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=== [[世界边缘]] ===
=== [[世界边缘]] ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! 低混
! 高混
=== [[善良的医生]] ===
=== [[善良的医生]] ===

2017年1月1日 (日) 06:26的版本

Void shrine







(Hello, Corvo. Your life has taken a turn, has it not? The Empress is dead, her precious daughter Emily is lost somewhere in the city, and you will play a pivotal role in the days to come. For this, I have chosen you and drawn you into the Void. I am the Outsider, and this is my Mark. There are forces in the world and beyond the world, great forces that men call "magic", and now these forces will serve your will. Use this new-found power, my gift to you. Come find me.)


(In the days that follow, your trials will be great, Corvo. Seek the ancient runes bearing my mark, in the lonely places of your world and at shrines raised in my name. These runes will grant you powers beyond those of other men. To help you find these runes I give you this: the Heart of a living thing, molded by my hands. With this heart, you will hear many secrets, and it will guide you toward my runes, no matter how they may be hidden. Listen to the Heart now, and find another rune.)


How you use what I have given you falls upon you, as it has to the others before you. And now, I return you to your world, but know that I will be watching with great interest.)

* 这个对话是自动发生的,并不是在神龛前。


坎贝尔还没有被解决掉之前 坎贝尔被杀后 坎贝尔被打了烙印


Be careful, Corvo. They call her Granny Rags. You wouldn't recognize her real name, or even the name of her family, but an Emperor begged for her hand once, and rich young men fought each other for her favor. I watched her consider them all, measure their worth, and find them wanting. Then she made a different choice.)


You're on your way to face the High Overseer, the leader of a great cult dedicated to loathing me. What will you do, I wonder?)


(You killed High Overseer Campbell, the leader of a great cult dedicated to loathing me. Only the latest in a long line of men like himself, some who held the position better than others. I suppose I should thank you.)


(Now your choices interest me. You spared High Overseer Campbell, the leader of a great cult dedicated to loathing me. I'm older than the rocks this place is built on, and even I didn't see that coming.)




(Rivers change course over many lifetimes, and eventually all bridges tumble down. A thousand years ago there was another city on this spot. The people carved the bones of whales and inscribed them with my Mark. Children still find them washed up in the river-mud. Anton Sokolov has made a great study of my runes, but he's not special like you are. He wasn't chosen and he doesn't wear my Mark, so he can't unlock their secrets. Sokolov believes there are specific words and acts that can compel me to appear before him. He searches old temples in Pandyssia and ruined subbasements in the Flooded District. He performs disgusting rituals beneath the old Abbey. But if he really wants to meet me, he could start by being a bit more interesting.)


波伊尔夫人还未被解决 波伊尔夫人已杀 波伊尔夫人被绑架


(Going to a party, Corvo?)


(Coming from a party, Corvo?)


(Is that what you dreamed of, all those months in Coldridge Prison while waiting for the executioner? Wealth, beautiful women in the latest fashions, laughing and drinking Tyvian wine? And what of the host, Lady Boyle?)


(I can see all her tomorrows and I know that either she dies tonight at your hand or she'll live out her days, month after month, year after year, far away, even as her fine clothes wear into tatters and her silken hair gets dull and gray. Half the city can see the lights from the party, and they dream of the delights inside. Will you tear it all to pieces? Either way, it's Lady Boyle's last party.)


(I suppose she had to go. Supporting a tyrant, the Lord Regent. And living in opulence while the people of the city starve to death and live in fear of plague. What choice did you have?)


(She supported a tyrant, the Lord Regent. And lived in opulence while the people of the city starve to death and live in fear of plague. Now she'll live out her days, month after month, year after year, far away, even as her fine clothes wear into tatters and her silken hair gets dull and gray. Plenty of time for reflection.)


伯罗斯还没有被解决 伯罗斯被杀 伯罗斯被捕


(Here you are, Corvo, within the high walls of your enemy's stronghold. What an impressive sight you make on your way to face the Lord Regent. How will you end his reign, by blood or by truth? He's not an easy man to get close to. If the Empress had been as well guarded - how different things would be now. Is it just revenge you're after, or do you have another plan in your mind? Will you restore things, make it all right again, and crown a new Empress? Or will you send them all howling into the Void? Either way, I expect a good show.)


(Here you are, Corvo, within the high walls of your enemy's stronghold, the scent of his blood still fresh in the air. My, how you've changed things. You know, the Lord Regent would have fought harder to protect himself, but the truth is, he knew he deserved to die. It must have been agony for such a tightly-wound man to watch as the plague spiraled out of control. As people on the streets went mad and died bleeding from the eyes. Don't worry, I'm not about to tell you that he deserved sympathy. The worst part must have been knowing that it was all his fault. As you hunted down his people one by one, and finally came for him, he must have realized that all his planning was for nothing. And that must have been exquisitely terrifying.)



Here you are, Corvo, within the high walls of your enemy's stronghold. You're an unstoppable force, it seems, but also unpredictable. The Lord Regent lives, despite all he's done. And that is most surprising. The last year must have been agony for such a tightly-wound man, watching as the plague spiraled out of control. As people on the streets went mad and died bleeding from the eyes. Knowing that it was all his fault. As you hunted down his people one by one, and finally came for him, he must have realized that all his planning was for nothing. And that must have been exquisitely terrifying. but in the end, you chose the more measured response. What will that mean in the days to come, I wonder. I've lived a long, long time, and these are the moments I wait for.)



“最终你在这儿,在一个被废弃了的、被水浸泡的世界,被那个杀了你女皇的人俘虏,那个刺客Daud 。你的朋友给你下了毒,把你的尸体丢去河里。他们这样做是想自保,这样做就没人会知道他们曾经做过什么了?还是说因为他们知道你绝对不会让他们操控艾米丽的,这只是为了可以控制帝国而做出的一个简单举动?或许又是另外的原因。也或许这仅仅是人类的天性。”

(Here you are at last, in a ruined and drowning world, held captive by the man who killed your Empress, the assassin Daud. Your friends poisoned you and dumped your body in the river. Did they do it to protect themselves, so no one would ever know what they'd done? Or was it because they were a single move away from controlling an empire, and they knew you'd never let them manipulate Emily? Maybe none of these. Perhaps that's just the nature of man.)


Daud被杀 放过Daud

“你摸索来了这些有趣的地方,科尔沃。[在脑奶奶和这个一生都是一手砍刀一手酒瓶的家伙之间的猛烈暴风眼。]从那些被水淹没的废墟中怕了重来,辗转回酒馆 ,那个你最后见过艾米丽的地方?她现在在哪里?现在感觉如何,发现你的盟友 都背板了你?奇怪总是有那么一点点剩下的无辜也要失去。”

(You find your way into such interesting places, Corvo. [At the eye of the storm raging between Granny Rags and this man who has lived his whole life with a cleaver in one hand and a bottle in the other.**] Crawling out of those flooded ruins, winding your way back to the pub where you last saw Emily? Where is she now? How does it feel now, knowing your allies betrayed you? Strange how there's always a little more innocence left to lose.)


(And Daud - you just killed the greatest assassin of the age. Did you do it for love of the Empress or Emily? Or was it the primal desire to rise above other men? Do you even know why?)


(And Daud - the man who killed the Empress. You had him in the palm of your hand, and you let him walk away? You fascinate me.)

** 这句话只有在松颚存活以后才会出现。


低混 高混(艾米丽存活) 高混(艾米丽死亡)


(So ends the interregnum, and now Emily Kaldwin the First will take her mother's throne, after a season of turmoil. You will stand at her side, Corvo, guiding her young mind, and protecting her from those who seek to exploit her, or cause her harm. You watched and listened when other men would have shouted in rage. You held back instead of striking. So it is, with the passing of the plague and Emily's ascension, comes a golden age, brought about by your hand. And decades hence, when your hair turns white and you pass from this world, Empress Emily -Emily the Wise, at the height of her power- will lay your body down within her mother's great tomb, because you were more to her than Royal Protector. Farewell, Corvo.)


(What will history tell us? That the daughter of a murdered empress ascended the throne up a mountain of corpses, carried by an assassin named Corvo. No, they'll say that little Emily Kaldwin the First came to power in an age of terror and corruption, and that she did her best in a world that is not kind to little girls, or Empresses. But whether the stories told mention you by name or not, she will remember that you were there, Corvo.)

“我不了解你,科尔沃,但是我度过了一段美好的时光。阴谋和神秘,屠宰和背叛。一个帝国的垂死挣扎!你就是个复仇精灵,出处散播着混乱。这个城市正在以它自己为食,骗子、商人、贵族都像残骸上的蛆一般。很快这里将不会给老鼠剩下任何东西。这也挺好。本来帝国就在衰亡之路上,已经烂透了。现在仅仅是需要一个人来推它一把,来做 那压死骆驼的最后一根稻草。现在你就将很快消失在地平线上【备注:双关,也可以讲是老科从历史的长河中就要消失了】,登上一艘出境的船。我奇怪,是你在追逐着什么,还是想要逃离什么?”

(I don't know about you, Corvo, but I've had a lovely time. Intrigue and mystery, butchery and betrayal. The death throes of an empire! And you were an avenging spirit, spreading chaos at every turn. The city's feeding on itself now, liars and merchants and nobles like maggots on a carcass. Soon there'll be nothing left for the rats. It's just as well. The empire was dying already. Completely rotten. All that was needed was the right man, to send it over the edge. But now, you'll be off over the horizon, on an outbound ship. I wonder. Are you chasing something, or running away?)

* * 这个对话是自动发生的,并不是在神龛前。





(Daud, my old friend, it's been a long while, but you've got my interest again. How the years pass and the bodies fall. Did you know that there are only eight like you in the world, bearing my Mark? I'm here because you're right. The Empress was different. This time, you can't just fade away into the shadows. There will be consequences. Your story is close to ending, and even you can't escape it. But what ending will you make for yourself? I'm here to give you one last gift, Daud. It's a mystery. One that starts with a name - Delilah.)

* 这个对话是自动发生的,并不是在神龛前。


提密斯还没有被解决前 提密斯已经被解决
屠宰厂被炸 罗斯韦德或者埃姆斯(Ames )被拷问过 罗斯韦德被装箱 提密斯被杀 提密斯背部


Here's one last lesson, for old time's sake. The Barrister was a champion at finding his enemy's weak points, but he didn't see Delilah as a threat until it was too late. No one's watching Delilah now, except you. And me of course. I see everything. I see forever, and right now I see a man walking a tightrope over a sea of blood and filth. The Empress is dead, and the water's rising.)

罗斯韦德已死,他的屠宰场也被夷为平地。即便是女皇都没有一个如此盛大的火葬场面。” (Rothwild's gone and his slaughterhouse is burned to the ground. Even the Empress couldn't boast of a funeral pyre so grand.)


You left a mess on the killing floor, Daud. I guess you know by now these things have a way of catching up with you. But maybe you're past caring.)


You've got Rothwild packed into a crate bound for the frozen north, Daud. Surprisingly clean work for a man with so much blood on his hands. Did the empress change you? Or do you think this will help you dodge what's coming?)

“别落得跟阿诺德·提密斯一个下场。他连最后一句话都没来得及说就死了。不管怎样,那句话是‘对不起’。”【备注:For what it's worth意思是:我所说的只是个人意见,不一定对你有帮助,听不听由你自己决定】

Don't end up like Arnold Timsh. He died before he could say his last words. For what it's worth, they were "I'm sorry.")


At the last moment you seem to be acquiring a curious sense of justice. Funny how the final days always mean so much.)

“你最好抓紧时间。你要跑出圈子了。” (You'd better hurry. You're running out of rope.)




低混(比利被杀) 高混

(When Billie Lurk was eight she wanted to be the captain of a ship. From the moment she met you, all she wanted was to be a killer. She watched you. Learned from you. And then she saw you losing your grip, and decided to take your place. And now? She's limping to the outskirts of the city. She'll pay a smuggler to get past quarantine. She'll watch herself for signs of plague for a while. Gradually, the fear and grief that seep into your bones in Dunwall will dissipate, and she'll find a new name and a new use for her skills. Even if Dunwall burns to the ground, one corner of the Empire will still know your story. Daud, killer of an Empress. Daud, who spared his betrayer's life.)


(When Billie Lurk was eight she wanted to be the captain of a ship. From the moment she met you all she wanted was to be a legendary assassin. She watched you, learned from you, and when she saw weakness she struck, just like you taught her. Only you were a little better. In the seconds before she died, she remembered the first time she met you, when you caught her breaking into the school and spared her life. When you made her an assassin it was the proudest moment of her life. She had no regrets. And you, Daud?)


(You once told me Billie Lurk was your finest pupil. Fast and Strong, with a sharp mind, it's no accident she was the only woman you ever trained. And she proved even more ruthless and deceptive than you thought. But she was no match for you. This is why, in a city of horrors, parents will scare their children with the legend of Daud, the Knife of Dunwall, who never chose sides, who preyed on the city's lords, who never swore fealty, who brought down Overseers, once even an Empress. I wonder what the final chapter will be. What happens to scary monsters, in the end?)

* 这个对话是自动发生的,并不是在神龛前。




去纺织厂之前,或者安装了线圈以后 杀了老头以后


高混 低混 高混 低混 高混 低混


(This is the Daud I remember! Corvo left his mark on Coldridge, but they won't soon forget you either. What a relief. Life has been remarkably grim in Dunwall lately. This business with the Eels might call for a little more diplomacy. But in the long view, a smoking ruin makes as good a monument as any. )


(You keep surprising me, Daud. Not long ago I watched you kill an Empress and steal her child for coin. For a man like that, you went through Coldridge Prison with an awfully soft touch. I wonder? Are you hoping it will change the way things will work out? Maybe. Maybe not. The song's almost over. And when the music stops, we all fall down.)

“你好,Daud。我非常高兴我们的友谊能重新开始,如果我们可以称之为友谊。”'(Hello, Daud. I'm enjoying renewing our friendship, if we can call it that.)


(Mortimer Hat - the man called the Geezer - really used to make hats, did you know that? Granny Rags still has one - she wears it when she's feeling flirty. He lived a long time, and knew many secrets that were lost with him. Did you take pity on him or was it simply easier to get what you needed that way?)


(You've become quite the peacemaker, Daud. The Hatters and Eels are already talking about joining forces against Bottle Street. Be careful what you do. I happen to know, this is how the Empire got started.)


(You’re almost ready to go up-river. I can see nothing’s going to stop you, not gangs or old men or witches. You’ll cover yourself in blood if you have to.)


(You're almost ready to go up-river. You've always been canny, a spider in the web of the city. But you may out-do yourself on this little adventure.)


(You’re almost ready to go up-river. I can see nothing’s going to stop you, not gangs or old men or witches. You’ll cover yourself in blood if you have to.)


(You're almost ready to go up-river. You've always been canny, a spider in the web of the city. But you may out-do yourself on this little adventure.)


Ever since the Empress died, it's been getting darker in Dunwall. But it's that moment just before the light goes that matters most of all.)


在去装线圈之前/妆了线圈之后(低混) 装了线圈之后(高混)


(You're putting it together, aren't you? It's not easy, Delilah's exceedingly bright. Her coven is rising, with her as the night star to guide them. Change is coming, and Delilah has a plan. But do you, Daud? And I don't mean stealing an engine coil or slitting an old man's throat. You're charging up-river and I do believe you'll make it, but what will you do with what you find there?)


(Delilah knows you're coming, cutting a bloody path through the city in search of her. Your nastiest work in years. She's afraid of you. But Delilah is a brilliant woman. Her coven is rising, with her as the night star to guide them. And once she's hatched her new schemes, she'll have a different kind of power: An Empire instead of a coven. I wish you luck. I don't decide who wins and whose body gets tossed into the river to rot. But I do enjoy watching.)


低混 中低混 中高混 高混g混High Chaos
“你有着各种天赋,Daud,他们也都侍奉你。戴利拉的天赋和你有很大的不同。她作画,但是她能做更多的。她抓住灵魂,她把她的意愿巧妙得灌入屈服于她的人的脑海中,无论那是什么。我们都在见证她的杰作,或许也在见证你的杰作。”'(You have many talents, Daud, and they've served you. Delilah's talents are quite different. She creates images, but she does more. She captures spirit, she insinuates her will into her subject, whatever it is. We're witnessing her masterpiece, and perhaps yours as well.)


(I gave you Delilah's name, and you followed it to this moment. You see now what hangs in the balance – Emily's life, Delilah's ambition, an empire in the act of crumbling. In your long life I've rarely seen you act with such consummate grace. I give my mark sparingly, and I don't play favorites but I will watch this... with unusual attention.)


(Now you understand what you were doing all along. Emily's fate hangs in the balance, but so does yours, and the next few moments may be the last choices you make in your life. There are times when I delight in seeing lives end and chaos spread, but the path you've taken here honors your skills. I give my Mark sparingly, Daud. I've seen it used for power, for love, for money. For strange obsessions that drove the wearer mad. But very, very rarely, for redemption.)


(Now you understand what you were doing all along. Emily's life hangs in the balance, and so does yours. You've taken a bloody road here, and no one has enjoyed it more than I, but there are still a few choices left to make. I give my Mark sparingly, Daud. I've seen it used for power, for love, for money. For strange obsessions that drove the wearer mad. But very, very rarely, for redemption.)


You see it now. Emily's life hangs in the balance, and Delilah's, and the fate of an empire. The end is coming, and it's been glorious to watch you throw your will against the machinery you set into motion. All things end, all things burn to ash. But you, my friend, burn bright.)

* 这个对话是自动发生的,并不是在神龛前。



低混 高混
“卡纳卡本是座没理的城市,这样的美后来却被公爵活生生扼杀,墙还被皇家杀手漆成红色。现在你来了,我不禁好奇,你是打算推这城市一把,还是将它从悬崖边拉回来。我们都看过城市崩坏。害虫、血腥和背叛。往事又重演了。希望你已经准备好了。” “”


低混 高混


低混 高混


低混 高混



低混 高混

有时候人死后还会在人间游荡一段时间。 瑟科诺思公爵继承了一座生机勃勃的城市,没多久就啃到只剩骨头。他死后会留下什么?你死后优惠留下什么?你会把南方珍宝交给谁?”


低混 高混

有时候人死后还会在人间游荡一段时间。 瑟科诺思公爵继承了一座生机勃勃的城市,没多久就啃到只剩骨头。他死后会留下什么?你死后优惠留下什么?你会把南方珍宝交给谁?”



低混 高混
艾米丽 科尔沃 艾米丽 科尔沃
  • 如果先拿到黛利拉的灵魂,再回来神龛,“无论如何,我知道你要什么。你身上那颗心脏,一次只能装一个灵魂,所以如果你想带着黛利拉离开,最好做准备取舍。”这句话将不会出现。


低混 高混
艾米丽 科尔沃 艾米丽 科尔沃


  • 《耻辱2》官方繁中译文中,石板上的裂缝任务结束时在虚空里界外魔说的“黛利拉确实有她的过人之处。她扯下自己的一部分,藏在头骨制成的容器里面。她让自己成为不死之身”,实际应该是“藏在骨头制成的容器里面”。繁中不止一次的将“bone”的中文颠倒成“头骨”。