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"She'll be a sly one, hawking her cobbled bits of bones like a merchant hawking
Corrupted Charm
his wares. Fools she'll seek to make of the lot of you! In circles she shalt lead,
all the way to the Far Contentiant you shalt go!"
-Oracle Evelyn Grimes, Oracular Order.

Lilika is a character mentioned in the book Corrupted Charms.

In Dishonored[]

Not only does Lilika get mentioned in the Corrupted Charms, she also gets mentioned in the book Warning on Corrupted Charms as well as Cobbled Bits of Bone.

She brought bonecharms and other pieces of whalebone, broke them apart and crafted them into corrupted charms. These charms imparred benefits upon whoever wore them, though it came at a cost.

She is believed to have lived in Karnaca, Serkonos.

Tresh Street Runners[]

In my Tresh Street Runners RP campaign will make an appearance as a villian, though I'll be making Lilika into a fully fledge character.

  • She'll be one of those who carries the Outsider's Mark, this is the justification for her being able to craft corrupted charms.
  • She'll be trying to smuggle the charms into Dunwall via the aid of some smugglers.
  • To be able to craft the charms she needs to take something from a few victims.
  • Her ultimate goal is to further her powers, this includes gathering artefacts and then eventually travelling to the Pandyssian Continent.
  • Both the Overseers and the Serkonos Grand Guard are after her.