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Windblast is a supernatural ability that creates gusts of wind which can be used as an offensive attack to damage or knock enemies off their feet. This ability can be used in a number of ways, from smashing doors to pushing an enemy off a roof, so that he plummets to his death.

Ability Tiers

Tier I - (3 runes)

With tier one Windblast, Corvo Attano has the ability to push people and objects backwards; he is also able to smash open locked wooden doors.

Tier II - (4 runes)

With tier two Windblast, Corvo has the ability to slam enemies into nearby walls or objects with lethal force.


  • Try to blow objects towards enemies or vice versa. The ability itself provides minimum damage without utilising the environment. Alternatively, throw them off ledges or into water.
  • This ability can be used to reflect any projectiles.
  •  Level 2 Windblast will enable the player to kill foes that are thrown back against objects, making the power extremely useful for crowd control.
  • One blast is enough to destroy a swarm of rats and is one of the best ways to deal with them.
