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Dishonored 2 Conservatory

A hall in the conservatory.

The Royal Conservatory of Karnaca is a location in Dishonored 2, near Cyria Gardens.[1] It was inaugurated in 1819.[2] As of 1852, it currently houses an exhibition dedicated to Esmond Roseburrow, though it is closed to the public.

Either Corvo Attano or Emily Kaldwin must eliminate Breanna Ashworth, an associate of Delilah Copperspoon, within the conservatory.[3]


After Delilah's return, Curator Breanna Ashworth closed the Conservatory to the public, citing a mite infestation as the reason. In truth, the Conservatory housed the witches of Delilah's coven and was also used for Delilah's plans.

With help from Kirin Jindosh, Breanna created the Oraculum, a device that allowed the witches to manipulate the prophecies of the Sisters of the Oracular Order, allowing Delilah to create prophecies in her favor.


  • Emily claims that she always wanted to visit the Conservatory with Wyman.


