约翰克莱弗林大道(John Clavering Boulevard)是酒酿区的一条主干道。邦廷的公寓,加尔瓦尼医生的办公室,还有船长之椅酒店都在这条街上。酒店的劲头是分叉口,分别通向霍尔格广场和金钱猫。
Front entrance to John Clavering Boulevard.
A collapsed bridge on John Clavering Boulevard.
Collapsed bridge during the day.
A wall of light separating the waterfront from the residential area.
A relief of a dragon-like creature atop the first wall of light.
The dragon-like relief, as seen in the day.
John Clavering Boulevard.
View of John Clavering Boulevard in daylight.
Signs atop the gate leading to Holger Square.
Advertisements for the Golden Cat at the gate leading to Holger Square.
View on the rear part of John Clavering Boulevard.
The Captain's Chair Hotel on John Clavering Boulevard.
A billboard on John Clavering Boulevard.
John Clavering Boulevard in the rain.
John Clavering Boulevard, as seen on the map.