科尔沃的面具(Corvo's Mask)是科尔沃·阿塔诺用来掩饰其身份的装备,其材料兼顾,是个像头盔一样的存在。
- 原本科尔沃的概念图带着的是一个防毒面具。但是之后防毒面具被用作刺客的装备。
- Valve Corporation《军团要塞2》有一个促销产品就是基于科尔沃面具的造型,无道德的纤维面具(Lacking Moral Fiber Mask)。那些在steam平台上2012年10月9日以前预定过耻辱1的人可以获得此纯正品质的物品( "Genuine" quality)。
- 在科尔沃没有戴着面具的时候,比如在狗圈酒馆,放大功能依旧可以使用【嗯,bug】。
- 尽管从面具后面看,放大镜应该有三挡对焦,但是只有在购买升级以后才可以使用其他焦段变焦。
- 光学设计图显示只有在科尔沃购买了升级以后才能有三段对焦,所以这个等于就是开发时候bug了。
- 科尔沃游戏里的面具和游戏封面图、广告图里画的略有不同。游戏里面具有很多地方都变了,比如鼻子的地方有两条黄铜线,右眼放大镜也完全不同于宣传图。
- 在初次预告宣传片里科尔沃戴上面具的时候,通过眼部镜头看东西的时候会有短暂的发红。但是这在游戏中并没有出现[2]。
An illustration of the front and back of Corvo's mask.
An image of Corvo's mask from Dishonored: The Dunwall Archives.
A promotional image of Corvo's mask.
A rendered image of Corvo's mask.
Corvo's mask in the debut trailer.
Corvo's Mask in The Tales from Dunwall.
An animated view of Corvo's mask (GIF).
An animated view of Corvo's mask (GIF).
An example of a wanted poster featuring the Mask.
A poster featuring the mask found within Daud's Hideout.
Piero constructing Corvo's mask.
Corvo's view with the mask optics upgrade.
Corvo spies on Custis Pendleton from afar using the spyglass enhancement on his mask.
Corvo studies a watchtower using the spyglass enhancement on his mask.
A Whaler wearing Corvo's mask.
Close-up of Corvo's mask in The Brigmore Witches.
Corvo's mask as seen on The Game of the Year edition.
Corvo's mask seen through a keyhole in the Debut Trailer (GIF).
Corvo's mask, as it is illustrated on the front cover of the GameInformer magazine.
Corvo's mask, as it appears in Team Fortress 2.
The Lacking Moral Fiber Mask from Team Fortress 2.
Corvo's mask in the E3 2015 Reveal Trailer for Dishonored 2.