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A late entry into the Empire, the Morley Insurrection is still a sore point for many natives, and independence is a proud character trait among the people. A late entry into the Empire, the Morley Insurrection is still a sore point for many natives, and independence is a proud character trait among the people.

-The Isle of Morley

Having arrested Lilika and brought her back to Dunwall for imprisonment in Coldridge Prison, the Runners report in to Magistrate Cathmore about their excursion to the countryside. Cathmore will inform the Runners that the Empress Jessamine Kaldwin has personally requested that the Runners provide close protection of a diplomat visiting from Morley, citing the Runners' previous run-in with the Alban Brotherhood. The Black Friar has been commendeered to serve as the diplomat's residence during their stay in Dunwall.

The diplomat has come to the city regarding the members of the Alban Brotherhood currently being held as prisoners, the King of Morley is hoping to get either an Imperial Pardon for the men or at least have them transferred to a Morley prison. Problem is that the men have been sentanced to death for treason and if their execution goes ahead it could stir up civil unrest in Morley. If the men die then the Brotherhood will see them as martyars and some Gristolian nobles would like to see greater Imperial role over Morley, thus providing at least two groups not wishing to see the diplomat succeeed.
