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[[File:The Heart.png|thumb|机械心脏知道所有的秘密]]这页是[[机械心脏]](the Heart)在《耻辱2》中的语录列表。 《耻辱1》的[[机械心脏(语录)|列表在此]]。 ==位置== ===[[虚空之境]]=== * “这里的天空没有星星。这里没有天空。” ** "There are no stars in the sky here. There is no sky." * “我的心虽然是血肉之躯,却也由金属和玻璃组成。还有其他成分。” * “我们不应该在这里。任何人都不。” ** "We shouldn't be here. No one should." * “上千年的时间里,只有几个人见过这地方。其中有两位是女皇。”(科尔沃) ** "In thousands of years, few have seen this place. Two were empresses." [As Corvo.] * “上千年的时间里,只有几个人见过这地方。其中有三位是女皇。”(艾米丽) ** "In thousands of years, few have seen this place. Three were empresses." [As Emily.] * “这里有股神秘的力量。” ** "There is a strange power in this place." * “我再也没办法面对阳光了。我心知肚明。夺我性命的人还活在世上。不过他已离群索居。不久前,我还是个女孩。然后是坠入爱河的年轻女子。接着成为女皇。现在的我是什么呢?我还记得最后一次见到你的那天,在顿沃塔的后面。你脑中有你父亲的教诲,也有你母亲的教诲。我的心虽然是血肉之躯,却也是由金属和玻璃组成。还有其他成分。”(艾米丽) ===各种环境=== * “是的,这里当然不止贪腐与痛苦。别绝望。这里还存有良善。” ** ''"Yes, there is more here than corruption and pain. Don't despair, there is goodness here too."'' * “我听到了笑声。在某个地方仍有欢笑与歌声。也有轻松自然的友谊。” ** ''"I hear laughter. Somewhere there is still merriment and song. And the gentle ease of friendship."'' * “可怕的企图,精心的设计。是的,亲爱的,一切的一切都以无数牺牲者的鲜血铺织而成。” * “这曾经是属于我的世界。所有的一切,从最北的海岸到这南方的卡纳卡,就算无法眼见这个世界,许多事我还是一清二楚。而这地方曾经是如此隐晦不明。” * “早该离开,但却还在世间飘荡,究竟是幸还是不幸?” * “在这附近某处,有两人手牵着手,共饮毒药。是一对老夫妻。一名银行家从他们手中骗走了房子。” * “在某个地方,一位贵族女子正在殴打一名仆人。仆人还是个小男孩而已,那样打会让他失明。而这只是因为端茶慢了些。” * “我看见一座矿坑坍塌,掩埋了数十名工人。一个乞丐任血蝇叮咬。有只猫却睡在天鹅绒枕上。” * “惨遭蹂躏的人、穷人、被遗忘的人、无家可回的小孩、乞丐和孤儿,谁来替他们主持公道?” ** ''"The downtrodden. The poor and forgotten. Mudlarks, beggars, and orphans. Who speaks for them?"'' * “我了解的世界,停留在十五年前。部分的我没有变,但这个世界已经变得相当陌生。” ** ''"I knew this world, fifteen years ago. Some part of me remains, but the world seems strange."'' * “我还认得这个地方吗?我有什么淬炼的指挥好教导人?都没有,我只知道我身心俱疲,只有如此。” * “费尽众人之力才打造了这个地方。这座城市是如此雄伟!应该说,曾经如此。这里本来可以变成人间仙境。” ** ''"So many hands built this place. And it is so grand. Was so grand. It could have been paradise for all."'' * “这是座富饶之城。但不是所有人都能共享荣华富贵。” * “有时候我还记得吹过我身上的微风。” * “为什么绝大多数的人所拥有的总是如此微妙?初衷并非如此啊。” ** ''"Why do so many have so little? It was never meant to be this way."'' * “总是会有冲突。权势、贪婪、肉欲。” * “对我来说,我什么都可以放弃,只希望能再一次牵着你的手。” * “落入这艰困的环境,你大抵孤身一人,只有寥寥几个盟友。” * “好想和你一同游访很多地方。” * “我们就在这,一同迷失片刻吧。” * “你身边的人看不见我。大声呼唤我,我可说在也不在。” * “我曾听过一个故事,说一名水手被永远困在迷雾里。不管她航行到哪里,迷雾始终笼罩着她。我就是那名水手。” * “我们总有一天必须分开。先告诉你,只是希望让之后的离别容易些。” * “如果有天我们必须分离,请记住,我非常清楚你的为人,我也很……” * “不小的你还记不记得我以前的样子。有时候我会想起过往的时光。你会吗?” * “度过这次危机后,你必须答应让我解脱。” * “如果我没有消失,世界会变得不一样吗?” === 拒绝的时候 === * “我累了,亲爱的,还要多久?我还需要躲在阴影下多久?” ** ''"I am tired. How long my dearest? How long must I endure in this shadow state?"'' * “你希望我提供指引,给你一个方向。不。” * “你再逼我也没用,她的事,我知道的都告诉你了。” * “关于这家伙的事,我全告诉你了。” ===高混乱度=== * “你不分青红皂白就杀人,恣意屠杀而丝毫不感到懊悔。” * “我见过太多可怕的事了。小孩早到窃贼群殴。血蝇筑巢。还有你那沾满鲜血的双手。”(此处官方繁中有手癌) * “你有机会放过许多人,但你没有。为什么?” ** ''"You could've spared so many lives, but you didn't. Why?"'' (high chaos) * “是的,这个地方充斥着凶手与恶徒。你不也变成他们的一份子了吗?” ** ''"Yes, this place is home to cutthroats and villains. Are you not becoming one of them?"'' * “在某个地方有个矿工,他的肺里咳出黑血。他对妻子隐瞒了这件事。你也要杀了他们吗?” ** ''"Somewhere a miner coughs black from his lungs. He hides it from his wife. Will you kill them too?"'' * === [[斯帝尔顿大宅]] === * “这都是她的杰作。她得为此偿命。我们的决定举足轻重。我的大限将至,我有感觉。时候快到了。” * “这地方有股奇怪的力量。” === 从斯帝尔顿大宅返回恐怖鞭痕号后 === * “感觉得到吗?这事我的最后一晚。不久我就将魂飞魄散了。我逗留太久了。找到黛利拉的灵魂。 用这个东西把她困住,放我自由。” === [[大皇宫]] === * “我感觉得到她的存在。” * “黛利拉。她的灵魂我再熟悉不过了。” ==人物== ===[[:Category:暗杀目标|暗杀目标]]=== ====[[布里安娜·艾许沃斯]](Breanna Ashworth)==== *“算艺术家吧。拿着鲜血和毛发萃取的颜料,在画布上画出骨头和皮肤。” ** ''"An artist, of sorts. Bone and skin stretched across canvas, with pigments coaxed from blood and hair."'' *“布里安娜·艾许沃斯,皇家美术馆馆长。但她可不是号简单的人物。” ** ''"Breanna Ashworth. She is the curator at the Royal Conservatory. But she is something more."'' *“1836年,她与黛利拉和原始女巫团搬进了布里格莫尔庄园。” ** ''"She moved to Brigmore Manor with Delilah and the original coven in the year 1836."'' *“白天是馆长,专接待贵族。但她不为人知的秘密太多了。” ** ''"A curator by day, hosting aristocrats. But she has many secrets."'' * “十六年前,布里安娜·艾许沃斯和黛利拉两人相依为命。当时,她们联手创立了女巫团。” ** ''"Sixteen years ago, it was just Breanna Ashworth and Delilah. When they founded the coven together."'' * “她用鲸鱼骨打造某样东西。力量比简单的护身符还强大。” ** ''"There is - something she made from whale bones. More powerful than a simple charm."'' *“家人要她嫁给连气都喘不过来的老头子,于是她逃跑了。投奔黛利拉。” ** ''"They wanted her to wed that wheezing old man. So she ran away. Ran to Delilah."'' * “历经死亡和时间的考验,始终效忠黛利拉。” ** ''"Loyal to Delilah, after death and across all these years."'' *“黛利拉的奥术链接对她效果强大。不少力量在艾许沃斯身上显露无疑。” ** ''"Delilah's arcane bond is strong with this one. Many of the powers manifest in Ashworth."'' *“她擅长玩弄权力和魔法。要是她尽责任,整个世界会是另一番局面。” ** ''"She is a player in a game of power and magic. All the world will change if she does her part."'' *“艾许沃斯出身世家大族,但是对贵族恨之入骨。” ** ''"Ashworth comes from old money. But she hates the aristocracy as much as she hates anyone."'' *“黛利拉回来后,全帝国女性无不受到黛利拉的力量召唤,纷纷来到卡纳卡加入她们的行列。” ** ''"After Delilah's return, women from all over the Empire felt the pull of Delilah's power, coming to join them in Karnaca."'' *“她想和神谕教团的姐妹联系。趁她们入梦时对她们低语。” ** ''"She wants to reach out to them, to the Sister of the Oracular Order. To whisper into their dreams."'' *“年轻时和黛利拉在顿沃外旧布里格莫尔庄园的日子,有时候会浮现在她脑海。” ** ''"Sometimes she remembers being with Delilah at the old Brigmore Manor, outside Dunwall in younger days."'' *“她家人本来逼她嫁给那个猪头。她头也不回地逃跑了。” ** ''"Her family would've forced her to marry that pig. She ran and never looked back."'' ====[[皇家杀手]](The crown killer)==== * “这位人称皇家杀手,不过她视自己为恐怖亚历。” ** ''"This is the one they call the Crown Killer, but she thinks of herself as Grim Alex."'' * “哦!有东西流过她的血管!她的脑袋犹如烈火中烧。和她保持距离。” ** ''"Oh! Something courses through her veins! Inflaming her brain! Stay away."'' * “她的黑暗之心,视社会防护机制如无物,一发不可收拾。” ** ''"A dark place in her mind has been allowed to overgrow, unchecked by society's safeguards."'' * “你明白吗?她有如邪恶的努力,肩负使命,一步步执行丧心病狂的计划。” ** ''"You see? Wickedness is her master, yet she is driven by purpose, following a perverse plan."'' * “挣扎、迷茫、谋杀。她在等待某个强大的对象再稍讯息给她。” ** ''"Struggle, confusion, murder. She awaits another message from someone powerful. Instructions."'' * “她捕捉、她杀害,犹如野兽。不过另外还有一个人,正在沉睡中。” ** ''"Like a feral thing, she takes, she kills. But someone else is there too. Sleeping."'' * “她从直接和酷刑得到快感,因为她知道有人会伤心欲绝……是她姐妹吗?抱歉,全都搞混了。” ** ''"It delights her how much she maims and tortures, because she knows how it would hurt her - sister? I'm sorry, it's all mingled together."'' * “她一边笑,一边杀害他。笑着、咆哮着,一边将他分尸。” ** ''"She laughed when she killed him. Laughed and growled as she pulled him apart."'' * “她为所欲为,毫无良知可言。麻木不仁。” ** ''"There's no voice in her head to tell her when she's gone too far. It's been numbed."'' * “她的血受到污染,她的字典没有怀疑这两个字。她就是为所欲为!” ** ''"Something has corrupted her blood. It frees her from doubt. She will have her way."'' * “在顿沃那晚,四处血迹斑斑。她成就感十足。欢天喜地。” ** ''"That night in Dunwall, she spread the red everywhere. Feeling triumph. Glee."'' * “她在回想那晚和卢卡·阿比尔公爵、奇林·金朵希,还有其他人的事。他们做了那件卑鄙、惊人的事。” ** ''"She's remembering a night with Duke Luca Abele, Kirin Jindosh, and - others. They did something vile, but astounding."'' ===[[黛利拉·考伯斯朋]](Delilah Copperspoon)=== *“这是个老灵魂。我有印象。黛利拉。” **''"There is an old spirit here. I remember. Delilah."'' *“我认识她!那是我小时候。我们曾在顿沃塔一起玩耍。她是在厨房工作的女孩,而我……我是……” **''"I knew her! As a child. We played together at Dunwall Tower. She was a kitchen girl. And I... I was..."'' *“黛利拉。她居然活着?她本来在虚空之境漂泊。我看得到。但后来……” **''"Delilah. How is it she lives? She wandered in the void. I can see it. But then..."'' *“她眼睁睁看着她母亲生病,死在债务人的监狱。她绝对忘不了,绝对不可能原谅。” **''"She watched her mother sicken and die in the debtor's prison. She will never forget. Never forgive."'' *“她要求大家仰慕她。这是她力量的泉源。” **''"Adore her. She demands it. It nourishes her."'' *“她一向受到不公平的待遇。从没好脸色。让她挨鞭子!把她扔到大街!” **''"They were never fair to her. No kindness was ever shown. They whipped her. Sent her in the streets."'' *“她父亲经常对她说,她是公主,承诺有一天她会当上女皇。” **''"Many times, her father told her that she was a princess, and promised that one day she would be a queen."'' *“真希望现在可以和她说说话,我多年前亲爱的童年玩伴。” **''"If I could only speak to her now, my darling playmate from so many years ago."'' *“她从顿沃塔人间蒸发。有事情发生了,但已经是陈年往事。到底怎么回事?” **''"She disappeared from Dunwall Tower. Something occurred, but so long ago. What was it?"'' *“她密谋……不!……要驱逐一个小女孩的灵魂,附身在她身上。我……我的女儿。” **''"She schemed of - no! - Of casting out the soul of a little girl and living in her skin. My - my daughter."'' *“她撕裂灵魂,然后藏起来。不……不可能有这种事。这不是人做的事。” **''"She tore it out and hid it away. No - it's not possible. No one would do that."'' *“她梦想全世界臣服在她脚下,但这样还不够。还要爱她。呼唤她的名号。” **''"She dreams of all the world bowing, but more than that. Loving her. Breathing her name."'' *“黛利拉,原谅我。我应该想办法找你的。” **''"Forgive me, Delilah. I should have tried to find you."'' *“在她心中,一幅巨作逐渐成型。这幅画就是《理想世界》。” **''"In her mind, a great painting takes s*hape. She would paint The World As It Should Be."'' *“她是索科洛夫的门生,但事情没这么简单。她爱慕过他,欣赏他的无礼、他的豪放不拘。” **''"She was an apprentice to Sokolov, and more. She admired him for a time. His irreverence. His freedom from restraint."'' *“她将心思转向女巫团。十五年前的旧女巫团,还有现在加入的新血。” **''"Her mind turns to the coven. To the old ones, from fifteen years ago, and the new ones who join now."'' *“等等,不太对劲。她年纪应该更大,再大上十二岁才对。” **''"Wait, something is wrong. She should be older, by twelve years."'' *“她的力量越来越强大。她在虚空之境找到了某样东西。某样古物。” **''"Her powers are greater now. She found something in the Void. Something ancient."'' *“受到她奥术链接吸引的女人,从群岛四面八方前来。” **''"The women who feel the tug of her arcane bond, they come from across the Isles."'' *“她偶尔会想起卢卡,不过和怀念心爱的宠物没两样。” **''"From time to time, she thinks of Luca, but only as one thinks fondly of a favored pet."'' *“有几个晚上,她心情低落。这个世界既孤单又冷冰冰,而且……不对劲。她得不到宁静。” **''"Some nights, her mood sinks low. The world feels lonely and cold, and - not right. She knows no peace."'' ===[[奇林·金朵希]](Kirin Jindosh)=== * “奇林·金朵希。索科诺斯的大发明家。机械战士军队是他的梦想。” ** ''"Kirin Jindosh. Grand Inventor for Serkonos. He dreams of an army of mechanical soldiers."'' * “他的发明,也就是[[银图]]……在金属板上结合水银和光线,影像便出现了!有人关心,有人惊恐。” ** ''"His invention, the silvergraph...it combines mercury and light on a plate. And an image appears! Some are delighted, some terrified."'' * “他是创新、发明、进步的天才。甚至可能比索科洛夫还有天分。” ** ''"He has a great mind, for innovation, invention, progress. Perhaps even greater than Sokolov."'' * “年纪轻轻就进了学院。当年的他沉默寡言,几乎没人注意到他。不过他聚精会神、融会贯通,或许甚至比其他人学的还精。” ** ''"So young, when he attended the Academy. So quiet then. They hardly noticed him. But he took it all in, understood, perhaps even better than they did."'' * “他与卢卡·阿比尔公爵共事。他们有共同的兴趣,不过只是互相利用。” ** ''"He works with Duke Luca Abele. They share overlapping interests, but only use one another."'' * “他觉得试验对象都没救了。得马上招一批新的试验对象。” ** ''"He's thinking the test subjects are all broken beyond repair. That it's time to obtain a fresh batch."'' * “在学院,年仅十六岁,他所说的话,其他学生和多数老师,根本连一半都听不懂。” ** ''"At the Academy, the other students and most of the teachers, they couldn't comprehend half of what he was telling them, even at sixteen."'' * “一个四、五岁的孩子居然会提这种问题。其他人逐渐对他心生恐惧。而他真实对他们心生厌恶。” ** ''"Such questions he asked as a child, just free from the crib. Others grew to fear him. Just as he grew to loathe them."'' * “他等着呼吸和鲜血停止。接着是大脑,然后是双眼的光芒。他喜欢眼睛瞬间的变化。为此着迷不已。” ** ''"He waits for the breathing and blood to stop. Then the brain, and the light from their eyes. He loves that moment, when the eyes change. Finds it fascinating."'' * “他渴望有人足以于他的才智匹敌。并非虚荣心作祟。鲜有人是他的对手。” ** ''"He longs for an adversary worthy of his intellect. It is not vanity. There are few who could match him."'' * “他母亲曾经问过:你为什么对猫做那种事?小金朵希只是好奇里面是什么样子,是如何运作。他对她的苦恼感到不解。” ** ''"His mother asked: Why did you do that to the cat? Young Kirin only wanted to know what was inside; how it worked. Her distress puzzled him."'' * “新公爵让他随心所欲挑选试验对象。源源不绝供应他试验品。” ** ''"The new Duke will let him have all the test subjects he wants. An endless supply."'' * “公爵在他差点遭到逮捕前发现了他。他对同事犯下令人发指的罪行,因此要被关进阴冷的监狱。他把同事拿来做实验。公爵反而给了他一个新头衔。” ** ''"Almost arrested before the Duke found him. Carted off to some dank hole behind iron bars for revolting crimes against his fellows. His experiments. Instead, the Duke gave him a title."'' * “这对他很重要。他希望其他人注意到他的工作多复杂。他的发明是多么天才。这些都是他的见解……” ** ''"It is important to him. He wants others to notice the complexity of his work. The genius of his innovations. These are his thoughts..."'' * “长年以来,他幻想着将自己的老师关进笼子,仿佛是被玻璃压住的昆虫,乞求得到释放,承认他的才智高人一筹。” ** ''"So many years, he imagined having his own teacher in a cage, like an insect under glass. Begging to be released; admitting that his was the superior intelligence."'' 使用电击椅以后 * “他的回忆怎么也找不回来。全都变了,全都搅合在一起了。” ** ''"His memories flee from him as he seeks them. All is shifting, intermingling."'' * “伟大的理论近在咫尺,却力所不及。任何想法都稍纵即逝。” ** ''"Great theorems drift just beneath the surface, just beyond his reach. But he cannot hold a thought for more than a few seconds."'' * “回忆时,他的心中只有愤怒和绝望。他那犹如雄伟大教堂版的心灵,如今荒烟蔓草,一片凄凉。” ** ''"When he remembers, he is filled with rage and despair. The great cathedral of his mind, abandoned and ruined."'' * “有那么片刻,新思路出现了,某个伟大工程问题的解决之道。如今却消失了。” ** ''"For just a second, he had a new line of thinking. The solution to a great engineering problem. Now lost."'' * “某种程度上,他感到前所未有地满足。他想起了稍后要吃的晚餐,希望是洋白菜佐猪肉。” ** ''"In a way, he is more content now than he ever has been. He thinks of his dinner later, and hopes for cabbage with pork."'' === [[卢卡·阿比尔]](Luca Abele) === *“他和t他的父亲截然不同。” ** ''"He is nothing like his father."'' *“又是冗长乏味的会议。矿工对地底的状况抱怨个没完。” **''"Another tedious meeting. Endless complaints from the miners about the conditions below."'' *“他几乎连看都没看就在文件上签字了,只为了加快速度。” ** ''"He signs the papers to hurry things along, barely glancing at them. Oh, how his writing hand cramps!"'' *“他弟弟死在顿沃肮脏的街道上,英年早逝。” ** ''"His brother died on the dirty streets of Dunwall, struck down in his youth."'' *“就算住大皇宫,用银盘当餐具,他还是闷闷不乐。” ** ''"Even living in the Grand Palace and taking his food from silver plates, he is unhappy."'' *“学校、旅行、家教。他父亲什么机会都给他了。但永远都不够。” ** ''"Schools, travel, and mentors. His father gave him every opportunity, but it was never enough."'' *“在他心中,她不止是爱人。他每分每秒都想见她。” ** ''"She is more than a lover to him. He counts the moments until he sees her again."'' *“他身边那群顾问,都是因为能将银矿矿坑的产能榨到最高,才获得他的青睐。对于待过矿坑的人,他避之唯恐不及。” ** ''"The advisors surrounding him are hand-picked for their ability to run the silver mines beyond capacity. He avoids those who once worked in the mines."'' *“又有建筑遭[[血蝇]]入侵。他认为这座城市将被蝇巢占据、空无一人,不过这要等他离世才会发生。” *“他身边那群马屁精只是勉强堪用而已,因为有这群人,没完没了、堆积如山的抱怨就不会找上他。” ** ''"Those who toady on him are only tolerable because they free him from the constant, whining demands that pile up at his feet."'' ===[[阿曼多]](Armando)=== * “虽然看文件看的眼睛很累,但他还是全部看完了。” ** ''"Reading the paperwork tires his eyes, but he reads it all."'' * “工作完成后,他会在阳台抽根雪茄,享受片刻的宁静时光。” ** ''"After his duties are done, he'll enjoy a quiet moment on the balcony with a cigar."'' * “他曾经爱过一个女人,但她被视为潜在的危险,而他就再也没见过她。” ** ''"There was a woman he loved, but she was identified as a risk, and he never saw her again."'' * “目睹挥金如土的生活,他心如刀割。” ** ''"It sickens his spirit, seeing such riches squandered."'' * “他望着一尊尊雕像,怀疑到底有没有半个人记得他。” ** ''"He looks up at the statues and wonders whether anyone will remember him."'' * “梦魇上演时,此刻找上他。他恳求对方认清真相。” ** ''"In the nightmares, assassins come for him. He begs them to see the truth."'' * “看到他叹气的模样了吗?他的生活有如笼中鸟。” ** ''"See how he sighs? His life is a gilded cage."'' * “他满脑子都是他走路、穿着和说话方式。看来必须毫无差别。” ** ''"He's thinking about his walk, the way he dresses and speaks. Everything must appear correct."'' * “过去五年,索科诺斯铸造的金币上都有这张脸。” ** ''"This face is on all the coins minted in Serkonos over the last five years."'' * “他本来一文不值。而且现在可能还是一文不值,不过他有着令人意想不到的潜力。” ** ''"He would have amounted to nothing, and still might, but he has unexpected potential."'' === [[帕欧罗]](Paolo) === * “他让战嚎从街头混混更上一层楼。” ** ''"He's made the Howlers into something more than just a street gang."'' * “他聪明又有抱负。如果知道他的野心,你应该会很吃惊。” ** ''"He's clever this one, with aspirations. You'd be surprised how high up he wants to be."'' * “战嚎是他的家人,他为了保护他们,无恶不作。” ** ''"The Howlers are his family. He's done terrible things to protect them."'' * “他自认比公爵适合治理[[索科诺斯]]。” ** ''"He believes he could run Serkonos better than the Duke."'' * “他有个秘密,每天可以救他一命。” ** ''"He has a secret that will save his life only once each day."'' * “他因为办事好利落,声名传遍卡纳卡。就连新公爵都借重他的长才。” ** ''"He is well known throughout Karnaca as a man who can get things done. Even the new Duke has employed him."'' * “他得去探视某人。他不确定这名发疯的男子食物和水够不够。” ** ''"There is someone he needs to check on. He wonders if the moonstruck man has enough food and water."'' * “他非常讨厌他们送他去的那所学校,所以他就把学校一把火烧了。” * “和公爵的某种交易。这项约定持续进行中。我不知道。和某个心灵受伤的人有关。” ** ''"Some business with the Duke. An ongoing arrangement. I don't know. It involves one whose mind has been - injured."'' * “我一开始没发现,不过这里有魔法作祟。他用的是[[骨符|骨制护身符]]……而且运用自如。” ** ''"I didn't see it at first, but there is magic at work here. He uses charms made of bone... uses them well."'' * “帕欧罗,他帮助盲人木匠过马路,然后又在同一天暗杀某个大律师。” ** ''"Paolo. He helped a blind woodcarver cross the street the same day he assassinated a barrister."'' * “只要每取一条性命,他就会在背上纹一颗星。灾难星群。” ** ''"He gets another star tattooed across his back every time he claims a life. A constellation of woe."'' * “他认为这是危险的时刻。他正在思考如果自己有个三长两短,明蒂该如何照顾战嚎。” ** ''"He's thinking these are dangerous times. And how Mindy will take care of the Howlers should anything happen to him."'' === [[利亚姆·柏恩]](Liam Byrne) === * “野心。那是我从他身上感觉到的气息。数十年来,副督军大位上最年轻的人。” ** ''"Ambition. That is what I sense in him. The youngest man to reach Vice Overseer in decades."'' * “利亚姆·柏恩。他在众生院平步青云。某天他或许会当上高级督军。” ** ''"Liam Byrne. He has moved up quickly in the Abbey's hierarchy. He might be High Overseer someday."'' * “他对新公爵的忍耐已经濒临极限。他们绝对在某些场合打过照面,但是他不喜欢。” ** ''"He barely tolerates this new Duke. They must interact on occasion, but he does not like it."'' * “他在漠利最北端的自由港长大,气候寒冷多雾。当时他不过是无名小卒。现在却成了督军的顾问和领袖。” ** ''"He grew up in the cold mists of Fraeport on the nothernmost tip of Morley. He was nothing then. Now the Overseers look to him for answers and leadership."'' * “小时候,有位督军从薄雾里现身,身边跟着只猎犬。他念诵咒文的嗓音低沉有力。小利亚姆·柏恩整个人呆若木鸡。” ** ''"When he was a boy, an Overseer stepped out of the mist, wolfhound by his side. Voice was deep and strong as he recited the invocations. Young Liam Byrne was transfixed."'' * “他的信仰坚定,或许到了迷信的程度。界外魔的影响力举目可见。即便是公爵、地痞流氓,甚至是矿工都逃不出他的手掌心。” ** ''"His faith is strong, perhaps overly so. He sees the influence of the Outsider everywhere. In the Duke, in the street gangs, and even the miners."'' * “他心乱如麻,比平时还忧心。他会求教于[[神谕教团]]姐妹,她们会将他导向正途。” ** ''"Something nags at him, beyond the usual worries. He will consult the Sisters of the Oracular Order, and they will set his feet on the right path."'' * “他父亲用手工制木块刻成的字母教他识字。” ** ''"His father taught him to read using letters carved into hand-crafted wooden blocks."'' * “将女巫和异教徒斩草除根成了他的使命。凡是向虚空之境诱惑屈服,再在他们地盘引起混乱之人,都是他的目标。” ** ''"He seeks to weed out the witches and heretics. Those who have succumbed to the lure of the Void and who bring chaos where they tread."'' * “有个男孩因为不安分的手,被他母亲告发。他让对方招供了,任何人都不是他的对手。不这么做,可能会危及他迈向副督军之路。” ** ''"There was a boy, turned in by his mother for his Restless Hands. He extracted a confession as he would from anyone else. It would have jeopardized his ascent to Vice Overseer to do otherwise."'' * “他母亲鼓励他发挥音乐天分,但他满脑子只有七戒律和众生院的教条。” ** ''"His mother encouraged his musical talent, but his interests lay in the comfort of the Strictures and the rigors of Abbey."'' * “迷信、使用护身符与咒语的风气越来越盛,这让他不安。他等待神谕教团的指引。” ** ''"He has seen a troubling increase in superstitious beliefs and the use of charms and spells. He waits for guidance from the Oracular Order."'' * “每周一次,他会在郊区咖啡厅和母亲的一位老友共进晚餐。他用尽耐心,听对方重复同一个故事。” ** ''"Once a week, he meets an old friend of his mother's for dinner at a café at the edge of town. He listens to her stories again and again, with great patience."'' * “即将离开卡纳卡时,他打算搬到首都住。在顿沃,他能够和高级督军说得上话。” ** ''"When his years in Karnaca come to an end, he hopes to move to the capital. In Dunwall, he will have the ear of the High Overseer himself."'' * “送他去适性试炼时,自由港的督军已经监视他好几个月,斟酌着他的承诺。” ** ''"Before they took him away for the Trials of Aptitude, the Overseers in Fraeport watched him for months, debating his promise."'' ===其他=== === [[亚历珊卓·海芭夏]](Alexandria Hypatia) === * “这位炼金术士致力于治疗令水手和矿工备受折磨的疾病。不过她的内心……不太平静。” ** ''"An alchemist dedicated to the diseased afflicting sailors and mine workers. But her mind is - troubled."'' * “她是囚犯吗?她有种受困的感觉。为什么不让她离开[[艾德迈尔研究院|艾德迈尔]]?” ** ''"Is she a prisoner? She feels trapped here. Why is she not allowed to leave Addermire?"'' * “[[声谱仪]]开始播放公爵的声音时,她背后一阵凉意,然后……她睡了过去。” ** ''"When the Duke's voice begins to play on the audiograph, a chill comes over her, and - she sleeps."'' * “她在想佛手柑会不会加强黑肺症药方的效果。另一部分的她……正伺机而动。” ** ''"She wonders if bergamot might increase the efficacy of her black lung formula. Another part of her is - watching."'' * “大卫队干扰她工作,她视他们如眼中钉。她本来可以悬壶济世的。” ** ''"The Grand Guard interferes with her work, and she resents them. She could ease so much suffering."'' * “她为儿童制作了呼吸设备。现在她怀疑有没有好像都没差了。” ** ''"She fashioned a breathing apparatus for the child. Now she wonders if it has made any difference."'' * “这位并行善良,但另外有一个。从里面伺机而动。” ** ''"This one has a good heart, but there's something else there too. Watching from the inside."'' * “明天她会再开口,替最急迫的病历请命。” ** ''"Tomorrow she will ask again if she might see just a few of the most dire cases."'' * “海芭夏药效最强的血清让她懊悔不已。她放火将笔记烧个精光。不过有一部分的她紧抓配方不放。” ** ''"Hypatia regrets her most potent serum. She burned almost all the notes. But a part of her holds onto the formula."'' * “要是他们肯送更多酒石油给她中暑的患者就好了。那能减轻他的幻觉。” ** ''"If they'd only let deliver more Oil of Tartar to her patient with calenture. To ease his hallucinations."'' *“海芭夏在自然科学院求学,导师是[[皮耶罗·乔普林]]和[[安东·索科洛夫]]。” ** ''"Hypatia studied at the Academy of Natural Philosophy under Piero Joplin and Anton Sokolov."'' * “有名男子,冒险带着奄奄一息的儿子搭船来。她爱莫能助,只能眼睁睁看着守卫把他赶走。” ** ''"A man brought his dying son by boat, braving the rocks. She watches, helpless, as the soldiers drove him away."'' * “她关心患者,视病人如亲人。经常拒绝向他们收费。” ** ''"She cares for the patients, treats them with compassion. Often refuses their money."'' * “她专攻沙尘区常见的肺病和眼疾。” ** ''"She has a special interest in the lung and eye conditions prevalent in the dust district."'' * “回南方前,她在顿沃求学。” ** ''"For years, she studied in Dunwall before returning to the South."'' 治愈海芭夏以后: ** “就好像她从一场漫长的噩梦中走了出来。”(治愈后) ** ''"It's as if she's emerged from a long, black dream."'' (after being cured) ** “她的精神已经卸下了负担,每天都在恢复精力。”(治愈后) ** ''"Her spirit has been unburdened, and she is gaining strength each day."'' (after being cured) ** “她内心有一种感觉,知道自己做了什么,但只有印象。”(治愈后) ** ''"There's a sense within her of what she's done, but only impressions."'' (after being cured) ** “海芭夏的心情好转了。她期待着再次见到病人。”(治愈后) ** ''"Hypatia's mood improves. She looks forward to seeing patients again."'' (after being cured) ** “她已经在想一个患有妄想症的老病人了。她想知道这个女人的病情进展如何。”(治愈后) ** ''"Already, she's thinking about an old patient suffering from boanthropy. She wants to know how the woman is progressing."'' (after being cured) === [[安东·索科洛夫]](Anton Sokolov) === * “安东·索科洛夫。画家、发明家兼花花公子。无人不知、无人不晓的人物。只对自己效忠。” ** ''"Anton Sokolov. Painter, inventor and - philanderer. Famous throughout the Isles. Loyal only to himself."'' * “索克洛夫怀疑这一切到底值不值得。一旦实行,有些主意便失控了。” ** ''"Sokolov wonders now if it was all worth it. Once put forth, some ideas take on a life of their own."'' * “这些年下来,他变得温和了。他想法设法弥补过去的损失。” ** ''"The years have softened him. He seeks to make up for the wrongs from his past."'' * “瘟疫时期,他把人当[[实验体312号|试验品]]。他违背受试者意愿,让他们吃尽苦头。” ** ''"He experimented on people during the plague years. Unwilling subjects who suffered needlessly at his hands."'' * “时间虽不长,不过他在狗圈酒馆沦为囚犯的日子,始终在脑子里盘旋。他莫名地开心。” ** ''"It was brief, but his time at the Hounds Pits Pub - as a prisoner - stays with him. He was strangely happy."'' * “他的所作所为让他有罪恶感。不过治愈鼠疫,救人无数。” ** ''There is guilt within him for the things he did. But curing the Rat Plague saved so many."'' * “不久前,贵族为了他抢破头。争相送礼和拍马屁。他会接受谁的邀请呢?再来他会画谁的肖像呢?” ** "''Not so long ago the nobles vied for his attention. Sent him gifts and flattery. Whose invitation would he accept? Whose portrait would he next paint?"'' * “过去对他而言是煎熬。他有办法为一手造成的伤痛赎罪吗?” ** ''"His past torments him. Can he ever atone for the pain he's caused?"'' * “这位老人,满心懊悔。索科洛夫,曾经不可一世的炼金术士。” ** ''"He is full of regrets, this old man. Sokolov, the once-great alchemist."'' * “某几个晚上,他会梦到几十年前画过的女子。那是他见过最美的一张脸。画还没来得及完工,她就过世了,于是他将画烧成灰烬。” ** ''"Some nights he dreams of a young woman he once painted, decades ago. Her face, the most beautiful thing he'd ever beheld. She died before the painting was complete, and he burned it to ash."'' * “索科洛夫从[[艾斯蒙德·罗斯博尔]]那里,得知了[[鲸油]]不为人知的力量。他将鲸油用在杀人装置上,罗斯博尔因此自尽。” ** ''"From Esmond Roseburrow, Sokolov learned the power hidden inside whale oil. He harnessed it for devices that kill, and Roseburrow took his own life."'' * “某几个晚上他醒来上厕所时,以为自己在考德温大桥的旧公寓。[[恐怖鞭痕号]]的设计让他有这种错觉。” ** ''"Some nights he wakes for the toilet, thinking he's at his old apartment on Kaldwin's Bridge. He's confused by the layout of the Dreadful Wale."'' * “他厌倦了上流社会的吵吵闹闹,从顿沃隐退。” ** ''"He retreated from Dunwall, tired of the petty squabbles of the elite."'' * “他们还是不死心,继续找他画肖像、制作[[索科洛夫的万能药|新万能药]]或是讲下流的故事。有些人到头来只发现,伟大的索科洛夫如今垂垂老矣,不再不可一世。” ** ''"They still seek him out, for portraits, new elixirs, or bawdy stories. Some just to see the great Sokolov now stooped and humbled."'' * “他都记得……全在脑子里。每个配方,每道方程式。越来越想不起来了。” ** ''"It's all still there - in his mind. Every formula. Every equation. Harder and harder to recall."'' * “在梦中,他梦见被他以进步之名当成试验品的每个名字和每张脸孔” ** ''"In his dreams, he sees the names and faces of every subject he experimented on in the name of progress."'' * “他的课人满为患。椅子坐满,大家就会走廊排排站,拼了命也要听。海芭夏、金朵希这些当今的天才,都欠他一份人情。” ** ''"They would flock to his lectures. When all the seats were full they would line the hallways straining to hear. Hypatia, Jindosh, all the great minds of today owe him a debt."'' * “金朵希把他关起来的时候,索科洛夫以为自己没命了,结果他因此改变了。 他倦了。” ** ''"When Jindosh held him, Sokolov believed he would die, and that changed him. He is so tired."'' * “他想起某段精彩的海上之旅。不少人失踪,就为了前往[[潘迪西亚大陆|潘迪西亚]]。一把火烧了个精光。” ** ''"He's remembering a great voyage he took by sea. So many men lost, reaching Pandyssia. The burning wastes."'' * “安东。曾经不可一世!现在请休息,我的朋友……” ** ''"Anton. How great you were! Rest now my friend..."'' ===[[阿拉米斯·斯帝尔顿]](Aramis Stilton)=== *斯帝尔顿大宅中(疯癫): **“是和公爵有关的事,还有一座夜晚的湖。不过他想起的是[[席奥丹尼斯·阿比尔|父亲]],不是儿子。” ***"Something about the Duke and a lake at night. But he recalls the father, not the son." **“斯帝尔顿凝视虚空之境。他无法忘掉自己看到的景象。” ***"Silton looked deeply into the Void. He cannot unsee what he has seen." **“他听到歌声。等等,不是歌声。这个地方中央开始震动。如果可以让他忘掉他看到的画面,他宁可挖掉双眼。” ***"He hears singing. Wait, not singing. Some vibration, coming from the center of this place. He would pluck out his own eyes if it would help him forget what he saw." **“在此之前,他老担心那些世家大家族会嘲笑他。他们也确实会笑他。” ***"Before this, he was so worried the old money people would laugh at him. They did." **“一度,阿拉米斯·斯帝尔顿知道自己是谁。他努力改善矿坑的情况。现在居然变成这样。” ***"Once, Aramis Stilton knew his name. He worked to improve conditions at the mines. And now this." **“有耳语和低吟,如同深海中的鲸鱼般不可思议。这些声音还在他耳边萦绕。” ***"There was a whisper and a groan, strange as the whales in the deep. He hears it still." **“他不相信!他心生恐惧!那晚他才会发疯!” ***"He was a doubter! He was afraid! That's why his mind was ruined on that night!" **“他看到摇摇欲坠的过去,还有被惨遭破坏的现在。还有过去和现在之间的时刻。” ***"His eyes see the teetering past and the ruined present. And the moments in between." **“惨事发生当晚,他打算和梅根见面。本来要向她吐露心声的。要是那晚没有和公爵在一起,他的人生将截然不同。他困在自己的内心,满脑子都是那场骇人的仪式。” ***"The night this terrible thing happened to him, he wanted to meet with Meagan. To confide in her. Had he not been with the Duke on that night, his life would have been very different. He is trapped inside himself. Some terrible ceremony echoes through his thoughts." * 营救后: **“阿拉米斯·斯帝尔顿靠银矿矿坑发了财,而且从不虐待矿工。” ***"Aramis Stilton made a fortune in the Silver Mines, without the usual cruelty associated with such endeavors."'' **“他悲从中来。他想念他的朋友和知己,席奥丹尼斯公爵。” ***"There is a great sadness in him. He misses his friend and confidant; the old Duke, Theodanis." **“阿拉米斯·斯帝尔顿,粗犷的外表下,其实藏着宝物,就像他所开采的矿石一样。” ***"Aramis Stilton. Like the ore he mines, there is something of value underneath that gruff exterior." **“斯帝尔顿设计面罩,减少矿工工作时吸入的矿尘。他要的是银矿,不是生病的矿工。” ***"Stilton devised a mask to help the miners take in less dust as they work. He wants silver. Not sick workers." **“他曾经努力讨好他们;隐瞒自己卑微的出身。如今他豁出去了。” ***"There was a time when he tried to impress them; to hide his humble beginnings. But he no longer cares." **“他很后悔让他们在家里举行愚蠢的降神会。他纵容年轻公爵,全都是因为爱他的父亲。” ***"He laments hosting their silly séance at his home. He indulges the young Duke, because he loved his father." **“他们在晚宴上说笑,音量大到传进他耳朵。他们笑他的鞋是卡尔喀尼最上等的货色。但他继续忙他的。反正也不是头一回听到这种话了。” ***"At the gala they joked loud enough that he could hear. Something about his shoes being the finest Caulkenny has to offer. But he carried on. It was nothing he hadn't heard before." **“他买得起做工更好的衣服。但就算他穿上全岛最上等的西装,他们还是会嗤之以鼻。他不想再试了。” ***"He could afford finer clothing. But even if he wore the finest suits in all the Isles, they would still turn their noses up at him. He's stopped trying." **“贵族几乎无法忍受他,不过他还有朋友。像是老公爵。还有……梅根·佛斯特。” ***"The aristocrats barely tolerate him, but he is not without friends. There was the old Duke. And - Meagan Foster.." **“他从来都不信任卢卡·阿比尔。他只好想办法容忍他。他希望年轻的公爵会成长,扛起责任。” ***"He never trusted Luca Abele. He seeks only to tolerate him. He hopes the young Duke will grow into his responsibilities.." **“阿拉米斯·斯帝尔顿。出生于漠利岛的贫困家庭。现在卡纳卡的矿坑几乎都归他管。” ***"Aramis Stilton. Born in squalor on the Isle of Morley. Now he runs most of the mines in Karnaca." **“卢卡·阿比尔公爵的所作所为令他忧心。这个儿子一点也不像他父亲。” ***"He's worried about something Duke Luca Abele has done. The son is nothing like his father." **“为了避免老旧坑道崩塌。他画设计草图,希望能尽快付诸实行。” ***"He has drawn up designs that should prevent collapses in the older tunnels. He hopes to implement them soon." **“他看得见矿坑的美。丰富的矿脉穿过石英。宝石内发出磷光的生命,让洞穴大放光明。” ***"He sees the beauty in the mines. Rich veins of ore cutting through quartz. Great caverns lit by phosphorescent light within the stone." ===[[巴塞洛缪斯·瓦斯科]](Bartholomeus Vasco)=== *“这是瓦斯科。他是效忠亚历珊卓·海芭夏的助手。” **"This is Vasco. He's been a loyal assistant to Alexandria Hypatia." *“他出事了……他再也见不到家人。” **"Something has been done to him...he will never see his family again." *“他在血液里注射了某种东西。我接收不到他的思维。” **"Something has been injected into his blood. I cannot follow his thoughts." *“他太虚弱,没办法自我救助。” **"He is too weak to help himself." *“他知道某件事情。他看到某件事。难怪他得吃这种苦头!” **"He knows something. He's seen something. That's why he's been made to suffer like this!" *“瓦斯科。海芭夏信任的助手。她从学院里招募他。他是全班最优秀的学生。” *"Vasco. Hypatia's trusted assistant. She recruited him out of the academy. The best in his class." ===[[露西雅·派斯特]](Lucia Pastor)=== *“露西雅·派斯特。多年前,她丈夫在矿灾丧生。” **"Lucia Pastor. Years ago she lost her husband in a mining disaster." *“她一生致力于协助矿工和他们的家人。她是矿工求助的对象。此外没有其他人愿意伸出援手了。” **"She's dedicated her life to helping the miners and their families. ''The miners look to her to help them. There is no one else." *“矿坑的状况她都看在眼里。矿工家庭的生活她也心知肚明。她看着孩子因为沙尘区的空气而喘不过气。” **"She's seen the conditions in the mines. Seen how the families live. Seen children choking on the air in the Dust District." *“他们以为如果让她等,她就会走了。但她不轻言放弃。” **"They thought she'd go away if they made her wait. But they found out how persistent she can be." *“那天的画面烙印在她脑海里……他踏进矿坑时紧绷着下巴。接着传来崩塌的消息,然后疯狂搜寻生还者。” **"That day stays in her memory... the grim set to his jaw as he headed for the mines. Then the news of the collapse, and the mad search for survivors." === [[梅根·佛斯特]](Meagan Foster) === * “看得出来你为什么喜欢她。她和你一样神秘。” ** ''"I can see why you like her. She's almost as secretive as you."'' * “梅根·佛斯特。她并非一直是船长。” ** ''"Meagan Foster. She wasn't always a ship captdoain."'' * “do [duo]年前,这俩人形影不离。没有面包,但是有爱情。她和童年挚友流落街头的短暂日子,是她此生最快乐的时光。” * “几年前,两人形影不离。没有食物,但有爱。和儿时的朋友在街上度过的那些短暂的日子——这是她所知道的最幸福的时光。”。 ** ''"It was years ago. The two were inseparable. There was no food, but there was love. Those brief days on the street with her childhood friend- the happiest times she's known.'' * “梅根?这个人信得过。某种程度上。但恨意蒙蔽了我的双眼。那样强烈的愤怒,足以令人盲目。” ** ''"Meagan? She can be trusted, to a point. But I can not see past the anger. That much rage can hide things."'' * “那个年代,顿沃的街头老是闹饥荒,弥漫着饥饿与恐怖的气息。为了生存,她学会了心狠手辣。” ** ''"There was always hunger back then, on the streets of Dunwall. Hunger and fear. She learned to be brutal to survive."'' * “在顿沃那段时间,她趁着黑帮老大松颚刮胡子,差点宰了他。” ** ''"Back in Dunwall, she almost killed the crime boss called Slackjaw. Once while he was getting a shave."'' * “她会在夜半惊醒,一边哽咽,一边听到年轻女孩子尖叫,眼睁睁看着她母亲断气。” ** ''"Some nights she wakes choking, hearing the screams of a young girl, watching - her mother die."'' * “可以确定的是,她有走私前科。而且在此之前,更恐怖的事她都做过。” ** ''"I can tell you that for years she was a smuggler, and worse before that."'' * “她一度交友不慎。不过她对索科洛夫是真心的。我感觉得出来。” ** ''"She has not always chosen her companions wisely. But she truly cares for Sokolov. I can feel it."'' * “我看得出她这么关心索科洛夫的原因。因为这两个人都拼了命想为过去赎罪。但或许有些事罪无可赦。” ** ''"I can see why she cares so much for Sokolov, both of them are trying to atone for their past. But maybe there are things beyond forgiveness."'' * “她有些秘密我不便透露。或许时候到了,她会告诉你。” ** ''"She has secrets I will not reveal. She may tell you in time."'' * “凶手不是她。” ** ''"It was not her hand that held the knife."'' * “要是她朋友多年前被攻击时可以逃过一劫,她的命运将会截然不同。” ** ''"Things would have been different for her, if her young friend had survived the attack all those years ago."'' * “她有三个父亲。一个酒鬼、一个杀人犯以及一个艺术家。” ** ''"She is a woman formed of three fathers. A drunkard, a killer, and an artist."'' * “多年前,她在顿沃误入歧途。她的作所作为,连她都无法原谅自己。” ** ''"She fell in with the wrong crowd many years ago in Dunwall. The things she did. She can't forgive herself."'' * “她……她那天……和他们在一起。” ** ''"She - she was with them...on that day."'' * “有个男人在她梦中阴魂不散,对她而言有如父亲的人。带着疤的男人。他不轻易现身,对我也不例外。” ** ''"A man haunts her dreams. Like a father to her. A man with scar. He hides himself, even from me."'' * “这位的命运更不寻常,超脱顿沃,超脱卡纳卡。” ** ''"This one has a greater destiny, beyond Dunwall, beyond Karnaca."'' === [[明蒂·布兰查德]](Mindy Blanchard) === * “这是帕欧罗的副指挥官,明蒂·布兰查德。年轻时的她是另一个模样。” ** ''"This is Paolo's second in command, Mindy Blanchard. Early in life she was someone else."'' * “年轻时,她觉得自己投错胎了,所以她决心补救。” ** ''"Early on, she felt like she'd been born into the wrong life, so she set about making it right."'' * “明蒂·布兰查德。战嚎的副指挥官。有个棺材店老板不过是对她笑,就被她打断手臂。” ** ''"Mindy Blanchard. Second in command of the Howlers. She once broke a coffin maker's arm for smiling at her."'' * “如果她说会追到天涯海角,当街宰了你。她绝对说到做到。” ** ''"If she says she's going to hunt you down and kill you in the street, then that's what she’ll do."'' * “她是帕欧罗的心腹,而帕欧罗则是她的挚友,知道她所有的秘密。” ** ''"This one answers to Paolo, who is her closest friend and knows all her secrets."'' * “她叫他们爱人。那群可怜的家伙。” ** ''"She calls them her lovers. Those poor souls."'' * “那群一见到麻烦就大叫晕倒的有钱人,是她下手的对象。她等不及要将他们的怀表、珠宝和自尊心搜刮一空。她看不惯他们养尊处优的生活。” ** ''"She goes after the rich ones who cry and faint at the first sign of trouble. She can't wait to take their pocket watches, jewels, and pride. Resents them for their easy lives."'' * “光是洗劫他们还不够。她鬼吼咒骂到他们哭。一如她所料。” ** ''"It wasn't enough just to rob them. She yelled and cursed until they cried, just like she knew they would."'' ==其他组== ==乞丐(Beggar)== *“他对家人很残暴。所以失业后根本求助无门。” **"He was cruel to his family. So when he lost his employment, he had nowhere to turn." *“他竟然对她吐痰。那名帝维雅的女子,昨天还弯下腰施舍给他一枚钱币。” **"He spat on her. The Tyvian woman who stooped yesterday to give him a coin." *“他背叛伙伴,但被发现了。看看他现在的下场。” **"He cheated his partners. But they found out. Look where it's got him." *"He has a pencil sketch portrait of his daughter, now worn to shreds. His one true love." *“他算不上是好人,但绝对不至于落到这个下场。” **"He was never a good man, but surely he didn't deserve this." *“她给他一枚硬币后,他咬了一名貌似他身故妻子的女子。伤口后来溃烂,那名女子痛苦地死去。” **“When she handed him a coin, he bit a woman who resembled his late wife. The wound putrefied and she died in agony.” *“他里里外外都坏光了。还把疾病传染给住在同区的人。” **“He is rotting away from the inside out. Spreading the disease to those who share his campsites.” *“他唯一能做的就是不断买醉,永远不要清醒过来。” **“His only plan is to get drunk and stay drunk.” *“梅帝欧卡街的收针师,当时大家都这么称呼他。那时他身子还挺硬朗,可以从手压制他的受害者。” **"The Madeo Street Stitcher they called him, back when he was spry enough to wrestle down his victims." *"He wasn't always like this. One of his works still hangs in a museum." *“后来他成为一艘船舰的舰长,每天专门洗劫、击沉客船,维持了好长一段时间,被俘虏或宰杀的人数以百计。” *“他穷困潦倒之前掠过许多小男孩,强迫他们到矿坑干活。” === [[大卫队]]('''Grand Serkonan Guard''') === * “他们因为他是军人而相信他。但这已经是他第三次在无人发现的情况下,偷塞昂贵的万灵药到自己的外套里。” * “他告诉房东,军人永远不用再交租。还说那是女皇直接下的令。” * “他告诉他们自己是公爵的亲戚,骗他们把包包交给他。” * “他把他们当做羊。自己则是农场主人,接着变成狼。” * “他……内心有点问题。他的梦想满是仇恨。” * “他不觉得血蝇有人们说的那么可怕,所以压根懒得把他们交付的……” * “小时候他就喜欢指使其他小朋友。这工作他再适合不过。” * “他溜进上尉的寝室后,便趁她熟睡时在她靴子里撒尿。” * “他逼迫信赖的人替他擦鞋,还要洗袜子内衣。如果不完美,就会挨他一顿揍。” * “他还有好几桩交易正私下进行。” * “他在黑市贩卖失窃的鲸油。” * “人们见识过他的无情之后,通常都会答应协助进行他的坏勾当。” * “他和其他守卫发明了新游戏。如果他们发现街上有人落单,就会把那人当猎物追杀。” * “制服让他获得了他们的信任。成功让他们开了门,但接着他就表明了自己造访的原因。” * “他捏了小孩一把。父母奔跑过来的时候,他就顺手驱走了银制高脚杯。” * “如果他们发现街上有人落单,就会把那人当猎物追杀。” * “他喝得烂醉又一肚子怒火,结果揍得那名娇小的女子鼻青脸肿。可怜的小姐只是想问路而已。” * “他发现自己的工作有一些福利。举例来说,在市场吃东西免费。” * “他假装自己受伤了。他们可怜他,所以让他进门,结果他将银质烛台和烤乳鸽都据为己有。” * “他下班后开了场赌局玩骰子。赌局当然做了手脚。” * “一名老人没有许可证就在街上摆台小推车卖鹿肉。管区的校队整个星期都吃得饱饱的。” * “他找到了新来的女生写的诗。还在用餐的时候大声朗读,让众人耻笑。” * “他最喜欢的就是酒。” * “他请喝麦酒,还答应会让他们体验难忘的夜晚。通常那晚就是他们最后一次现身。” * “他一直梦想哪天可以逮住恶名昭彰的最烦、杀人凶手或叛徒。城镇就可以升官,薪水也能翻倍。还会变成家喻户晓的名人。” * “他把自己的母亲押到督军那,还表明她是界外魔的情妇。” ** ''"He brought his own mother to the Overseers and told them she was the Outsider's concubine."'' * “身上老散发出死亡和朗姆酒的气息,就像他母亲一样。” * “他强迫新来的守卫跟他交换靴子。他的靴子早就穿破了,开始散发异味。” * “他在蜂蜜酒中下了毒药。他很好奇,他们要多久才会毒发而亡。” * “他会在自己的地下室让狗和老鼠捉对厮杀。” * “守卫多半不会伤害小孩,但这人不同……” * “他答应要带小男孩回家。其实他不算说话。他没说是哪个家。” * “你想了解这个人?这人是骗子,没有信用,而且是杀人凶手。” * “他一定会在亲他们的同时开门,趁他们还没有看清楚房间里有什么,就嬉闹式地将他们推进房。这招屡试不爽。” * “没错,他是军人。但他也是小偷。” * “就算与钱无所谓,他也这么残忍。” * “他和掌管清单的那名女子很要好。货到的时候,他可以随意挑选。挑剩的货品才有机会出现在别人的账本上。” * “他和好几名管家秘密约定,给他货让他好在黑市贩卖,就不会有人因为窃取雇主财物而被逮捕。” * “白天他是执法者,晚上他就摇身变成小偷和恶棍。” * “他将她头上的珠宝用力扯下。他的目标是银饰,看她落泪只是附带的奖赏。” * “他告诉她,没有许可证,就没有甜头。他才不管法律说什么,他只想要尝甜头。” * “那老人拒绝付钱,所以他把老师的狗押到花园的水池里,把狗淹个半死。老人只好改变心意。” * “那名女子快噎死了,但他没有帮她拍背,反而任由她自生自灭。” * “昨天他甚至不让那女孩的父母到牢房探视她。” * “他对牢房里的那名女子不理不睬。她表明过自己不太舒服。但他觉得那女的只是想引起注意而已。她死前不断低吟,而且求救了好多次。” * “其中一座牢房里的女囚讨水喝。他就盛了些水让她喝下去,但那时河里的脏水。” * “他把两名男子关的同一座牢房里,而且他明明知道两个人一定会互相残杀。” * “他思索了很久,不知道自己能不能徒手打碎她的骨头。” * “他急着想下班。他想拜访一个人,腰折断她的手指。” * “他听到他们呼救。听起来挺迫切的。但那时他的休息时间。” * “要把他们活活饿死花的时间太久了。最后他只要好用手枪解决。” * “上周有个女的太早就开始叫卖她的货物。而且利他的窗户太近了。她会康复的,不过有两颗牙齿永远都长不回来了。” ** ''"Last week a woman started barking her wares too early. And too close to his window. She'll recover. But two of her teeth are gone for good."'' * “他父母每月一号都给他一瓶葡萄酒和大笔零用钱。如此一来,他就不会再像以前一样伤害他们。” * “他确保有罪之人无法保释出狱。不过他永远认为每个人都有罪。” * “他脑子坏了,生活唯一的乐趣就是残害弱者。” * “他把面包师傅绑住,在他身上涂满了糕点师傅用的糖衣。” * “他从父亲的烟草商店偷雪茄,再以半价在码头出售。” * “现在已经没有人会去查看地下室的旧监狱了。所以他才把他们都关在那里。” * “他知道那男的隶属风车的营建小组,负责屋顶修缮。要制造意外实在太容易了。” * “他人喜好弄权、另嫁他人之上。要动刀动剑他可一点也不会迟疑。” ** ''"This man loves wielding power, dominating others. He won't hesitate to use that sword."'' * “他骗他们自己是上尉。喝了一整晚免费的酒。” * “要不是他当时喝醉,可能有机会救那小男孩。” ** ''"If he'd been sober he might have saved the boy."'' * “有时候职责所在,所以他不得不硬起心肠。” * “他绝对服从命令。就算是让他夜晚无法入眠的命令也不维康。” * “他赶跑了小男孩身上的血蝇。刚好还来得及。” * “看到小女儿用他夹克上的血画了他的肖像,不禁落下泪来。” * “制服太紧,而且不断摩擦他的脖子。他讨厌这样。恨透了军人生活。” * “他的制服磨到他发痒。磨到他都快发疯了。小心点。” * “他脑子里充满了捏造的记忆,连自己都记不清哪个是真的了。” * “这人品味怪异。他付钱给妓女就为了看她们呕吐。” * “他让一名妓女怀孕了。那女人病死之后,他就吧小孩子丢到矿坑工作。” * “她宣称那小孩是他的骨肉,想讨食物吃。结果他在码头将两人都对下水,还在身上绑了是头,让他们浮不起来。” * “小婴儿在幽暗月出声。他把他们都抛弃了。他最不需要的就是嗷嗷待哺的小孩。” * “为了保护儿子,被儿子问道是否杀过人时,他只好说谎。” * “他和朋友把那名年轻人包围起来。可怜的小伙子是学院的人。他们扒了他的衣服,把书都丢入河里,留他一人在那哭泣。” * “他和同伙把那位年迈的大律师推入一堆烂泥中。他反对律师那种浮夸的说话方式。就算到现在,他们有事还会笑着说起那件事。” * “他见过的现实。那些他必须做的事,必须奉行的命令。留在脑海挥之不去。他常常做噩梦。” * “他见过些怪事,但他只想做好自己的工作,剩下什么都不想管。” * “他或许很快就会辞职。可能会是这申请加入风车修缮组。这样就可以在屋顶上乘着微风,度过午后时光。” * “他很正直。他和其他人不同,从未收过贿赂。” * “他有一个老婆、两个儿子。老和小孩会去钓运河里的盲鳗和垃圾,他自己则爱花钱买接骨木。” * “帝维雅的寒冬对他的骨头造成了莫大的负担,待了几年之后,他很高兴终于能回到南方。” * “他放了那名男子一马。那只是个父亲,运气奇差,而且很努力想让几口子吃饱。” * “他最喜欢丰收月,这事他唯一不会感到饥饿的时节。” * “他晚上会念故事给她听,念得都是她最爱听的冒险故事。之前一场工厂大火害她失明了。” * “他曾经从官顿沃一步步到普洱维克,途中就依靠小溪指路。空气凉爽而干净。” * “她不断叫他们各式各样的纸盘莫属。相比之下就没那么无聊了。” * “上周他便救了一名差点淹死在运河里的波斯特戴行商。” * “每晚他都拿出自己唯一拥有的书,努力试着读上一页。内容是有关一名女海盗从横南海的故事。” ** ''"Each night he struggles to read another page of the only book he's ever owned. The story of a pirate woman who commands the southern seas."'' * “他很自豪。他终于存够了钱,可以让父亲搭船回德里斯科。” ** ''"The beggars have to pay him 'rent' to sleep in an alley beneath his apartment."'' ** ''"He taunts the prisoners with lies. Tells them they are to be let go, or that they have a visitor."'' ** ''"He found her journal. Reads a new page aloud every night at the dinner hour. She's asked for a transfer."'' ** ''"He's due for a promotion soon he thinks. He may be right. If they base promotions on needless cruelty."'' ** ''"He's seen things he would rather forget. That's why he spends so much of his pay on gin slings."'' ** ''"After looking everywhere, he still can't find the letter, the only thing he had from her."'' ** ''"He once chased a beggar girl across Karnaca for hours, until the child fell from a rooftop and broke her neck. He left the body to rot."'' ** ''"He's worked it out that he'll get paid whether the prisoners live or die. But if they die, there's more food to go around."'' ** ''"The uniform sometimes attracts this kind of man. He wants power over the helpless. To take lives if he can manage it without suspicion."'' ** ''"He told the landlord that members of the military don't have to pay rent any more. Said it was a new order straight from the Empress."'' ** ''"He steals from his father's tobacco shop and sells the cigars at the docks for half the price."'' ** ''"He tied the baker and covered him with confectioner's glaze. Then he let the rats do the rest."'' ** ''"They won't let him back in the bathhouse. Not after what he did to a boy there."'' ** ''"A man at the distillery sets some bottles aside for him. And in return he doesn't break the man's nose."'' ** ''"He knew the man worked on the rooftops, on a windmill crew. It was almost too easy to stage the accident."'' ** ''"When he can't sleep he forces his wife and children to stay up too."'' ** ''"He makes sure the guilty ones don't make it back out on the streets. And he always thinks they're guilty."'' ** ''"He trades in embarrassing secrets. Everybody thinks guards don't have eyes and ears - but they do."'' ** ''"He crushed her fingers and told her she needed a permit to play the fiddle on street corners."'' ** ''"He goes through their personal items. Takes anything that looks valuable."'' ** ''"He wants to try some new devices during interrogations. They'll find out the truth in half the time."'' ==== 卫队[[大卫队|男性军官]] ==== * “他收了钱,专门负责捏造消息蒙骗领主。” * “这人渴望名声胜过一切,想要做些引人注目的大事。” * “他现在只需要找事务所律师帮忙,把真假文件掉包。” * “他从药剂师那取得安眠药,加在他们的饮料中。这就是他的秘密。” * “没人会想起那两个老家伙。他把他们封在裁缝室的墙壁间。比想象中还简单。” * “某些夜晚,他会从窗户爬入房间,看着她沉睡的样子。他会……闻她的头发。” * “他身体微倾,亲了亲她,抚了抚她的秀发。直到隔天她才发现项链不见了。” * “他从每个人身上都取了东西作纪念。一只戒指、一束头发、一只耳朵或一根手指。” * “他有个赌注还没结束。如果他能让囚犯在一小时内就落泪,每个人就必须给他一枚铜板。” * “他会把他们带到处理鲸鱼的工厂。跟那么巨大的动物比起来,一两具尸体算得了什么呢?” * “他会把那些酒鬼都推上街,任由马车碾过。” * “他专挑男性,多半是这样。男性过于自大让他非常恼火。不过他也曾对女人下手过。” * “他总是落后他人,而且只选择性听从命令。” * “他隐瞒自己家乡在[[拜勒腾]]的事实。他告诉其他人自己在顿沃出生长大。” * “多年前,他从死去的战士身上扒走制服,盗用那人的名字,代替他出任务。在那之前,他只是个码头工人。” * “他胸前有些勋章是从已故同袍上偷来的。” * “曾经一讴歌女人,她说了些话想逗大家笑,但却激怒了他。他打了那女人巴掌。” * “他觉得那只鲸鱼又巨大又吓人。海里的生活才适合他。” * “有位阔绰的男士付了一大笔钱,希望自己办的杂交派对如果闹上街头,他可以睁一只眼闭一只眼。” * “他很自豪能穿上制服,也很严肃看待自己的工作。他很勇敢。” * “他会带苹果和面包给睡在岸边的那名失明男子。这人让他想起了自己失去的兄弟。” * “在哪里,他看到的就是不公不义,残酷又恐怖。他希望一切会有所改善,就算不是马上,也希望尽快。” * “他带给这对老夫妻索科洛夫万能药,和一些老夫妻自己绝对负担……” ** ''"He lags behind the others, and hears only the orders that suit him."'' ** ''"He remembers the man had blue eyes. And his voice went very high just before he killed him."'' ** ''"He fooled them into thinking he was a first captain. Got them to buy the drinks all night."'' ** ''"He had word sent to his family in Redmoor, saying that he had died in the line of duty. Now he can keep all his wages for himself."'' ** ''"He hates the drunkards. Reeking of death and rhum, just like his mother. He rolls them into the street, and under the wheels of the carriages."'' ** ''"He brings them to where they process the whales. What's a body or two compared to the enormity of those beasts?"'' ==== 卫队女性军官 ==== * “她喜欢用枪。还自愿加入行刑队,增加练习的机会。” * “她把东西丢入了海湾。那可是他珍贵的一把蜂蜜木小提琴。” * “她从军的唯一原因,就是避免在帝维雅被人逮捕。” * “她最后一刻将合约掉包。这就是她‘幸运’住进高级公寓的方法。” * “她应该要再回家途中去看看那地方的,但她却把注意力都放在几件重要物品上。或许今晚吧。” * “我很确定,她不过就是穿着制服的暴徒而已。” * “她还记得女孩的服装。蓝色洋装,滚上玫瑰车边。一切都在她将女孩一刀剖开时毁了。” * “她微微伸出脚,知道刚好可以绊倒那名年轻的女子,而且其他人不会注意到。” * “有位新员工她不喜欢,就把人家的靴子塞满了屠宰场的烂泥。” * “白天当官,晚上当扒手。” * “不知为何,但她总能让这些人乖乖跟入房间。就算她身上的制服早已残破不堪、血迹遍布也是一样。” * “她要他们把所有东西奉上,然后挑走所有想要的。通常你不会预期官员会出现这种行为。” * “她说这工作本来就会这样。但她根本不必这样虐待他们。” ** ''"She waited for just the right moment to tell them the mushrooms were poison."'' *“没人会质疑出身高贵的军官。这就是为什么他每次都可以不用负责。” ** ''"No one questions an officer from a good family. That's how she gets away with it."'' * “一手忙着把他的头埋进她的胸部,另一手则从他的皮夹里掏钱。” * “她执勤的时候不应该喝酒。” * “那些勋章才不是她挣来的。那是她从一位老将军的坟墓拿到的。” * “最近她不断在跟踪一堆年轻夫妇。他会先取得两人的信任。制服相当有用。” * “她替朋友值班。他的痛风今晚疼得尤其厉害。” * “她很担心太慢会发现她在喂那只可怜的狗。她知道这么做肯定违反了规定。” * “她曾经听过一次歌剧,当然正式服装是借来的。只要能再听一次,要她做什么都愿意。” * “同单位某些守卫很残忍。好多次她都必须出手阻止他们。” === [[布莱格摩尔的女巫|女巫]](Witch) === * “她的内心跟虚空之境一样,又漆黑又饥渴。她热爱屠杀。” * “体内流淌着黛利拉的魔力,而她对自己掌控弱者的力量感到沉醉。” * “原本她的结核病日益严重,后来黛利拉的魔力召唤了她,救了她。……” * “在女巫团的面前,她只不过是一名小贼,但她还是按耐不住。” * “魔法的影响让她更想大胆犯罪了。” * “她费尽心思维持本性,不让家人蒙羞,不辜负家里的谆谆教诲,不受她那些恣意妄为的妹妹所迷惑。” * “她对爱她的人都很差劲。我就不多说。” ** ''"She is vile to those who love her. I will not elaborate."'' * “你的事已经有人提醒她了。如果抓你去见黛利拉,她一定会很满意。” ** ''"She's been warned about you. It would please her to lay your head at Delilah's feet."'' * “牛胃加上琥珀香,研磨一回,搅拌三次。牛黄加上童子血……我……曾经被她的耳语迷惑,但我现在再度回想……” ** ''"Trillibub and Ambergis, grind once and thrice more stir, Bezoar and Boy's Blood...I - was bewitched by her whisperings, but I'm with you again."'' * “遇到黛利拉之前,她四处游荡打劫善良百姓,并制造兄弟阋墙的悲剧。” ** ''"Before Delilah, she traveled the highways, robbing the naive and turning brother against brother."'' * “她早年的生活只有无尽的痛苦和受虐。但自从她投入黛利拉麾下,一切都改变了,她脱离了原有的生活。” * “她躺在那,姓名垂危,她则在他耳边尖叫。叫声高亢,几乎要穿破耳鼓!而且距离近的她的双唇差点触碰到他。” * “女巫团让她的生命有了意义,但她很想念被丢下的几个弟弟。非常想念他们。” *''"The coven has given her life meaning, but she misses the younger brothers she left behind. Misses them fiercely."'' *“他感受到黛利拉的召唤,但还是在村里多待了一个月,继续培养死灵犬,并把胆敢蔑视她的人都杀光。” *“虚荣、无知。令人难过。没想到世上居然真有这种人。” *“她小时候就拜访过贵族的宅邸,但当时失去大肆破坏屋内精美的画作。” *“她感觉到脚趾陷入草地的触感,晨露沁凉,令人焕然一新,此时她标准督军后头际出攻击,一招便撂倒敌人。” ** ''"She felt her toes in the grass, the morning dew cool and fresh, as she took the Overseer down from behind with but one blow to the neck."'' * “你还在想她的事?她说话根本不能听。不管他们想听什么,她都说得出口。” ** ''"You are wondering about her? Her word is worth nothing. She'll say whatever she thinks they want to hear."'' * “这女的白天就会喝到烂醉,而且初经来之前就已经染上酒瘾了。” * “她想要拿你的脾脏作为礼物。想送给她最爱的女主人,另外再附上一束你的头发,还有三颗小石子。” ** ''"She desires to make a gift of your spleen. To deliver it to her beloved mistress with a lock of your hair, and three small stones."'' * “黛利拉的魔力传给她的第一天,她就召唤血荆棘把她父母的房子毁了。” ** ''"On the first day Delilah's power came into her, she destroyed her parents' home with bloodbriars."'' * “他们承认她将有能力控制别人,她也如愿以偿。但她对黛利拉的魔力怀有一份热爱,这份热爱却控制着她。” * “她大谈从一名督军的猎犬身上割下来的内脏。她会尽一切所能保护新的女皇。” * “她乐于造成他人痛苦,永不腻。对他来说不过是场游戏。” * “她在还没成为女巫,神秘的联结尚未显现前,就已经尝过了鲜血的滋味。” * “一想到可以瓦解神谕团,她欣喜若狂之下就挖出三只灰色海鸥的眼睛,以血抹发,羽毛插得满头都是。” * “加入女巫团之前,她很爱和同一镇上的男人上床,并且在夜里割断他们的喉咙。” ** ''"Before she joined the coven, she took delight in bedding men from the town where she lived, and slitting their throats in the night."'' * “她寄了一个盒子,用上等的纸和蓝色缎带包装。她真希望他打开盒子的时候自己能在场……看着血蝇飞出。” * “他躺在那,性命垂危,她则在他耳边尖叫。叫声高亢,几乎要穿破耳鼓!而且距离近到她的双唇差点触碰到他。” * “她费尽心思维持本性,不让家人蒙羞,不辜负家里的语重心长。不受她那些恣意妄为的姐妹所迷惑。” * “她内心深处还是保留了一点过去的自己。还记得和表姐妹的野餐。还有女儿的微笑。” ** ''"Somewhere inside there is still a piece of the woman she was before. Picnics with her cousins. And her daughter's smile."'' ** ''"When she is not needed, this one travels to Fraeport, to torture the blind father she left behind."'' ** ''"She longs to be Delilah's favorite. She will dance naked on grass slick with the blood of the enemy."'' ** ''"This one lives only for Delilah. She is in ecstasy at the thought of her mistress making the world bow."'' ** ''"She visits her stepfather and bullies him into lying with her."'' ** ''"There is magic here. Strange and potent, coupled with great hostility. You are in danger."'' ** ''"She boxed her tiny daughter's ears so hard the doctor said the girl would never hear again."'' ** ** ''"Beaten and abused, she was barely sane when she heard the coven's call. Now she does the same to others, wielding her power like a barbed whip."'' === [[蝇巢饲养者]](Nest Keeper) === * “他曾经拿鞭子把一只狗活活抽死。现在他的脑子整个糊在一团。” ** ''"He once whipped a dog to death. Now his brain is mush. All his hours he stands near the nests, listening to them."'' * “整天就站在血蝇巢旁边,听他们发出的声音。” * “他们已经彻底控制了他的身体,他的心智。他会不断扒着血蝇巢,直到死亡为止。” * “这人被感染到不成人形了。他以前是小偷,现在只能负责顾巢。” * “他在找旗下一个女孩。打算教教她一点规矩。结果他不小心走进了血蝇巢。” * ** ''His mind is mostly gone. He was a good man, but now he only cares for - for the bloodflies."'' * “等等,我看见了他前世的一段记忆。他……他把一个小男孩淹死在浴缸里。” === [[督军]] === * “他遣人把那名女子抓走了。他很确定那女人想用那诱人的双唇对他下咒。” ** ''"He had the woman dragged away. He was sure she was trying to bewitch him with her alluring lips."'' * “众生院是他记忆中唯一的家。” * “他希望众生院有一天能统治所有岛屿。这样生活才会有点秩序。” * “他十三岁的时候被人从出生的海边村庄里掳到众生院洗脑。至今他也对其他许多人做过同样的事。” ** ''"Snatched up from the beach village where he was born and indoctrinated by the Abbey at the age of thirteen. Now he's done the same to a dozen others."'' * “督军在他六岁的时候来找他,在他亲爱的父亲试图紧紧抓住他的时候痛打他的父亲。” ** ''"The Overseers came for him when he was just six, beating his beloved father when the man tried to hold onto the boy."'' * “这个人对众生院的信念很强。” ** ''"This ones faith in the Abbey is strong."'' * “有项竞赛,他和他朋友常常进行。统计到每月月底,谁能让较多人认罪,谁就赢了。” ** ''"They have a game, he and his friend. The one who gains the most confessions by the end of the month is the winner."'' * “他家的秘密是他母亲在生他之前和一个腐败、好色的高级督军调情,记录上那个高级督军的名字已被删掉。” ** ''"Family secret has it that his mother dallied before his birth with a corrupt and lecherous High Overseer, whose name was struck from record."'' * “他们告诉他,她是女巫,还是异教徒。他们就希望逼她认罪。但她还这么年轻!小巧的双手还不住颤抖!他最后让她从一扇窗逃出去。 ” * “他谴责自己的弟弟是异教徒,是无神论者,还把他送去拷问。” * “只要出一点小差错,他就会怀疑你和界外魔是一伙的。” * “有另外两名督军怀疑他犯罪。所以他将两人打晕,以铁链拴住,最后推入磨坊的水池中。” * “他不能容忍施法的妖精存在。” * “不过不管怎样他还是会折磨他们,逼他们吐出些不实的自白。” * “就是这些头发蓬乱、皮肤柔软的年轻男孩子。对他来说,这些人就是虚空之境的使者,非吊死不可。” * “明天的仪式由他献唱。歌曲旨在谴责界外魔,内容充斥着轻蔑刻薄的词汇。尽管如此,歌曲还是有股独特的美感。” * “他的祖父对众生院非常忠心。所以这名督军一边将老人掐死,一边沉着地复诵七戒律。” * “他们每个人都有颗游移之心,这点让他厌恶至极。只要他们承认这点,剩下的就很简单。” * “他相信所谓的异端邪说不过是过眼云烟,应该宽容以待。因为来去不过就像一阵风,不留痕迹。这人的胸膛之中装了颗仁慈的心。” ** ''"He believes that heresy is fleeting and should be forgiven. That it comes and goes like the wind. A gentle heart beats between his chest."'' * “迄今为止,那名年轻的艺术家已经两次在仪式进行的时候和他热烈地四目相交了。他必须浇灭这年轻男子的爱欲。爱欲只会带来痛苦。” ** ''"Twice now they young artist has locked eyes with him during the service. He will have to cure the lad of his Wanton Flesh. It can only lead to misery."'' * “一有机会,他就会溜出去和住在大皇宫附近的两名年轻贵族过夜。他觉得很羞惭,但又因为对方的热情而容光焕发。” * “他每周都有一天是和他的情人在草丛上度过的,就在她和她丈夫的家后面。” ** ''"Once a week he spends a day with his lover in a field of tall grass. Behind the home she shares with her husband."'' * “一个月有几天他会在一个废弃的谷仓里和磨坊主碰面。他带着酒、面包、蜂蜜和奶酪。那个男人的妻子一点都不聪明。” ** ''"A few times a month, he meets the owner of a mill in an abandoned barn. He brings wine, bread, honey, and cheese. The man's wife is none the wiser."'' * "他怀疑服装店的女店主持有骨符,但是如果店主同意和他睡一晚,他可以撤销指控。" ** ''"He suspected the Haberdasher of bonecharm possession, but was willing to dismiss the accusations for a night in her bedchamber."'' * “那名女子要求死前看看自己的小孩。结果他却更大声地朗诵连祷文,将女巫凄惨的嚎叫声掩盖过去。” * “他是个督军。只要出一点小差错,他就会怀疑你和界外魔是一伙的。” * “在他说教巫师和女巫的危险时,他的内心并不相信这个世界上存在魔法,这让他有些悲伤。” ** ''"While he sermonizes on the dangers of the sorcerer and the witch, in his heart he does not believe magic exists in the world, and it makes him sad."'' * “这名督军已经被权力腐化。他很满意小孩看到他来而纷纷惊慌避开的样子。他们知道他很残忍。” * “当他们看他来了的时候,他们就避开目光还有些颤抖。实际上,这是为什么他那么爱众生院。” ** ''"When they see him coming, they avert their eyes and tremble. In truth, this is why he loves the Abbey."'' * “他们错过一两次布道的时候,他们就给他带来小玩意儿和一些恩惠,他就换种态度。” ** ''"They ply him with trinkets and favors, and he looks the other way when they miss a service or two."'' * “有时候他会打扮成普通工人的样子去附近的赌场。喝醉后就大家,第二天再用督军面具来遮盖淤青。” ** ''"Sometimes he dresses like a common worker and goes to a nearby gambling hall. He gets drunk and fights, and the next day his mask hides the bruises."'' * “他身上的香水是为了掩盖身上消耗性疾病的恶臭。他不关心他是不是会传染其他人。” ** ''"The perfume he wears is to cover the stench of a wasting disease. He does not care if he spreads it to others."'' * “他们知道他随之可以把他们带走。他嘴上一直挂着异教徒这个词。这是为什么他可以一直免费喝普罗塞克和麦芽酒的原因。” ** ''"They know he could have them taken away at any time. That the word heretic is always on his tongue. That's why he gets his prosecco and ale for free."'' * “他肚子里满是羊肉和烤饼,腰带收紧,而他教堂利的人却饥肠辘辘。” ** ''"His belt tightens with honeywine and scones, while the people in his congregation are hungry."'' * “他并不是信徒。但是他还是折磨他们,想要空洞的供词。这一切对他毫无意义。” ** ''"He's not a believer. He tortures them anyway, seeking hollow confessions. It is all meaningless to him."'' * “他告诉他们,认罪是是他唯一需要的回报。但他一样拿走了他们的钱财、戒指、手表等等。” * “他母亲的竞争对手在隔壁开店之后,他就召了一群督军来,以抓缉异端邪教的名义去大肆破坏。” * “他在仪式结束一一浏览奉献的贡品。想要的就取走,剩下的才交给众生院的会计。” * “他每天都从贡奉的碗里拿走几枚金币。” ** ''"He takes a few coins from the offering bowl every day."'' * “那年他宣称自己被邪教囚禁,但其实是他失去了信仰,所以跟一群海盗一同出海远洋。” ** ''"During the year he claimed to be held by cultists, he had in truth lost his faith and traveled with a pirate crew."'' * “六个月中他都声称他感染了奇怪的地方病,市集上他是和一群拦路抢劫的抢到一起去打劫旅行者了。” ** ''"During the six months he claimed to be sick with some strange malady, in truth he traveled with a band of highwaymen, robbing travelers."'' * “他朝圣之旅的故事众口相传。市集上,他在顿沃白崖之路上半路就病倒了,之后就留下未走。” ** ''"The story of his pilgrimage grows with each re-telling. In truth, he fell sick halfway between Dunwall and Whitecliff, and stayed behind."'' * “满腔嫉妒,他放狗去咬了空院子中正在喝酒玩耍的两名年轻乐师。” ** ''"Burning with jealousy, he put the hounds on two young musicians who were drinking wine and playing in an empty courtyard."'' * “七戒律有一条与嚼舌有关。他并不在乎。” * “不过不管怎样,他还是会折磨他们,比他们突出些不实的自白。这一切对他来说毫无意义。” * “如果必须透过严刑拷打逼人认罪,其他督军就会找他代劳。” * “所以他将两人打晕,以铁锁拴住,最后推入磨坊的水池中。” * “他知道那名女子是无辜的,但她的妹妹拒绝他,让他恨得牙痒痒。所以他一直拷问到她认罪位置,然后以女巫的名义把她吊死。” * “小时候就是他父亲爱嚼舌伤他最深。现在只要发现有人扯谎,他马上就会拔了那人舌头。” ** ''"As a child it was his father's lying tongue that wounded him the most, now he is quick to remove the tongue of any who speak deceit."'' * “他很困扰。他希望能尽快从神谕教团那获得指引。但神谕教团的姐妹们不知为何,意见想当分歧。” * “他虽然不断宣扬术士和巫师很危险,但他内心其实不相信这世界上真的有魔法,这让他很悲伤。” === [[战嚎帮]](Howlers Gang) === ==== 女性成员 ==== * “她是战壕的一员。她要求发钱的时候直接发她酒,这样给她省去了麻烦。” ** ''"She's one of the Howlers. She's asked to be paid in bottles. To save her the trouble."'' * “有人警告过他们,但是他们并不觉得她有此能力。现在他们知道了。” ** ''"They were warned, but didn't think her capable of such things. Now they know."'' * “她告诉那名男子没看过他的小孩,但她说谎。” * “她发现了一小包粉末,就偷偷加一些到他杯子里,静静观察那包粉末究竟是毒药,还是爽身粉而已。” * “她会揍那些小孩!就像她父亲以前会揍她一样。完全没有进步。” ** ''She beats those children! As her father once beat her - nothing has been learned."'' * “当她还只是一个街头淘气鬼的时候,出于好奇,她看着她的表亲淹死而不出手。” ** ''"When she was only a street urchin, she watched her cousin drown out of curiosity."'' * “她担心他们迟早会发现她一直在骗他们钱。如果真到了这一步,她就会责怪那个聋哑男孩。” ** ''"She's worried they'll discover she's been cheating them out of coin. She'll blame it on the deaf boy if it comes to that."'' * “那些愚蠢的小男生,他们大有可能会淹死。她费劲全力才把他们从湍急河流之中拖上岸。” * “她拿走了他们珍贵的银图并丢入运河里。” * “骰子是特质的,经过削边处理。她把骰子藏在紧身马甲里,赌注变大的时候,就靠特制骰子赢钱。” * “她有一次射了另一名战嚎一枪,并任由他躺在街上继续流血,好躲避大卫队的追击。” * “她在杀人之前总是先从他们的脸上割下皮肤。” ** ''"She always cuts the skin from their faces before killing them."'' * “她最喜欢装成一副柔弱腼腆的样子,就像他们印象中的女人一样。等他们恍然大悟,脸上出现一幅不可置信的表情……一切都太迟了。” * “她上了血肠给他们吃。后来他们才知道用的是谁的血。” * “她是帕欧罗的挡雨,喜欢混乱。混乱让她觉得很兴奋。” * “她拿刀抵住他的喉咙,听他求饶。最后虽然放过他一命,却没有放过他的射透。” * “他们早就收到她的警告了,但却没料到她真的下得了手。” ** ''"She's one of the Howlers. She's asked to be paid in bottles. To save her the trouble."'' ** ''"She always cuts the skin from their faces before killing them."'' ** ''"She's worried they'll discover she's been cheating them out of coin. She'll blame it on the deaf boy if it comes to that."'' ** ''"When she was only a street urchin, she watched her cousin drown out of curiosity."'' ==== 男性成员 ==== * “他知道的并不多。唯一知道的就是:要么杀人,要么被杀。” ** ''"He has so little understanding. He knows only this: Kill or be killed."'' * “他想要的并不是钱,而是他的双手按住他们脖子的感觉,听着他们最后的求饶。” ** ''"It's not money he wants. It's the feel of his hands around their throats, to hear that last plea for mercy."'' * “对他来说,只抢银子还不够。他把每个人都开膛破肚,连小男孩都不放过。” * “他在想,这都是他们自己的错,蠢到居然相信他。” ** ''"He is thinking: It's their own fault - for being foolish enough to trust him."'' * “骗走他们的房子,他一点都不羞愧。” * “母亲过世后,他把母亲的头发卖给洋娃娃商人,然后一周内把所有钱花光。” * “他强迫那个男孩一直去下水道里给他捡掉下去的金币,直到男孩生病死了为止。” ** ''"He forced the boy to search the sewers for dropped coins until the child sickened and died."'' * “他穿的夹克,是从将死之人身上扒来的。他看上了衣服上的扣子。” ** ''"The jacket he wears, he pulled it off a dying man. It was the buttons that caught his eye."'' * “他的窗户可以俯瞰河流。因此他残酷的游戏是如果他看到一个清沟工人,就等到那个可怜虫走到正下方时倒他的便盆。” ** ''"His window overlooks the river. His cruel game is thus - if he sees a mudlark, he waits until the poor waif is underneath to dump the bedpan."'' * “他很怕决斗输了,所以买通对手的副手,把手枪的子弹掉包成灰。” ** ''"Afraid he'd lose the duel, he paid his opponent's second to load the pistol with ash."'' * “他一直等到鱼贩出门补充冰块才动手偷下,直到口袋塞满。” * “他们嘲笑他。所以他让他们知道自己的厉害。从此以后他们再也不敢嘲笑他了。” * “他对着雪茄撒尿,再把雪茄给乞丐。” * “一年前在[[自由港]],他在她叫上绑了砖块,所以她只有头刚好附在水面上。他脸上带着微笑,看着潮水上涨。” * “多年前他曾经当过会计师。那时偷钱不需要以暴力胁迫。” * “他想着:那是他们自己的错,竟然傻到会相信他。” ** ''"He is thinking: It's their own fault - for being foolish enough to trust him."'' * “他几乎什么都不懂。他只知道:杀人,不然就被杀。” ** ''"He has so little understanding. He knows only this: Kill or be killed."'' * ** ''"It's not money he wants. It's the feel of his hands around their throats, to hear that last plea for mercy."'' ** ''"He forced the boy to search the sewers for dropped coins until the child sickened and died."'' ** ''"His window overlooks the river. His cruel game is thus - if he sees a mudlark, he waits until the poor waif is underneath to dump the bedpan."'' === 男性平民(包括工人) === * “他对他的家人很残忍,所以当他ui [业的时候,他无家可归。” ** ''"He was cruel to his family. So when he lost his employment, he had nowhere to turn."'' * “他冲着她吐口水。那个帝维雅女人昨天没有给他金币。” ** ''"He spat on her. The Tyvian woman who stopped yesterday to give him a coin."'' * “他骗了他的合作伙伴,但是他们后来发现了。看看他现在的下场。” ** ''"He cheated his partners. But they found out. Look where it's got him."'' * “他有一张他女儿的草稿画,现在破成碎片了。他唯一的真爱。” ** ''"He has a pencil sketch portrait of his daughter, now worn to shreds. His one true love."'' * “他从来不是一个好人,但是他不应如此。” ** ''"He was never a good man, but surely he didn't deserve this."'' * “他藏着它们不让她看见。她等家里的来信等得如此绝望。” ** ''"He's hid them from her. The letters from home that she waits for so desperately."'' * “他管他卖的叫兔子派。但实际上那是他们在屠宰厂弄的烂摊子。” ** ''"He sells what he calls rabbit pies. But it's the mess they toss from the slaughter house."'' * “他觉得孤独,那是因为他把他们都扔去了街头。” ** ''"He is lonely, but only because he threw them out onto the street."'' * “他把父母的钱都回花在打牌上了,玩奈西。现在他开始用他妻子的钱。” ** ''"He squandered his parent's fortune on cards, playing Nancy. Now he's moved on to his wife's money."'' * “他拿走了她的书,还强迫她看着他把书都烧了。” ** ''"He took her books and made her watch while he burned them."'' * “他还小的时候被人打了,下颌骨就一直不正。他现在尽量避免这样对别人。” ** ''"He was beaten as a youth, the bone in his jaw never set right. Yet he refrains from mistreating others."'' * “他在秤的平衡杆上做了手脚,所以每次交易他都会多赚一点零头。” * “有个男的出价要买他的小孩。他正在考虑……” * “他今早又再度报餐了一顿……拿了远超过一人的份量。其他人则因为接而日渐孱弱。” * “他发现,要女人答应他的要求,就必须拿她们的小孩安全要挟。” * “这人喝醉了,情绪暴躁。大呼小叫又非常恶劣。他的家人首当其冲。” * “他让他们开除了那名标志的女家教。看着那个女人坠入酗酒犯罪的深渊,他感到想当满意。” * “他很火大自己找错钱被她点出来,所以拆了她推车的一个轮子,把所有水果砸烂了。” * “他推了她一下,害她狠狠地撞上了机器。她最后流产了。” * “他担心她会把自己的嗜好告诉督军,所以把她拖到血蝇巢里……” * “杀她的时候他还唱着歌。他用枕头蒙住她的脸。唱的应该是跟赌博有关系的歌吧。‘赌注提高,放在桌上,趁我还在,先来壶酒。’” * “他找来那些喽啰专门负责要挟他人,确保受害者不好过。” * “这位?他们跟他做生意,只因为他们担心拒绝下场会更惨。” * “一束头发,一颗银牙,一根手指。这些是他留着的纪念品,在他……开了杀戒之后。” * “不知道怎么回事,但他就是有办法让经理相信他很准时,而且工作努力。” * “他偷了酒,把错推给新来的女孩。他们当然揍了她一顿。但知道他有酒喝。” * “办公室的钱是他偷的,但他却把罪推给新来的那个女人。” * “他目前为止已经杀了四个人了。每次都把他们引导废旧的灯塔,骗他们可以享受温暖、湿润的吻。” * “他把她留在屋里,还把门卡死。他不知道也不在乎她的死活。” * “他还记得那个女的如何挣扎到最后一刻。也记得水流把她带离岸边时她披头散发的样子。” * “他和情妇练手把妻子绑在树上,让她绑在哪直到断气。他告诉督军自己的妻子是病死的。” * “他很寂寞,但这都是因为他把他们赶到街上。” * “他告诉他们那栋建筑物很安全,还预先收了一个月的租金。他完全没有提血蝇这件事。” * “他告诉他们,他看见小男孩拿了钥匙……那些蠢材居然相信了……” * “他非常仔细地四处张望,看看会不会再见到她。如果再让他捡到,这一次一定会揍她揍得更用力” * “他先安分守己工作了几周才开始违规。” * “就算她已经命在旦夕,他还是不承认自己错了。” * “他会让他们知道,身上裹满泥巴污物是什么感觉。” * “他对船底动了手脚,不是什么好事,而且那时船正驶离港口。” ** ''"He sabotaged the boat just before they set out. All hands were lost."'' * “他在船坞拔锚的前一刻进行破坏。无人生还。” * “突如其来一阵墙缝吹断了船帆。他独自游上岸,任由其他人在暴风雨中随波沉浮。” * “你想知道这人到底好不好?那你告诉我答案,他把他们丢在那里。明明知道他们不会游泳……” ** ''"You are wondering - is this a good man, or a bad man? You tell me. He left them there. Knowing they could not swim."'' * “没错,他确实会去坟前看他们。但去的目的却是在坟头撒尿,然后不断吹嘘自己当儿子有多孝顺。” ** ''"Yes, he visits their graves. But only to piss on them. Then brag about what a devoted son he is."'' * “大家都觉得整件事只是不幸的意外,但其实他对马车的车轮做了手脚。” * “他告诉其他人,任务完成后见面,好把赃物分成四份。但在那之前,他早就把大部分的战利品都私藏起来了。” * “他跟自己在工厂操作的磨床一样,又钝又没用。” * “他喝什么都免费。他们怕他怕到不干开口要钱。” * “如果威士忌没了,他就会变得很暴力。” * “他曾经收了钱,受雇毁了一位事务律师的事务所。” * “他想亲她,但她别过头。要他先漱漱口,去掉那满嘴的口臭。他打了她两下,她就倒在地上了。” ** ''"He tried to kiss her, but she turned her heard and told him to gargle out his putrid breath first. He struck her twice, and she fell."'' * “他牙齿黢黑,牙龈溃烂,舌头还长了一层苔。迎面吐了她口水。” * “河边有一处的栏杆有个缺口,而且那里水势湍急。他就把他们带到那里。” * “他每交给殡仪馆的人一具新鲜的尸体,就可以得到五枚金币。如果是贵族的尸体则有十枚。” * “他用东西把门挡住,为了保险起见还堆了一张椅子,卡住门闩下方。” * “大太阳加上饮酒过量,让他的脑袋变得不清楚。” * “他们找上了他。有钱人都怕自己动手。他们知道他很乐意杀人领赏。他非常乐意。” * “他有勇无谋。可以的话他喜欢推开人群前进。” * “他看起来不像玩骨子会作弊的那种人,所以才每次都能得逞。” * “他和他朋友扑倒了送信的小男孩。为了小男孩包里的东西而不断揍他。” * “这人在等待漫游节的到来。到时候他就可以对任何人肆意妄为。” * “他有勇无谋。可以的话他喜欢推开人前进。” * “她骂她下三赖。所以他写信给她的雇主。现在她露宿街头,只能捡垃圾桶的东西吃。” * “他觉得,既然礼物和花朵都没有效果,就只好诉诸暴力了。” ** ''"He's thinking since gifts and flowers didn't work, he'll have to resort to violence."'' * “他告诉她屋顶的风景她必须看看。哦是的,他推了她一把。” ** ''"He told her the view from the roof was something she just had to see. Oh yes. He pushed her."'' * “你试图从他身上找寻一丝的良善,但我看不到任何良善的特质。” * “他用斧子劈中她的心脏,小孩子们则瑟缩躲在碗橱里。” * “他让那命年迈的情妇和他的私生子住进多出来的房间。” * “他女儿有把小提琴,是她最珍贵的东西,但他还是把琴卖了,替自己卖了一件新夹克。” * “他把尸体带到圣地亚哥渔业公司处理掉,就在码头的尽头。其实就是做成发酵红鲨鱼肉。” * “街上有个女孩,饥肠辘辘、眼神空洞。他把面包递给他,然后有飞快抢走,在她面前吃了起来。” * “就算她已经命在旦夕,他还是不承认自己错了。” * “他告诉她,如果不尊崇他的指令,皇家杀手就会趁她睡着时杀了她。” * “他玩[[南希游戏|奈西牌]]输给了一名养蜂人,隔天就烧了人家的蜂巢。” * “他喝酒是像把姐妹的事抛在脑后。姐妹三人都死得早,是他唯一的亲人。” * “他唯一能做的就是不断买醉,永远不要清醒过来。” * “突如其来一阵墙缝吹断了船帆,他独自游上岸,任由其他人在暴风雨中随波浮沉。” * “他不过是在对的人耳边说话小慌,不到一小时,督军就带走了他的竞争对手。” * “他会从工作场所多偷一些柳丁和其他钉子倒街头贩卖。” * “从小开始,他最喜欢的休闲活动是指使别的小孩做事。” * “他告诉合伙人,那一周生意也比较不好。然后他就把转来的钱放到平常藏钱的地方。” * “他很清楚如何将命案布置成自杀的样子,不管是他的生意伙伴,还是第一任妻子。还有多年前学校那可怜的女孩……” * “那名女子把他从水沟拖出来。给他干净的衣服穿,还给他一份工作。现在他打算甩掉她,自己经营那个地方。” * “他找来那些喽啰专门负责要挟他的人,确保受害者不好过。” * “他用斧头劈中她的心脏,小孩们则瑟缩躲在碗橱里。” * “把他们两个一起处理掉了。他付了钱找人动手。” *“他知道她会先吃蛋糕。她永远无法抗拒甜食的诱惑。所以他烤蛋糕的时候加满了碎玻璃。” *“松节油和河贝。那些焦急的家长跟他够买的灵药里,就只有这两种成分。” *“这匹马是他太太的最爱,外表健美,性情温顺。他打断了马儿的腿,只为了告诉妻子最好把他当一回事。” *“等他割断了那名父亲的喉咙,他们才终于看清一切。” *“他看下女孩的一根手指标明他的意图。女孩的家人很快付了赎金。” **''"He took a finger from the girl as proof of his intentions. And the family paid the ransom quickly."'' *“他担心她会把自己的嗜好告诉督军,所以把她拖到血蝇巢里……” *“他在赌桌上还不到一小时就把钱输光了。那笔钱可是他多年在矿工当奴工攒下的积蓄。” *“他上过学。女校长要求他奋发向上。他辍学之前,在校长的茶中吐了口水。” *“他总是长篇大论提供建议,很折磨人。他自己永远都讲不腻。” *“我知道他们在学院一定有个专有名词代称,这人说谎只为了好玩。也是习惯如此,更是想看看谎言造成的混乱。” *“他算不上好人,但绝对不止于落到这个下场。” *“他告诉小孩们,界外魔会趁他们熟睡时夺走他们的性命。” * “他永远有讲不完的笑话和谜语,是朋友间的开心果。” * “他这辈子有个伤口始终隐隐作痛,那伤口是把同伴脱离战斗现场时留下的。” * “他脑海中出现了一首快乐的歌曲,那首歌是在码头上学的。内容和鲸鱼与女人有关。真的挺幽默的。” * “他好饿。现在他想吃只鸡腿,再用顿沃威士忌把食物冲下肚。” * “他把小孩当做亲生骨肉养大,即使他知道实情并非如此。” * “他今晚多值一班。家里多了一个人要养。” * “他永远没办法变成有钱人,但他很诚实,甚至应该……算得上快乐?” ** ''"He will never be a rich man, but he is honest, and even, I think...happy?"'' * “他们要他说谎,但他拒绝了。” * “他就那么点吃的,但是还是分给了楼上的白发寡妇一些。” ** ''"He has so little to eat, but still he shares with the white haired widow upstairs."'' * “他总对她说好话,那个脾气很差的牙还掉光了的老奶奶。” ** ''"He always has a kind word for her, that toothless granny with the nasty temper."'' * “能找到个这么诚实的人,这真是件稀罕事。” ** ''"It is a rare thing...to find a man this honest."'' * “他让那两个人进来。给了他们有生以来第一个家。” ** ''"He took the two in. Gave them the first real home they'd ever known."'' * “他仍然相信公义,相信待人要公平。就算自己的经历如此乖~也没改变。” === 女性平民 === * “她告诉他们药太贵了。他们虚弱到都没有注意到她的靴子。” ** ''"She told them the medicine was too expensive. And they were too sick to notice her boots."'' * “她请求募捐来给孤儿买蛋糕,但她告诉他们的并不是真相。” ** ''"It wasn't true what she told them - that she was soliciting donations to buy cakes for the orphans."'' * “她把警告海报撕下来,就为了看看关于血蝇的事情是不是真的。” ** ''She took down the warning posters to see if it was true about the Bloodflies."'' * “她在他门上印上血淋淋的手印,然后通知官方自己的‘发现’。” ** ''"She placed bloody handprints on his door, and then notified the authorities of what she'd...found."'' * “她卖给他们的那头牛是病牛,身体里全是血蝇幼虫。她知道。” ** ''"The ox she sold them is sick. Riddled with bloodfly larvae. She knows it."'' * “她母亲打她。而她现在则用皮带打她自己年幼的孩子。” ** ''"Her mother beat her. Now she brings the strap down on her own young ones."'' * “她每个月一号都会走一趟债务人的监狱。如此就可以亲自挑选下一定假发要使用的真发。” * “那天是她的生日。她笑了笑,端起了酒杯。他们不知道她早就对酒做了手脚。” * “她现在完全被酒制约了。为了喝酒,最好的朋友都可以背叛。” * “在药剂师那,她趁没人注意,塞了一瓶万灵药到皮包里。” * “她告诉他们自己是医生,和开诊所使用昂贵仪器的医师一模一样。她表示自己能医好他们的儿子,收费一半即可,但要预先付款。” * “她趁水灾发了财。瘟疫也让她赚了一笔。她一定会再趁血蝇肆虐大发横财。” * “她和房东是一伙的。到现在为止,他们已经毁了四个家庭了。” * “他们从未怀疑那是她的杰作。校园恶作剧变成危险陷阱。” * “那个孩子信任她,她就是这样把那个孩子拐上船的。” ** ''"The child trusted her, that's how she was able to lure him onto the boat."'' * “这个女人实在太残忍了,她的心跟牙齿一样黑。” * “她把他绑在水刑椅上,看着他沉入水面,一只陈导海湾的底部。” * “她只要把解药给全额付费的人。其他人拿到的药剂都加了松节油稀释。” * “连她的小孩都知道不能相信她。她只在乎她自己。” * “她把狗丢出窗外。狗吠声太早就把她吵醒了。” * “她做了很多坏事。要进入她的内心,一一检查她的记忆。” * “结果她全拿去买金司令调酒了。” * “决斗前她给了他最后一个吻,并把手枪交到他的手中……那把枪里填的是灰。” ** ''"Before the duel she gave him one last kiss, and handed him the pistol - the one she had loaded with ash."'' * “他们两人都有份。但却是他被关入牢里。” * “眼泪是假的。只是为了博取同情和礼物而已。她从来没有真正关心过那个男孩。” * “她从一名正前往参加庆典的小孩那里偷走了一个漂亮的包裹。” * “她拿他的手臂熄灭雪茄,让他知道从今以后她说了算。” * “她还记得他的双眼,也记得那是幽暗月的事情。他求她饶命,跟她期待的一模一样。” * “不过是场舞会,她却把那名青少年打到耳朵出血。” * “来哀悼的人实在太过悲恸,竟然没人发现她从身故的妹妹手指上……” * “她会打妹妹,但她残忍的母亲也是这么对她,她耳濡目染之下把这……” * “他不断对父亲说谎中伤妹妹。他的滔天怒火最后便全发泄在那完全不知情的小孩身上。” * “她的母亲病得太重,无法开口说话。所以她会虐待母亲,因为她知道母亲根本无力跟人诉说。” * “可怜的人,只要敢反抗她,最后都会变成盲鳗的食物。” * “她在他的口袋里放了张栽赃的纸条,还喷了点香水,祈祷他的妻子晚点会发现。” * “这是她的第四段婚姻。她一直等到时机成熟,才下手毒死着任蠢蛋丈夫,跟她对付前三任的方式一模一样。” * “一步错,步步错。现在她已经和他们同流合污了。” * “她想起了自己的父亲。想起他的头被按入水中挣扎的样子。” * “她接到通知,父亲不久人世,希望能见见她。但她正忙着赌博。” * “她对他的决定很不满意。她会让她知道的,会用擀面杖来传达。” * “她最喜欢他们发现自己受骗的那一刻。他们突然了解到她说的没见识都是假的那一刻。” * “她在他枕头底下塞了猫头骨,并告诉督军他用女性手指制作符文。” * “她一直打断他们。她只在乎自己的意见。” ** ''"She interrupts them. The only opinion she cares about is her own."'' * “她说服自己她要做的事是他们罪有应得。” ** ''"She's convinced herself they deserve all the terrible things she's about to do." '' * “她告诉他们那时鲸鱼肉,但其实不是。” * “光想到她弟弟那晚发现遭她背叛的申请,她就觉得很得意。” * “她因为被解雇而生气,所以晚上再度出现,毒死了他们的山羊,一直都没放过。” * “她把他的身体塞进木箱,寄给他住在[[塔玛拉克]]的爱人。” * “她告诉督军,她怀疑自己的继女是女巫。她笑着看他们带走那可怜的女孩。” * “她告诉药剂师家里闹鼠害。晶莹的白色粉末。她会把那粉末加进汤里。” * “她欲意挑起两人之间的矛盾。说了许多谎,还含沙射影。” * “还没有人注意到:绝大多数的钱都直接进了她的口袋。” * “她告诉他们,自己当和事佬很在行,总能让各方达成共识。但她真正在行的,是在不知不觉的情况下骗走蠢蛋的钱。” * “她曾发誓要对他忠贞不二,但那已经是几百万年前的事了。而且那……” * “她挺喜欢这样的。儿子过世让她获得了许多关注。” * “她的小婴儿并不是发高烧死掉的。是她把小婴儿活活饿死。” * “就连她的小孩都知道不能相信她。她只在乎自己。” * “她告诉小孩们,那只是茶。他们睡着之后就被扔上了开往[[漠利]]的船。” * “这里没什么值得一提的……等等……她已经杀了两个人了……可是却还没有人起疑……” * “她告诉他们最好乖乖听话,因为皇家杀手最喜欢把不乖的小孩吃掉。” ** ''"She said they had better do as they were told, because the Crown Killer likes to eat naughty children."'' * “她整个炉床月都试图做些好事,但似乎没什么好处。” * “每天早上,她都以亲切的微笑迎人。就算衣服下伤痕累累也是一样。” * “小朋友夜里如果害怕,她会说说故事缓和他们的情绪,再给他们一点蜂蜜酒喝。” * “她具有冒险精神。一直渴望加入勇者的行列,前往潘迪西亚进行探索,但永远没办法。” * “她在建筑物倒塌前拖出了两名男子。浓烟呛人,再加上高温!那些困境让她生出一股莫名的力量。” * “她努力不让这个街区感染血蝇。她亲眼见过血蝇会人做什么。” ** ''"She tries to keep the block free from Bloodflies. She's seen firsthand what they can do to a person."'' * “小孩们躲在她身后。他们知道,她不会让那个男人伤害他们。噢,但是她付出了代价。” === 佣人 === * “她喂他们吃不新鲜的肉,灯他们觉得不舒服,再假装一副惊讶。” * “她告诉督军自己的弟弟是巫师。还给他们看一些自己匆匆在弟弟的日记里画下的魔咒。结果督军她弟弟逮捕了。” ** ''"She told the Overseers her brother was a witch. Even showed them some spells she had hastily scratched in his journal. They took him away."'' * “她交往过一位年轻人,但还没结婚他就过世了。她到现在还走不出伤痛。” === 男性贵族 === * “他付钱把之前的合伙人扔上一搜离开顿沃的[[捕鲸船]]。所有人都以为那人搬回[[库肯尼]](Caulkenny)了。” * “他把她的狗带到斗狗场,还安排狗儿参赛。下场当然就是被撕成碎片。” * “他很爱吹嘘自己的新发条战士曾在前院草地上,杀了一个跟踪狂。” * “每次晚上睡不着,他就会叫醒佣人来服侍他。” * “他告诉自己的女儿,如果再不听话,皇家杀手就会吃了她的鼻子。” * “他算了算发现,付钱买他们的命,比偿还巨额的债务还便宜。” * “他没想到一点钱就能让守卫对他的行为睁一只眼闭一只眼。他愿意付的价码可多多了。” * “有时候他会觉得很丢脸,自己大鱼大肉,但许多人要挨饿。他会带剩菜剩饭给下人,并坐在他们身边,一边看着他们吃,一边聊天。” * “他当然敢这么做。他脸上有抓痕,衬衫也扯破了。但他家势大,所以大家都睁一只眼闭一只眼。” * “他知道她想在晚餐的时候留下好印象。所以他在她的酒中下药,结果她头埋在马铃薯泥佐酱汁里面呼呼大睡。” * “他没参加自己父亲的葬礼,整个人沉溺于牌局之中。” === 女性贵族 === * “所有人都是她的玩物。死就死了,她只要一句话,一周内马上就能找到替补。” ** ''"They are her playthings. And when one inevitably dies, she but sends word and a replacement arrives within a week."'' * “她会雇佣长相较好的人。对她来说只是场游戏,而且她永远不会输。” * “她很了解毒药。曼陀罗、砒霜、马钱子都难不倒她。她也知道用多少剂量可以让症状看起来像心脏衰及或脑炎。” * “她用力扯住围巾,直到他僵硬不动为止。因为那麻脸小堂弟正打算把所有事情告诉校长。” * “他把肉罐头都给了那些小男孩,连长满蛆的也给了。” * “她嫉妒表亲学业表现出色,所以到处说他的文凭是买来的。” * “她基督表亲学业表现出色,所以到处说他的文凭是买来的。” * “她叫人解雇了新来的女裁缝,因为缝边还插着一根单针。” * “她禁止佣人离开房子,也不准他们辞职。永远不准。” * “她总是会找到理由扣掉他们一半薪水。就算必须亲手打破碗盘,也在所不惜。” * “她每晚固定鞭笞一名佣人,不管房子有没有打理好都一样。” * “她在弟弟的靴子里放了只蜘蛛,还默默祈祷蜘蛛有毒。” * “她爱戏弄那只失明的老狗,玩到无聊的话……就转而戏弄她年迈的阿姨。” * “自己请医生倒家里医治那名小女佣。费用不菲,也违背了母亲的意愿。” * “她并没有遵循父母的教诲殴打佣人。相反地,她都从面包店带美味的食物回来分享,也准时付薪水。” === 拒绝的时候 === * “她/他的秘密我都告诉你了。再问也没用。” * “关于这个女人/这个男人,我只知道这些。” * “关于她/他,没什么好说的了。没有值得一提的事。” * “这要求太过分了。” * “要是他还有其他秘密,我也一无所知。” === 最后的对白 === {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" |- ! colspan="2" | 低混 ! colspan="2" |高混 |- |艾米丽 |科尔沃 |艾米丽 |科尔沃 |- | | | * “放开我离开这个没有生命的容易,挣脱这个有毒的世界,然后囚禁黛利拉的灵魂。” “我绝对不会这么做,你是我的一切。” * “放我走。我在这个世界逗留太久了。你的手上沾满鲜血。” “我是为了你这么做!都是为了抱住你的王位、你留下的一切!” * “我的女儿,你走上了我敌人的道路。我爱你,但放手吧。” | |} == [[黛利拉·考伯斯朋|黛利拉]]的心脏 == === 多个环境 === * “贾思敏终于走了,云淡风轻。平静就是她的奖励。” ** ''"Jessamine is gone at last, faded into nothing. Her reward is peace."'' *“你永远都赢不回你在这里失去的。” ** ''"You will never gain back what you lost here."'' * “你现在孤身一人了。我是你唯一的亲人。” ** ''"You're alone now. I'm your only family."'' * “这是什么?我同父异母妹妹的心脏?她就只剩肉身了。” * “你只要拔刀,就形同杀了一部分的她。” * “我同时存在于两个不可思议的地方。” ** ''"I inhabit two impossible places at once."'' * “先是白骨监狱,再来是死肉监狱。” ** ''"A prison of dead flesh, after a prison of bones."'' * “虽然你会把我送回去,不过终究会死在我手上。” ** ''"You will take me back and die at my hands."'' * “他找上她,找上我们,时间是1831年。他说我,我们,可以扭转局势,拨乱反正。” ** ''"It was 1831 he came to her, to me, to us. Said I, we, could change it all, and make the world right."'' * “他的双眼黑如擦亮的黑玛瑙,在她身上烙下了印记。我也是。” ** ''"Eyes black as polished onyx as he marked her flesh. My flesh."'' * “我们身上有印记,是顿沃之刃的杰作。该死的道德,还躲在这世上某个角落苟延残喘。” ** ''"There are marks on our flesh. Made by the Knife of Dunwall. Cursed Daud, who hides in the world and breathes still."'' * “她看见你现在这幅德行,高兴得起来吗?” * “打从界外魔出生以来,世界就有裂缝。我们加以充分利用。你感觉得到裂缝吗?” ** ''"There are cracks in the world, from the Outsider's birth. And we draw from these fractures. Can you feel them?"'' * “贾思敏和我在顿沃塔玩过猜谜游戏。她没有一次不作弊。” ** ''"Jessamine and I played parlor games in Dunwall Tower. She cheated, every time."'' * “她找到他数千年前,于刀口和仪式下诞生的地方。” ** ''"She found the place where he was birthed by knife and ritual, thousands of years past."'' * “不久后,我就会作者新世界的美梦,一切都将改观。” ** ''"Soon I will dream the dream of a new world, and all will change."'' * “你休想拿回在这里失去的东西。” ** ''"You will never gain back what you lost here."'' * “带我去顿沃塔。带我回我心灵的牢笼。” * “黛利拉。最先听到我们召唤的是布里安娜。” ** ''"Delilah. Breanna was the first to hear our call."'' * “喔,好久好久以前,屋顶是我们的游乐园,墓园是我们的营地。我们会狠狠睡上一整天。” ** ''"Oh, so long ago, we ran across the rooftops, made campfires in the graveyard. Slept through the day."'' ** ''"It hurts to be so near. Take me closer!"'' ** ''"Take me there. Take me home. This separation must end!"'' ** ''"Point me at her!"'' ** ''"You must get near her!"'' ** ''"Oh, Delilah, no one loves you as I do."'' ** ''"This is a great wrongness. I must be one with the flesh."'' ** ''"Closer, closer!"'' ** ''"She feeds on the cracks in the world, this hallow shell with my face."'' ** ''"Without me you cannot kill her. With me, she will tear you to bits."'' ** ''"I, she, we walk and breath, but we are incomplete."'' ** ''"You're off the mark!"'' ** ''"You're too far away!"'' === [[艾米丽·考德温]] === * “你父亲就伫立在我皇宫觐见室,成了座冷冰冰的石雕。” ** ''"Your father stands in my throne room, a statue of cold stone."'' * “你确定他能恢复血肉之躯?或许在你有生之年他都这样子了。” ** ''"Are you sure he can be made flesh again? Maybe he'll be like this for all the years you have left."'' * “他爱你。即便现在我还能感觉到。这让我很愤怒。” ** ''"He loves you. I can feel it even now. It fills me with rage."'' * “伟大的皇家护卫。现在毫无希望,被打败了。” ** ''"The great and mighty Royal Protector. Helpless now, and beaten."'' * “可怜的小姑娘。以前可是女皇呢。” ** ''"Poor little girl. Once an empress."'' * “有六个人翻墙过来,将你从母亲尸体身边拖走。其中有两个人还在世。” ** ''"Six came over the walls and dragged you from your mother's corpse. Two are still alive."'' * “术士。我好奇他和你母亲还有什么秘密呢?” ** ''"A sorcerer. What other secrets did he and your mother keep, I wonder?"'' * “科尔沃·阿塔诺。贵族们总在他背后议论。” ** ''"Corvo Attano. The well-born always whispered behind his back."'' * “你任由自己遗忘母亲。你知道我母亲是怎么下葬的吗?是儿童用的棺材,她瘦巴巴的腿只得塞在身体下方,因为我没钱帮她安葬。我父亲却能安葬在皇家墓穴。” * “小朋友,你还是无法面对现实。你父亲本来是无名小卒。” * “我占据你母亲的心,身体则在你脆弱皇宫的大厅穿梭自如,在你的床上安寝。” * “我打算先偷走你那张脸,再偷走你的王位。你永远不会知道,当时我离成功多近。” ** ''"I plotted to steal your face, then your throne. You'll never know how close I came back then."'' * “结实的肩膀和粗壮的大腿,但是你并不想听到这些,是不是,小朋友。” ** ''"Muscled shoulders and thick thighs, but you don't want to hear that, do you, girl?"'' * “你父亲对你比我父亲对我好一些,但是他从心底里也还是个骗子。” ** ''"Your father was better to you than mine was to me, but he's still a liar at heart."'' * “他的刀落下了多少次?被击退了多少次?” ** ''"How many times has his blade fallen? How many times has it been repelled?"'' === [[科尔沃·阿塔诺]] === *“你永远不会知道艾米丽是不是你的亲生骨肉。” ** ''You'll never know if Emily is truly yours."'' * “她对你说了多少谎?或许她母亲在她耳边低语你并不是她的父亲。” ** ''"How many times has she lied to you? Maybe her mother whispered to her that you were not her father."'' * “她把心交给你,却被你扔进虚空之境。” * “我看穿你的你内心了。不过你没我想的那么疯狂。(低混)” ** ''"I see inside you. But you're not as twisted as I thought you'd be."'' * “护卫大人,你此生是和爱无缘了。” * “她爱着你,我甚至现在都还能感觉到。这让我愤怒。” ** ''"She loves you. I can feel it even now. It fills me with rage."'' * “我在想会不会像我父亲让我失望了那样,你也令她失望了。” ** ''"I wonder if you disappoint her as much as my father disappointed me."'' * “你女儿就伫立在我皇宫觐见室,成了座冷冰冰的石雕。” ** ''"The high and mighty Empress. As ineffectual in the throne room now as she was in life."'' * “艾米丽·考德温,永远都不确定谁才是她真的朋友。都是想讨便宜的人。” ** ''"Emily Kaldwin, never sure who her real friends were. All currying favour."'' * “我好奇在你看不见的时候,她会拿对年轻的求婚者怀曼(Wyman)怎么办。” ** ''"What did she do with her young suitor Wyman while your back was turned? I wonder."'' 靠近黛利拉的时候 * “如此接近,我的心好痛。让我再靠近一点!” ** ''"It hurts to be so near. Take me closer!"'' * “将我对准她!” ** ''"Point me at her!"'' * “哦,黛利拉,没人比我还爱你。” ** ''"Oh, Delilah, no one loves you as I do."'' * “带我去。带我回家。我们分开得够久了!” ** ''"Take me there. Take me home. This separation must end!"'' * “你得再离她近一点!” ** ''"You must get near her!"'' ** ''"This is a great wrongness. I must be one with the flesh."'' ** ''"Closer, closer!"'' ** ''"She feeds on the cracks in the world, this hallow shell with my face."'' ** ''"Without me you cannot kill her. With me, she will tear you to bits."'' ** ''"I, she, we walk and breath, but we are incomplete."'' ** ''"You're off the mark!"'' ** ''"You're too far away!"'' == 趣闻轶事 == * 《耻辱2》官方繁中字幕中掉字现象: ** 工人:“他牙齿~黑,牙龈溃烂。” ** 大卫队男性军官:“没人会想起那两个老家伙。他把他们~在裁缝室的墙壁间 ** 女巫:“在女巫团的面前,她事不过是一名小贼,但她还是按~不住。” ** 女巫:“她费尽心思维持本性,不让家人蒙羞,不辜负家里的~~教诲……” ** 女战嚎:“她最喜欢装成一副柔弱腼~的样子 ** 女性贵族:“自己请医生倒家里医治那名小女佣。费用不~,也违背了母亲的意愿。” ** 女性贵族:“她每晚固定鞭~一名佣人。” ** 黛利拉的心脏:“他的双眼黑如擦亮的黑玛~,在她身上烙下了印记。我也是。” [[en:The Heart/Quotes (Dishonored 2)]] [[Category:Characters]] [[Category:Quotes]]
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