这篇文章是关于【布里格莫尔女巫团】,你在寻找的可能是【 布莱格摩尔女巫(DLC)】。
布里格莫尔女巫(The Brigmore Witches)是位于顿沃城的一个女巫团,占据了已经废弃的布莱格摩尔庄园。关于她们的信息知之甚少,据说她们都有着强大的黑魔法,其中肯定有人跟界外魔有关联。
她们对于捕鲸人呈敌对状态。她们的领袖黛利拉·考伯斯朋(Delilah Copperspoon)指引督军去攻击了捕鲸人的基地,试图杀掉Daud。女巫团也是《耻辱1》最后一个DLC《布莱格摩尔女巫》中的主要敌人。
包括布里安娜·艾许沃斯(Breanna Ashworth)在内的一些布莱格摩尔的女巫在《耻辱2》中重返黛利拉的身边组成了新的女巫团。
- “今晚我们要去看黛利拉夫人画画吗?”
- "Are we to watch Lady Delilah paint tonight?"
- “有个我亲爱的姐妹擅离职守了。”(当发现有个同伴不见了的时候)
- "One of my dear sisters has wandered away from here." (when noticing a companion is missing)
- “应该有人在这里的。我会留意我们的敌人。”(当发现有个同伴不见了的时候)
- “Someone should be here. I'll watch for our enemies.” (when noticing a companion is missing)
- “你这个礼拜又酿造万能药了?”
- "Are you brewing the elixir again this week?"
- “你之后跟我们一起去游泳吗?”
- "Will you join us for a swim later?"
- “我在想是不是就她一个人会放牙齿在我的枕头下面。今晚我会闭着眼睛装睡的。”
- “I wonder if she's the one who's been putting teeth under my pillow. Tonight I'll close my eyes and pretend to sleep.”
- “我只是拿走了而已。我的姐妹才不需要这玩意儿。这个正好适合我。”
- “It's only right that I took it. My sister had no need of such a thing. It was rightfully mine.”
- “我会在晚上再帮她梳头。明晚还有一次。之后在第三次的时候我就会把针插入她的喉咙。”【撕逼大戏】
- “I will comb her hair again in the evening. And another time on the following night. Then on the third I'll put a needle to her throat.”
- “新来的那个姐妹安顿好了吗?我好奇她会留下来吗?”
- “Is the new sister settled in yet? Will she last, I wonder?”
- “你觉得黛利拉夫人偏爱我吗?她注意到我了吗?”
- “Does Lady Delilah favor me, do you think? Has she mentioned me?”
- “这地方总是这么潮湿。我爸妈都住在干燥的房子里。这儿太湿冷了。”
- “This place is always so wet. My mother and father kept a dry house. So clammy here.”
- “你会很快就要离开这里吗,还是其他理由留下来?”
- “Will we leave this place soon or stay for another season?”
- “什么时候我才能找到一颗血牛心,现在所有的农民都死于这场瘟疫了吗?”
- "Where can I find the heart of a bloodox, now that all the farmers are dead from the plague?"
- “有人在这里徘徊,亲爱的。有人不应该到这里来。”(当发现有个同伴不见了的时候)
- "Someone is prowling, my love. Someone who's not supposed to be here." (when noticing a companion is missing)
- “这还有其他人,我知道的。”(当发现有个同伴不见了的时候)
- "There is someone here. I know it." (when noticing a companion is missing)
- “我们不得不离开水淹区。这毫无疑问。之后是仓库。我们在这庄园会呆多久?呆多久……”
- "Had to leave the Flooded District, we did. For sure. Then the warehouse. How long will we stay at the manor? How long..."
- “今晚黛利拉夫人会给我们弄兔子吃吗?”
- "Will Lady Delilah feast us with a brace of rabbits tonight?"
- “不,不,,这是一管水银和三枚帝雀羽毛。再也没其他办法了。”
- "No, no, it's one thimble of quick-silver and three kingsparrow feathers. Never the other way 'round."
- “观察他的影子,听着他鞋跟的声音。他就再这里,我告诉你。”
- "Watch for his shadow. Listen for the heels of his boots. He is here, I tell you."
- “我明天要穿一双新靴子。这双已经磨薄了,我感觉到了脚趾疼。”
- "I'll start a new pair a boots tomorrow. These are worn down and I feel a draft on my toes."
- “拜托,我都挺烦了。”
- "Please. I'm sick of hearing about it."
- “对,当然了,亲爱的。”
- "Yes, of course, my love."
- “真的,姐姐,你应该想点什么更重要的事情。”
- "Really, sister. You ought to have your mind on more important things."
- “我希望我知道。”
- "I wish I knew."
- “这概率很小的。”
- "There's little chance of that."
- “哦,对,亲爱的。哦, 对。”
- "Oh, yes, my dear. Oh, yes."
- “让我看看,你藏哪里了?”
- "Let me see, where could you be?"
- “要彻底检查。我们必须万无一失。”
- "Be thorough. We must make sure."
- “哦,我会找到你的!”
- "Oh, I'll find you!"
- “出来,出来,不管你在哪儿…”
- "Come out, come out, wherever you are..."
- “我们知道你在这儿,混蛋。”
- "We know you're here, you skullwug!"
- “如果你出来,我有东西给你。”
- "If you come out I have a present for you."
- “你肯定被吓坏了。出来,小蛤蟆。”
- "You must be frightened. Show yourself, little toad."
- “出来,亲爱的,这没用的。”
- "Come out, dear. It's no use."
- “让我找到你就有你好果子吃了。”
- "You're going to suffer when I find you."
- “有人在这里徘徊,亲爱的。有人不应该到这里来。”
- “Someone is prowling, my love. Someone who's not supposed to be here.”
- “有人在这儿,我知道。”
- "There is someone here. I know it."
- “哦,不!”
- "Oh, no!"
- “虚空之名!”
- "By the Void!"
- “滚吧,滚吧,就这样滚吧。”(当敌人逃脱时)
- "Gone, gone. Just like that." (when enemy escapes)
- “狡猾的家伙,但是下次在遇见你我要把你撕碎。”(当敌人逃脱时)
- "Cunning, but we'll meet again and I'll pull out your veins." (when enemy escapes)
- “滚吧,滚,滚开。我们只是想玩玩。”(当敌人逃脱时)
- "Gone, gone, gone away. And we only wanted to play." (when enemy escapes)
- “醒醒,笨蛋。”(当发现无意识的挺尸时)
- "Wake up, you fool." (when finding unconscious body)
- “我奇怪是谁?”
- "And who might this be, I wonder?"
- “你在哪儿?”
- "Where are you?!"
- “出来,现在!我要挖了你的眼睛。”
- "Come out, now! I'll have your eyes."
- “拿下他,姐妹们。”
- "Bring him down, sisters!"
- “包围他!”
- "Get around him!"
- “这儿有个你的朋友!”(召唤血荆棘的时候)
- "Here's a friend for you!" (when summoning a blood briar)
- “我从虚空中召唤你!”(召唤血荆棘的时候)
- "I call you from the Void!" (when summoning a blood briar)
- “我们会让你生不如死,小蟾蜍。”
- "We will make you suffer, little toad."
- “你的血是我们的!”
- "Your blood will be ours!"
- “你的血做糖会很棒。”
- "Your blood will make a fine soup."
- “帮帮我!这儿有个陌生人!”
- "Help me! A stranger is among us!"
- “今晚我们要把你吊树上!”
- "We'll hang you from a tree tonight!"
- “我要用丝线串起你的牙。”【这是不是就是在其他女巫枕头下放牙的那位?】
- "I will put your teeth on a silk thread."
- “今晚我们要把你焚烧殆尽。”
- "Tonight we'll burn you to ashes."
- “我要用膝盖厥弯你!”
- "I will bend you across my knee!"
- “我要用你的内脏来作占卜!”
- "I'll read signs from your guts!"
- “死战到底!”
- "To the Void with you!"
- “姐妹们,帮帮我!”
- "Sisters, help me!"
- “倒地吧,亲爱的!”
- "Lay down, my love!"
- “打倒他!”
- "Strike at him!"
- “他很聪明。”
- "He's clever."
- “小心!”
- "Watch out!"
- “祝福我们!”
- "Bleed for us!"
- “决一死战!”
- "Fall and die!"
- “啊哈!”
- "Ha-HA!"
- “去死!”
- "Die!"
- “我要吃了你的心,你这混蛋!”
- "I'll eat your heart, you scamp!"
- “捅他!”
- "Stab at him!"
- “什么都没有。另外一个鬼魂的恶作剧。”
- "Nothing then. Another spirit playing mischief."
- 当解除战斗的时候,女巫们会恢复人类肤色。但是一旦进入战斗,她的皮肤就会变成植物一样绿油油的。当女巫被打败的时候,她的肤色又会恢复成正常颜色。
- 耻辱1中,安东·索科洛夫的一张字条提到金钱猫要他做女巫雕像。
- 水淹区任务中老科被关的那个楼里的一张字条也提到了这群女巫们。
- 为了侍奉黛利拉,布莱格摩尔的女巫们都对Daud特别感兴趣;在顿沃之刃中黛利拉声称“放过Daud是出于她姐妹们的考虑”,在布莱格摩尔庄园日晷附近的两个女巫说其他姐妹们一谈论到Daud就带着惊叹敬畏的神色,“像一群学校里的傻姑娘”。
- 哈维·史密斯说,布莱格摩尔女巫是“各种各样的人,全都是靠着黛利拉的奥术连接能力召集在一起的”,各种年龄段都有,来自不同的文化背景和社会经济阶层[1]。
- 最早只是黛利拉一个人,之后是一个叫布里安娜(Breanna)的追随黛利拉,她俩四处游荡、疯狂又自由。之后是其他人[1]。
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 总监评论——布莱格摩尔女巫,2015年8月4日
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科尔沃·阿塔诺 • 守卫官索普 • 哈姆里克下士 • 二等兵莫里斯 • 阿诺德·提姆什 • 卢卡斯·彭罗 • 杰罗姆 • 吝啬鬼 • 裁缝 • 马格特·蒙田 • 皮特 • 督军普拉德克利夫 • 里纳尔多 |
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