耻辱 Wiki

An advertisement for the tarot deck.

实体被收录于《 耻辱 》特别版,共包含78张基于游戏主题的塔罗牌。其用途包括进行 南希游戏 与占卜。


尽管阿卡纳工作室并没有提供伴书或者相关的在线信息作为这副牌的补充,也没有对这副牌用于占卜时的神秘意义进行解释,但 哈维·史密斯, 耻辱 的联合创意总监曾在推特上这样陈述:



从 GameStop 预购游戏的玩家可以获得与 耻辱 年度版 一同发布的升级版塔罗牌。其以加入了在DLC 顿沃之刃 布莱格摩尔的女巫 中出现的角色为特色,其中包括 莉兹·史泰德比利·卢克以及黛利拉·考伯斯朋等。升级版同时更新了角色的阵营,比如屠夫布莱格摩尔女巫团


I - 审判(Judgement): 艾米丽·考德温贾思敏·考德温的女儿,格里斯托大陆王位的正当继承人。

II - 性欲(Lust): 普鲁登斯夫人金钱猫欢愉之屋的所有者、女主人。

III - 踩高跷者(The Man on Stilts):一个高脚兵。高脚兵是被被高度武装并且经过药物改造城市守卫 单位,趾高气扬地踩在鲸油驱动的机械高跷上在顿沃街头徘徊。

IV - 船夫(The Boatman): 塞缪尔·比奇沃思, 船夫,摆渡人,并在道德方面指引科尔沃·阿塔诺

V - 女巫(The Witch): 薇拉·莫瑞, 又称脑奶奶。她没有视力、精神错乱、惯于欺骗,并且并不像她表面看上去的那样弱不禁风。

VI - 恸哭者(The Weeper): 恸哭者是感染鼠疫的晚期病人。他们徘徊于顿沃各个被遗弃的角落。

VII - 夫人(The Lady): 波伊尔夫人, 残暴的女统治者,摄政王海勒姆·伯罗斯的有力支持者。

VIII - 忏悔(Regret): Daud,刺客组织的领导者,杀死上一任女皇贾思敏·考德温的凶手。Daud是被界外魔标记的八人中的一员。

IX - 流浪王子(The Urchin Prince): 松颚, 残忍但有原则的瓶子帮首领。

X - 双子(The Twins): 彭德尔顿兄弟摩根·彭德尔顿卡斯提斯·彭德尔顿, 奴隶主、虐待狂,在议会中出卖选票以支持摄政王的堕落分子。

XI - 隐士(The Hermit): 皮耶罗·乔普林, 极不擅长社交的古怪天才, 炼金术士, 装备制造者,是反对摄政王的保皇派的一员。

XII - 艺术家(The Artist): 安东·索科洛夫, 皇家科学家, 不顾道德约束的发明家。

XIII - 残忍(Cruelty): 莫里斯·苏里文,皇家审讯者, 虐待狂、审讯者,对自己的黑暗工作有着变态的痴迷,更有一段更加黑暗、不为人知的过去。

XIV - 保姆(The Governess): 卡莉丝塔·科诺,保皇党的成员之一,艾米丽·考德温的贴身导师。

XV - 贵族(Nobility): 特雷弗·彭德尔顿, 彭德尔顿兄弟的弟弟,同时也是保皇党的领导者之一。

XVI - 高级督军(The High Overseer):萨迪斯·坎贝尔蒂格·马丁。萨迪斯·坎贝尔, 支持摄政王的堕落分子;蒂格·马丁,保皇党的领导者之一。

XVII - 溺水者(The Drowned Man): 前海军上将法利·哈夫洛克, astute military mind and leader of the Loyalists who will go to great lengths to see his work done.

XVIII - The Lord Regent: Hiram Burrows, the former Royal Spymaster for the Empress and instigator of her assassination, who now rules Gristol with an iron first.

XIX - The Empress: Jessamine Kaldwin, beloved Empress of the Empire of the Isles, who died at the hands of the assassin Daud in order to enable the coup d'état of Hiram Burrows.

XX - The World: A map of the Empire.

XXI - Death: Corvo Attano, once Lord Protector and bodyguard of Empress Jessamine Kaldwin, who was framed for her murder by Hiram Burrows. Freed by the Loyalists, he now treads a thin line between vengeance and justice.

The Outsider: A timeless being of magic and mystery that takes interest in select humans, including Corvo Attano.

Minor Arcana

The Suit of Rats - A suit of 14 cards, represented by rats.

The Suit of Swords - A suit of 14 cards, represented by swords.

The Suit of Pistols - A suit of 14 cards, represented by pistols.

The Suit of Skulls - A suit of 14 cards, represented by skulls.

Each suit contains four face cards (King, Queen, Commoner, and Jack) and ten numbered cards in descending order from 10 to 1.

Use in Divination


The Dishonored tarot deck.

While not specifically designed to standards of modern tarot decks, the cards within the Dishonored Tarot deck can theoretically be linked to their Arcana counterparts by using their representative character and personalities, compared with the meanings given to certain tarot cards.

There are multiple possibilities regarding how the Dishonored tarot deck aligns with the standard tarot deck, which can be found here.


  • In-universe, a modified version of the Dishonored Tarot Deck is used, called the "Game of Nancy Tarot Deck".
    • Game of Nancy cards can be found during The Knife of Dunwall at the Timsh Estate and in a cell in Coldridge Prison during The Brigmore Witches.
    • To complete a side objective during the Eminent Domain mission, Daud must bleed on and burn The World card from a Game of Nancy deck.
  • Another card game unrelated to the Game of Nancy is mentioned in Dishonored. During the mission The Royal Physician, a City Watch guard describes several types of hands to Earl, a lower guard, who doesn't accept his defeat at cards. In growing order: basic Pair, Two Pair, Tall Towers, Captain's Quarters, Dunwall, Royal Dunwall and The Lord Regent's Purse.
  • It is possible to tell which way up a card in the Dishonored deck has been dealt by looking at the Outsider symbol on the back.
  • The Minor Arcana can be used as common playing cards.


Special Edition

Major Arcana

Minor Arcana

Game of the Year Edition

