耻辱 Wiki


界外魔(The Outsider)是一个超自然的神秘存在,被说成一部分是恶魔、一部分又是天使,既不是站在正义的一方,也不是站在邪恶的一方。在科尔沃·阿塔诺Daud面前,他看起来就是一个相貌平平的年轻人,留着棕色短发,黑色的眼睛,穿着一件棕色外套、蓝色裤子、黑色的长靴。




里卡多·贝尔(Ricardo Bare,游戏设计师)[2]

出生于耻辱1事件发生前四千多年(贾思敏遇害为1837年大地之月18日,设定的界外魔出现的年份为游戏纪年-3000年)[3],被遗弃,目前没有已知的其他家人[4],这个十五岁左右“无助还被虐待[5]”的孤儿[4]被迫接受[6]一个神秘组织的洗礼,“由别人给他沐浴、穿衣,双手被装饰了很多戒指[7]”。他是被认为是当他变成虚空之一的时候,他就会展示出虚空中所有的迹象,尤其是他的年龄、和一些预言、天体运动、大量正在死亡的一样互相独立的事件[8]。他和虚空“融为一体[9][10]”后有着难以满足的好奇心,好奇如果人们被给予了逾越别人的能力后,人们会怎么做[1]。【现任界外魔的好奇心就是他那些行为的原动力,总监说现任这个界外魔就像一个外星人一样。开始的永生岁月对他来说很艰难,因为他在15岁的时候就突然被迫变成了这样。他有着人类的感情,但是非人类的洞察力。总监还说,在界外魔以前(四千多年前)虚空是有另外一个实体的。|| 也就是说,可能界外魔之前的前任界外魔出了什么意外,然后那个神秘组织让现在的界外魔继任。但是具体前任出了什么问题,怎么失踪的,或者是如何被毁灭的,一切都未知。很久很久以前,界外魔的那些前任们也都有着他们自己的教派和崇拜者。】作为一个代表着现在这段时间的“神一样的实体[11]”【虚空有很多奇怪的特性,渴求一有代表性的、神一样的实体。如果实体不在了,虚空最终会吞噬掉另一个。原力(The primal forces)移动、重新排列,直到创造出一个可行的条件来诞生一个新的神,一个独一无二且永生的神,直到某些灾难性事件发生来结束它的存在。也就是说,现任的界外魔也是可能死亡的,如同曾经的那些一般】,界外魔会在那些他觉得“有趣”的人面前现身[12],联系方法是要么通过梦境,要么在他是神龛前会在现实世界中现身(其实也是在潜意识中现身,DLC中Daud和界外魔说话,旁边比利就问Daud刚才发呆还好么)。已知和界外魔有实际联系的有:科尔沃·阿塔诺、皮耶罗·乔普林脑奶奶、Daud、戴利拉·库珀斯普恩和“孤单得老鼠男孩”。界外魔被认为同样也在艾米丽·考德温面前现身了,因为艾米丽画了一张梦境画,里面那个人很像界外魔。

Dishonored-The Mark


The Outsider remains neutral in regard to events that transpire in the mortal world. He does not place conditions on those he gifts with supernatural abilities, and does not factor hierarchy or effort into their selection; Corvo, for instance, is granted the Mark without seeking it, while Anton Sokolov is never given an audience despite numerous summoning rituals and sacrifices.

Other individuals marked by the Outsider, such as Daud and Granny Rags, can be killed in Dishonored if Corvo so chooses. This does not change the Outsider's disposition toward him.

While the Outsider behaves in a largely neutral manner toward Corvo, he is more hostile toward Daud in The Knife of Dunwall, reminding Daud of his guilt in the murder of the Empress and noting the assassin's approaching demise. Harvey Smith also notes that "some of [The Outsider's] lines are sarcastic," but his tone can go unnoticed.[5] The Outsider is also revealed to have "human emotion, but inhuman perception," making him "almost alien," or as Harvey Smith interprets him, possessing "two parts - human faculty and something primal and chthonic."[5] Harvey Smith has also stated that, as a result of being powerless and abused as a boy, the Outsider is bitter about those with power acting abusively[13] – proof of the human emotion he is said to possess.

The Outsider is a unique being and will at some point be destroyed in a catastrophic event.[11]


  • The Outsider is voiced by Billy Lush.
  • The Outsider is closely associated with whales.
    • A book titled Spirit of the Deep equates the Outsider with "a leviathan".
    • Both runes and bone charms, which channel supernatural powers, are made from whale bone.
    • During the final confrontation with Granny Rags, she shouts, "Bones of the great leviathan! Protect me!"
    • A frozen whale is seen in the center of Void, standing out from the rest of the objects there.
  • According to Harvey Smith, the Outsider cannot change form and "appears almost as he [did] in life."[14]
  • Despite never seeing the Outsider himself, Sokolov paints a portrait of the Outsider that greatly resembles how he appears to Corvo and Daud.
  • During the events of The Knife of Dunwall, the Outsider reveals to Daud that there are only eight people in the entire world who possess his Mark.
  • The Outsider's interest in Corvo and Daud seems to be heavily affected by chaos. Low chaos actions generally garner more amusement and fascination from him, while high chaos actions are typically met with generic synopses of given situations.
    • This is reinforced by the fact that the Outsider himself notes that he had become disinterested in Daud prior to the assassination of Jessamine Kaldwin,[15] more than likely due to the fact that the former had become predictable in nature as a notorious assassin - which in itself is reinforced by subtle cues given off in some of his speeches to Daud.[16]
  • The Outsider has demonstrated the ability to stop time around him within a small radius. This is showcased in The Brigmore Witches DLC, when, upon entering the painting of the Void in the mission Delilah's Masterwork, Daud is greeted by the Outsider before his final battle with Delilah.
  • Though he is not omniscient, the Outsider receives "horrible glimpses of all time and space."[17]



  1. 1.0 1.1 总监评论——耻辱 神话,第二部分(每次过程都是不同的,每一次实体也是不同的。对于界外魔前任的虚空实体代表,什么信息都未知,是如果丢了的,或者如何被毁掉的。很久很久以前,现任界外魔以外的那些前任们也有他们自己的教派。)
  2. 开发者评论——界外魔是一个喜欢愚弄人的神
  3. 总监评论——界外魔,第一部分(出生年份),2015年7月13日
  4. 4.0 4.1 总监评论——界外魔没有“已知”亲属,2015年7月13日
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 总监评论——界外魔
  6. 总监评论——界外魔是被迫卷入一场仪式,他并不情愿
  7. 总监评论——界外魔的戒指(Q: 界外魔手上有好多戒指!那些有什么很重要的意义吗?A: 当他被“变成”界外魔的时候,他被沐浴更衣、双手被装饰上戒指。当时一个神秘的组织干的/there was an occult group involved。)2015年4月9日
  8. 总监评论——界外魔是被一个神秘组织选中的(Q: 他们都看到了什么迹象?他们是怎么知道这个的? A: his age & resemblance to bits of prophecy, celestial movements, solo events like the mass dying of a bunch of fish),2015年8月13日
  9. Developer Commentary - The Outsider, part 2
  10. Developer Commentary - Religion, part 3
  11. 11.0 11.1 Developer Commentary - Dishonored Mythos, part 1
  12. “如果他真的那么想见我,他就应该变得稍微有趣一点。”
  13. Developer Commentary - Harvey Smith on the Outsider's bitterness
  14. Developer Commentary - Whales and the Outsider
  15. "It's been a long while, but you've got my interest again."
  16. "I guess you know by now these things have a way of catching up with you."
  17. Developer Commentary - The Outsider's vision