寒脊監獄(Coldridge Prison)是遊戲《冤罪殺機》主線第一個任務和其DLC《布里格莫爾女巫》主線第一個任務的所在地。
在《冤罪殺機》中,科爾沃·阿塔諾(Corvo Attano)因被篡權者海勒姆·伯羅斯(Hiram Burrows)誣陷殺害女皇賈思敏·考德溫(Jessamine Kaldwin)而蒙冤入獄,他必須要逃離此地。而在《布里格莫爾女巫》中,道德(Daud)需要潛入監獄,救出被關押在這裡的死鰻幫首領莉齊·斯特萊德(Lizzy Stride)。
此外,監獄中還新增了幾名帽客幫成員和平民囚犯,根據道德之前的所作所為,阿諾德·提姆什(Arnold Timsh)也有可能成為犯人的一員。監獄外的擴音器還播放著督軍音樂盒的音樂。審訊室也因為對一名叫梅琳娜(Melina)的布里格莫爾女巫的審訊而發生了翻天覆地的變化。
在漫畫《冤罪殺機:沃姆伍德騙局》中,瑪莎·柯汀斯(Martha Cottings)曾來到過寒脊監獄的異端牢房,提審被關押在這裡的愛斯梅拉達·達金斯(Esmeralda Duggins)。
- 在「冤罪殺機」任務中,可以從科爾沃牢房裡的窗戶看到監獄的刑場,但是只有等到道德在「莉齊的緩刑」任務時才能探索該區域,而且設計還出現了幾處改動。刑場的外牆增加了額外的建築和管道,為進出監獄提供了另外一條途徑。
- 刑場的門也像其他門一樣可以被打開,但是無法穿過,因為牆的另一面沒有門。
Concept art of the prison exterior.
Concept art of Coldridge Prison.
An image of the interior of Coldridge Prison.
The broken door at Coldridge Prison.
Render and texture of a hose found in the prison.
Coldridge Prison exterior.
The bridge leading to Coldridge Prison.
The bridge and the prison.
View of the bridge from up high.
Prison entrance from Dunwall Tower.
The execution yard on the morning of Corvo's escape.
Another angle of the prison yard.
Graffiti inside of cell B1
More graffiti inside cells
Coldridge Prison interior.
The door leading to the interrogation room.
The interrogation room, alternate view.
Implements used on the prisoners.
Hackworth and another Lower Watch Guards conversing in the prison yard.
Coldridge prison main gate.
The exterior of Coldridge Prison after the gate has been destroyed.
Coldridge exterior/entrance as seen from sewer entrance.
Coldridge Prison and Dunwall Tower from afar.
Coldridge at night from afar.
Coldridge Prison exterior at night.
Guards fighting an inmate at Coldridge Prison.
View of Coldridge from the dry side of the dam.
Coldridge front entrance at night.
The execution yard during the day.
The execution yard at night.
Execution yard and observing area.
An Officer executes guards in the execution yard.
Security door and bulletin board.
Guards talking outside the cell blocks.
Two guards converse in Coldridge Prison.
Guard booth and outer door control.
Section B closed after Corvo's escape.
The yard as it appears in The Brigmore Witches.
The prison yard from up high.
The Cell Control System at Coldridge Prison.
Area between the yard and the interrogation room.
The ruined interrogation room.
Guard booth between sections C and D.
Cell block D, first floor.
A crate in Coldridge Prison with seized items.
The Royal Protector's Commendation Medal.