个大房间里,藏在一堆新鲜的鲸鱼肉中 | ||
罗斯韦德的保险箱里,密码在会计办公室的一份受伤报告中 | ||
支配权 | 律政区水滨 | 这张图里最高的那个房间,有一个大广告牌在下面。大楼旁的一个房间里有一个守卫 |
帽子帮藏匿点旁的大楼里,只有二层一个入口。在界外魔神龛上方 | ||
律政区 | 进入这张图以后右边的楼,罗兰被关的地方。骨符在二层。 | |
向右走,当在提密斯地产马路对面时,底层是个死胡同。 | ||
提密斯办公室的地下室,空调过滤排风孔对面。 | ||
汹涌 | Daud的藏匿点 | 临时通道的尽头,一个死掉的刺客旁边。 |
督军们审讯一个刺客的训练室。 | ||
Daud卧室后被毁的建筑底部。 |
任务 | 地图 | 位置 |
选择你的标记 | Daud的藏匿点 | (腐化)Daud床脚的箱子里 |
莉兹的缓刑 | 寒脊监狱 | 处决院子,台子下面 |
院子的角落,有个奇怪紫光的地方 | ||
(腐化)监牢A10或者D21的马桶里,门一开始是锁住的 | ||
死鱼帮 | 德雷珀斯沃德
街头 |
(腐化)购物中心大门顶,正冲着千禧运河 |
否则就需要向杰罗姆购买。 | ||
德雷珀斯沃德河畔 | (腐化)经过头两个死鱼帮混混以后的屋顶。玛利亚,布莱格摩尔女巫侦查员,直到Daud到了以前她都在那个屋顶上监视。 | |
在码头和水女神之间的水里,一艘小船旁边 | ||
只有当沉没的私藏帮助购买的前提下,在水女神的另外一侧。附近有两只盲鳗 | ||
纺织厂 | 入口右边的一个破旧橱柜里 | |
德雷珀斯沃德下水道 | (腐化)在地下戴利拉雕像的房间里,打碎模板后里面是一片已经被感染的老鼠 | |
下水道一部分坍塌的地方。靠近的时候感受到看到风和阳光。如果Daud已经开启了回水,骨符就会卡下水道系统里更远的一块地方。 | ||
戴利拉的杰作 | 外围 | (腐化)靠近走私管家的信的地方,河贝在水边;需要潜水去找 |
(腐化)在布莱格摩尔庄园破掉的阁楼里。可以从护院棚子用操作杆,或者庄园前面最高的木头台子 | ||
在后院,有戴利拉雕像的亭子旁边,悬崖的尽头。当Daud到达一定的水平距离时会有个女巫突然出现 | ||
地下室,在地下入口处。戴利拉的雕像下面 | ||
布莱格摩尔庄园 | (腐化)二楼被堵住的走廊,有三层的碎石砸下来的地方 | |
正门上面三层;可以从二层瞬移上去 | ||
二层有个督军的房间里 |
任务 | 地图 | 位置 |
Edge of the World | Campo Seta Dockyards | In the bloodfly-infested apartment, inside a nest on the second floor. |
Inside Amadeo Monte's apartment, on the floor near an Outsider shrine. | ||
On the roof of a building and next to a bloodfly-infested corpse, accessible by traversing the awnings up to the top. | ||
On a table next to an Overseer preaching to a small crowd of people. | ||
(Corrupted) On the fourth floor of the Overseer Outpost, inside the interrogating room where the corpse of Amadeo Monte is held. | ||
Addermire Station | Inside the safe within the Winslow safe shop. | |
The Good Doctor | Addermire Institute | Directly under the carriage platform rails at the beginning of the mission, inside a grounded rowboat. Accessible by falling onto the rocky ledges facing the sea. |
Inside the main lobby, immediately after the entrance. | ||
(Black) On the roof of the tallest part the Addermire Institute. Only accessible with Blink/Far Reach. | ||
On a bed on the sealed room in the middle of the Recuperation Room. The room can be accessed via the broken tanning box. | ||
(Corrupted) On a desk in a small room off the side of Hypatia's work area, through the Recuperation Room. | ||
The Clockwork Mansion | Lower Aventa | In Major Bonville's apartment in Lower Aventa. |
(Black) On the third floor in Correy Brockburn's apartment. | ||
On the second floor of the Lower Aventa carriage station. | ||
Upper Aventa | On the second floor of the Upper Aventa Grand Guard Office. | |
(Corrupted) Inside a bloodfly-infested painting studio. | ||
Clockwork Mansion | On the bloodfly-infested corpse of a man trapped in a sub-floor between the first floor and assessment chamber level. | |
(Black) On a shelf below Kirin Jindosh's bedroom, accessible by entering a vertically-moving closet and activating a button. | ||
At the far end of the Assessment Chamber, near a Wall of Light. | ||
The Royal Conservatory | Cyria Gardens | On the second floor of a red pub, surrounded by dead guards. |
(Corrupted) In a bloodfly-infested lecture hall, next to a Nest Keeper. | ||
Inside the shopkeeper's apartment overlooking the Conservatory. | ||
Royal Conservatory | In the quartermaster's office in the Royal Conservatory's basement, accessible through a vent from the courtyard. | |
In the bloodfly-infested offices on the third floor of the Conservatory, floating above a magic circle on the floor. | ||
(Black) In an alcove just above the elevator shaft on the third floor, accessible by entering the elevator and jumping through the hole in the top. | ||
(Black) In a workshop above Ashworth's office, on the fourth floor. | ||
(Black) Two on the body of Breanna Ashworth. | ||
The Dust District | Dust District | In the black market shop back room, accessible by entering the combination into the access door. |
On a wall mount in Mindy Blanchard's apartment. | ||
Crone's Hand Saloon | In the basement of the Crone's Hand Saloon. | |
In Durante's room on the second floor of the Crone's Hand Saloon. | ||
(Two Black, One Corrupted) Three on the body of Paolo. | ||
Overseer Enclave | Inside a desk in Vice Overseer Liam Byrne's office. | |
A Crack in the Slab | Aramis Stilton's Manor (Primary Present Timeline) | On the floor of the broken elevator. |
In an attic directly above the dining room, accessible by climbing through a large hole in the dining room ceiling. | ||
Aramis Stilton's Manor (Past Timeline) | (Black) In a safe in a locked room adjacent to the elevator, accessible through the alternate present. | |
Aramis Stilton's Manor (Alternate Present Timeline) | On the desk in Aramis Stilton's office, on the second floor of the manor. | |
Dust District (Alternate Present Timeline) | In the back of Lucia Pastor's office. | |
At the top of a building next to the Dust District's entrance. | ||
(Black) In the sewers near to where Meagan Foster's skiff awaits departure. | ||
The Grand Palace | Ravina Boulevard | In the apartment of Lucina Pastor's mother. |
In Mr. Marletto's apartment, beneath a pillow. | ||
(Black) In the bloodfly-infested apartment straddling the two roads. | ||
Grand Palace | (Black) In the secret room of the palace cellar, accessible by activating a hidden button on a cupboard. | |
In the palace throne room, atop the throne. | ||
In a side lounge room on the first floor of the palace. | ||
(Corrupted) In the bathroom of Delilah's chambers, on the third floor. | ||
Death to the Empress | Dreadful Wale | Two in Foster's chambers, accessible by pickpocketing her key off of her. |
Tower District | (Black) In the tower escape corridor from the first level, accessible by climbing up to the tower balcony. | |
Dunwall Tower Front Yard | In the greenhouse, where several witches are mixing paint. | |
On the far side of the waterlock. | ||
Dunwall Tower Interior | (One Normal, One Corrupted) Two on the corpse of High Overseer Yul Khulan in the foyer. | |
In the barred-off room on the second floor of Dunwall Tower, accessible by jumping onto a wooden plank spanning vents between it and the adjacent room. | ||
In a room on the second floor of Dunwall Tower. |
- 《耻辱2》中,骨符的拼写“bone charms”改为“Bonecharms”,在小说《耻辱:被腐蚀的人》中也改变了拼写。
- 《耻辱2》官方繁中掉字现象:“猛禽:堕落~杀恢复部分生命力”。
- In Dishonored 2, bone charms are renamed Bonecharms. This change is also present in the first novel, Dishonored: The Corroded Man.
- Bone charms in Dishonored 2 seem to be weaker than Dishonored's bone charms, excluding corrupted bone charms and black bone charms.
- With some skill, any person can craft bone charms. However, this is a rather lengthy procedure, as opposed to the instant crafting Corvo and Emily can do.
- Each playthrough of Dishonored spawns only 26 random bone charms, out of 35 available.
- Corvo starts with three slots in which to equip bone charms, but he can purchase more from Piero Joplin at the Hound Pits Pub. Bone charm carrying capacity can be increased to a maximum of ten by upgrades, the Fish Statue found in the Acrobatic Killer Pack, the Whale Statue found in the Arcane Assassin Pack, the Wolfhound Statue found in the Backstreet Butcher Pack, and the Rat Statue found in the Shadow Rat Pack.
- Bone charms spawn randomly. They are chosen when the level is loaded, so reloading right before obtaining one will always yield the same charm. Notable exceptions to this include:
- The bone charm stuck in the vice in the Back Yard. Saving before collecting the charm will allow one to reset until the desired bone charm is spawned; this effect is very useful when attempting a ghost/low chaos/clean hands playthrough, as the Strong Arms bone charm is a tremendous help.
- The bone charm Corvo gets from Daud in the Flooded District, either through pick-pocketing him or by defeating him and looting his body. It is much harder to pickpocket it undetected, but it is easier to manage with Bend Time tier II and Blink.
- The bone charm found on top of a rock near a swarm of plague rats, right after entering the tunnel after leaving Daud's base.
- The bone charm Daud can purchase from Jerome in Drapers Ward.
- Paolo and Breanna Ashworth will always carry the same bone charms if you loot their bodies
- In Dishonored, collecting 10 bone charms will unlock the Occultist achievement. In Dishonored 2, an achievement named Occult Carver can be obtained through crafting 10 bone charms.
- Corvo and Emily cannot collect bone charms related solely to the other's abilities e.g. Corvo cannot obtain Life Bond while Emily cannot find Accommodating Host.
- Through the new game plus feature of Dishonored 2, Trait Synergy can be used five times on Strong Arms to allow immediate choking.
- 耻辱中,骨符携带数量上限可以升级到最高10个。
- 盲鳗雕像是特技杀手包里的,鲸鱼雕像是神秘刺客包里的,狼狗雕像是后街屠夫包里的,老鼠雕像是影鼠包里的。
描述 | 声效 |
在“唱歌”的骨符 | |
拾获骨符的声音 | |
骨符激活的声音 | |
骨符解除的声音 |
《耻辱1》装备 | |
武器 | |
弹药 | |
手雷类 | |
药剂 | |
神秘物品 | |
其他 |
Equipment in 顿沃之刃 and 布莱格摩尔女巫 | |
武器 | |
弹药 | |
机械品 | |
药水 | |
神秘物品 | |
其他 |