大皇宫(Grand Palace)位于卡纳卡阿比尔角(Point Abele)最尖端,是索科诺斯大公爵的住所。卢卡·阿比尔(Luca Abele)公爵继位以后,将原有的公爵府彻底推倒重建,期间旧宅里的所有的艺术作品和珍宝皆数尽毁[1]。
大皇宫是《耻辱2》主线中的第八个任务所在地,艾米丽·考德温或者科尔沃·阿塔诺要找到黛利拉的灵魂(Delilah)并解决卢卡公爵。大皇宫所在岛可以通过铁轨车或者坐船上岛,但是两边的车站和私人码头都有重兵把守。拉维纳大道(Ravina Boulevard)也是守卫森严。一道光之壁将城市和大皇宫隔离开来。
Concept art of Luca's chambers
A view of the palace from its rail car station.
A rail car station close to the Grand Palace which is visible in the background.
A terrace in the back of the palace.
Another terrace in the back.
The balcony of Luca's chambers.
A terrace near the outer vault entrance.
A terrace on the side, near the river.
A terrace on the second floor.
The balcony above the main entrance.
The main room on the ground floor.
Another perspective on the main room.
Another room of Delilah's quarters.
Luca in the study above his bedroom
A map of the Grand Palace.